How much do you know the Oriente Express?

A mysterious train interior, featuring elegant decor with vintage style, dim lighting, and shadows suggesting intrigue, with hints of a murder mystery atmosphere.

Test Your Knowledge of the Orient Express

Embark on a thrilling journey through the mysterious world of the Orient Express! This quiz will challenge your memory and knowledge of the events surrounding the famous murder mystery. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Agatha Christie's work or simply curious about the tale, there's something here for everyone!

  • 10 intriguