Which of the following is NOT considered plagiarism?
A. Unacknowledged and/or unauthorized collaboration in submitted course work
B. Copying words or ideas from a source without appropriate attribution
C. Rewording someone else's ideas, and then citing the source of ideas. Correct
D. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
How does a student register a proctor for a course with a required proctored exam?
A. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to the Instructor for the course.
B. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to Student Services
C. Request that the proctor contact Student Services.
D. Click on "add a proctor" link, next to the course Correct
Which of the following statements is true about a "proctor" for exam-taking:
A. All University of the People courses require students to take a proctored final exam.
B. University of the People students are responsible for finding their own exam proctor
C. An exam proctor can be a relative of the student, as long as they hold a professional position.
D. An exam proctor must be over 18 years of age.
Where should students go for information about their degree program, how many credits they need to graduate, how many credits each course is, etc.?
A. Students should ask their instructors these questions.
B. Students should contact Student Services to ask these questions.
C. Students should visit the Course Catalog to find answers to these questions.
D. Students should call Technical Support for help with these questions.
True or False: Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation could result in dismissal from the University of the People.
Find the answer to the following question (hint: "Student Portal"): When can a student drop a course without academic penalty?
A. During the first week of the course session
B. Anytime within the first two weeks of the course session.
C. Within 5 days of the beginning of the course.
D. A student will always receive an academic penalty when dropping a course after it has begun.
The "domains" from Bloom's Taxonomy can be thought of as:
A. Land governed by a ruler
B. Categories, kinds or sorts
C. An open set containing at least one point
D. Surroundings
Students who take ownership of their learning often become:
A. Turned off by the learning process
B. Stronger students, academically-speaking
C. Less motivated
D. All of the above
Find the academic calendar, and then answer: How many days after the end of the course are the final grades published?
A. 12 days
B. 7 days Correct
C. 14 days
D. 3 days
Where can students find out when course registration will be open?
A. From Student Services.
B. Registration is always open
C. From the Instructor
D. In the Academic Calendar
Learning collaboratively (in groups) gives students an opportunity to gain additional perspectives.
Peer and self-assessments help a student to develop the ability to make judgments.
Globalization course?
A. SOC1502
B. SOC1402
C. SOC1504
D. No prerequisites for this course
Find the answer to the following question: Where should students go to find out if they are allowed to appeal their final grade in a course?
A. Students should start with Student Services for support on this question.
B. Students should consult the University Catalog to find the answer to this question
C. Students should begin with their Academic Advisor to ask this question.
D. Students should contact technical support to ask this question.
Which of the following tasks requires critical thinking skills:
A. Perform well on trivia games
B. Memorization of information
C. identify, construct and evaluate arguments
D. Recite poetry
The University Catalog has a lot of very important information in it, and is basically a student's guide to the University. Where can students find a copy of the University Catalog to print out and refer to regularly?
A. They should ask their Academic Advisor to email them a copy of the University Catalog.
B. They should find it in the Student Portal, on the right-hand side of the page, under "Links," and can open and print it from there.
C. They should find it on their student home page, (where their courses are listed), as a tab at the top of the page, and can open and print it from there.
D. Both b and c are correct ways for students to access the University Catalog.
Find the answer to the following question (hint: "Student Portal"): How does a student register a proctor for a course with a required proctored exam?
A. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to the Instructor for the course.
B. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to Student Services
C. Request that the proctor contact Student Services.
D. Click on "add a proctor" link, next to the course.
If a question asks you to make an "evaluation" or something, you should:
A. Make an appraisal of its worth or value
B. Investigate its implications
C. Describe its main aspects
D. Summarize its main points
Students must take a total of ____ proctored exams to gain their Bachelor's Degree.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 8
D. 11
In Bloom's Taxonomy "cognitive" refers to:
A. Emotional growth
B. Physical skills
C. Developing opinions
D. Acquiring knowledge
Find the answer to the following question (hint: "Student Portal"): Which of the following statements is true about a "proctor" for exam-taking?:
A. All University of the People courses require students to take a proctored final exam.
B. University of the People students are responsible for finding their own exam proctor.
C. An exam proctor can be a relative of the student, as long as they hold a professional position.
D. An exam proctor must be over 18 years of age.
True or False: If the "5 Whys" technique doesn't prompt an intuitive answer, then it is advisable to move onto another problem-solving method.
Successful discussion forums require that students clearly understand the question(s) presented and are able to suggest interesting solutions and/or additional problems?
Where should students go for information about their degree program, how many credits they need to graduate, how many credits each course is, etc.?
A. Students should ask their instructors these questions.
B. Students should contact Student Services to ask these questions.
C. Students should visit the Course Catalog to find answers to these questions
D. Students should call Technical Support for help with these questions.
In researching online, what questions should you be asking about the URL of a website in order to deem its appropriateness, reliability, and objectivity?
A. Source? Server? Country code?
B. Personal page? Domain? Publisher?
C. Length? Characters? Corporate owned?
D. None of the above Incorrect
Find the answer to the following question (hint: "Student Portal"): A student can request a Leave of Absence to begin when:
A. The following week after submitting the request.
B. Only during designated vacation times.
C. Two weeks after submitting the request.
D. The first day of the following term.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning can be thought of as "goals of the learning process."
All of UoPeople's course exams require a proctor.
Find the answer to the following question: Where can students find their GPA and number of credits taken?
A. the University Catalog
B. Personal Information tab, in the Student Portal
C. Academic History tab, in the Student Portal
D. Enrollment tab, in the Student Portal
Find the answer to the following question: Where can students find their student ID numbers?
A. from Student Services
B. In the "Personal Information" tab of the Student Portal
C. From their Academic Advisor
D. They can make one up, if they were not assigned one
Find the answer to this question: Which of the following classes are not offered in the Computer Science program?
A. Web Programming 1
B. Databases 1
C. Web Metrics
D. Analysis of Algorithms
Find the answer to the following question: Full-time, degree-seeking students can take how many courses per term?
A. Four courses per term
B. No less than three courses per term
C. two-three courses per term
D. recommended: no more than one course per term is advisable
Find the answer to the following question: Where should students go for information about their degree program, how many credits they need to graduate, how many credits each course is, etc.?
A. Students should visit the University Catalog to find answers to these questions.
B. Students should contact Student Services to ask these questions.
C. Students should ask their Instructors these questions.
D. Students should call Technical Support for help with these questions.
Which of the following is an example of intrinsic motivation?
A. Receiving an "A" on a test
B. Learning a new skill so that you can use it on a project you are excited to tackle in your workplace
C. Receiving a financial "bonus" at work
D. Achieving the "Employee of the month" designation and praise at work
Understanding the motivation a person has to do something because it is inherently interesting to them is characterized by which theory?
A. Internal Motivational theory
B. Extrinsic Motivational theory
C. Self-determination theory Correct
D. Self-entitlement theory
A self-directed learner is characterized by which of the following?
A. Has self-confidence
B. Studies primarily when a test is approaching
C. Prefers to attend large, lecture-based classes
D. Does not care about keeping to a schedule
Extrinsic motivation is a stronger influence than intrinsic motivation.
The Mapping Method for note-taking is most effectively used in which type of situation?
A. When content is very heavy, but well organized
B. When material is presented in an outline sequential order
C. When the exam you are studying for will present both facts and relationships
D. When you are learning about a topic that you don't know
SQ3R stands for what?
A. Study! Question! Review! Read-over! Review again!
B. Survey! Question! Read! Recite! Review!
C. Study! Query! Read! Review! Review!
D. Survey! Query! Read! Recite! Review!
Taking a walk can really help you to relax and reduce your stress after a difficult day.
True or False: Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation could result in dismissal from the University of the People.
If you have a larger task to accomplish, it is recommended to wait until you have an entire day to dedicate to it before getting started.
Making jokes about a stressful situation only makes it worse.
The Cornell Method for note-taking involves which of the following?
A. Drawing a diagram that maps out the information in a more visual pattern
B. Writing the terms over and over again for repetitious learning
C. Organizing the information into categories in a chart-format
D. Placing key words in the left-hand side margin of the paper
It is recommended that you should check your e-mail inbox constantly throughout the day in order to stay on top of the mail flow.
How does a student register a proctor for a course with a required proctored exam?
A. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to the Instructor for the course.
B. Email the selected proctor's name and contact information to Student Services
C. Request that the proctor contact Student Services.
D. Click on "add a proctor" link, next to the course
In order to alleviate stress, one should eliminate the words: "always," "never," "should," and "must."
Sleeping more than usual is a good way to deal with stress, because your body should rest more when you are dealing with a lot of stress.
True or False: Cramming before an exam can be a very effective way to learn new material.
A study plan should involve examining conflicting priorities in your life.
Where should students go for information about their degree program, how many credits they need to graduate, how many credits each course is, etc.?
A. Students should ask their instructors these questions.
B. Students should contact Student Services to ask these questions.
C. Students should visit the Course Catalog to find answers to these questions.
D. Students should call Technical Support for help with these questions.
The Charting Method for note-taking is most effectively used in which type of situation?
A. When the information focus is on facts and relationships
B. In a fast-paced lecture only, when there is a lot of heavy information that is presented quicly and without pause
C. For brainstorming for new information on a topic
D. For math problems
Which of the following is NOT considered plagiarism:
A. Unacknowledged and/or unauthorized collaboration in submitted course work
B. Copying words or ideas from a source without appropriate attribution
C. Rewording someone else's ideas, and then citing the source of ideas.
D. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
Which of the following statements is true about a "proctor" for exam-taking:
A. All University of the People courses require students to take a proctored final exam.
B. University of the People students are responsible for finding their own exam proctor
C. An exam proctor can be a relative of the student, as long as they hold a professional position.
D. An exam proctor must be over 18 years of age.
Forgiving others helps to reduce our personal stress.
The "F.A.T" system for organizing mail on your desk stands for: File, Act, Toss.
A "time stealer" is someone who steals clocks and wristwatches.
It is recommended that you should check your e-mail inbox constantly throughout the day in order to stay on top of the mail flow.
If you have a larger task to accomplish, it is recommended to wait until you have an entire day to dedicate to it before getting started.
Sleeping more than usual is a good way to deal with stress, because your body should rest more when you are dealing with a lot of stress.
In order to alleviate stress, one should eliminate the words: "always," "never," "should," and "must."
Making jokes about a stressful situation only makes it worse.
A study plan should involve examining conflicting priorities in your life.
Which of the following tasks requires critical thinking skills:
A. Perform well on trivia games
B. Identify the relevance and importance of ideas
C. Memorize information quickly
D. Recite poetry
Which of the following is a technique for brainstorming new ideas by asking a lot of questions?
A. starbursting
B. spider-webbing
C. firesparking
D. star-brighting
True or False: In a "root cause analysis" you only diagnose the cause of the issue, but do not suggest possible solutions.
True or False: The Ladder of Inference helps us to stop ourselves from jumping to conclusions about situations.
The Cornell Method for note-taking involves which of the following?
A. Drawing a diagram that maps out the information in a more visual pattern
B. Writing the terms over and over again for repetitious learning
C. Organizing the information into categories in a chart-format
D. Placing key words in the left-hand side margin of the paper
The Charting Method for note-taking is most effectively used in which type of situation?
A. When the information focus is on facts and relationships
B. In a fast-paced lecture only, when there is a lot of heavy information that is presented quicly and without pause
C. For brainstorming for new information on a topic
D. For math problems
The Mapping Method for note-taking is most effectively used in which type of situation?
A. When content is very heavy, but well organized
B. When material is presented in an outline sequential order
C. When the exam you are studying for will present both facts and relationships
D. When you are learning about a topic that you don't know
True or False: Cramming before an exam can be a very effective way to learn new material.
True or False: Developing independent thought involves watching the nightly news to get all of your information.
S.M.A.R.T." goals are characterized by which aspects:
A. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound
B. Significant, Meaningful, Action-oriented, Rewarding, Trackable
C. Both "a" and "b" Correct
D. None of the above
Which of the following is true about goal-setting?
A. It's a waste of time, because most people never accomplish their goals.
B. It's a practice reserved primarily for career-minded people.
C. It's a method of separating what's important from what's
D. None of the above.
Stephen Covey's seven habits of effectiveness are based on the concept of guiding us through the stages of:
A. success
B. Personal meditation
C. Character development
D. Acceptance of our weaknesses
Bloom's Taxonomy is based on which three domains of learning:
A. Knowledge acquisition, applied thinking, and conceptual integration
B. basic, advanced, and evolved
C. visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
D. cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
Asynchronous discussions are those which:
A. Students can participate in any time
B. Allow students to think about their answers before responding
C. both "a" and "b" Correct
D. None of the above
When answering a question for the discussion forum or another assignment, you want to pay close attention to which types of words to ensure that you are answering it accurately:
A. task, content, and limiting
B. directional, clarity, and mechanical
C. description, clarifying, and numerical
D. None of the above
One of the recognized benefits of peer review is:
A. Peer feedback is often more timely than teacher feedback
B. Peer feedback is much less critical than teacher feedback, which results in higher grades.
C. Peer feedback provides an opportunity to get to know your peers better
D. None of the above
The Higher Education Act of 2008 attempts to improve academic integrity in online courses through:
A. prevention
B. compliance
C. intervention
D. None of the above
Which of the following is a method for student authentication in an online university:
A. Checking security questions
B. Proctored exams
C. Retinal scans
D. call-in codes
Which of the following statements is true about giving peer feedback:
A. It can help students to be more effective with producing their own work, because they see other ways to produce it effectively and they become more familiar with the grading criteria.
B. It is an unfair process because most students are too lazy to do it.
C. It decreases self-confidence in students because they are always comparing their work to that of their peers.
D. None of the above
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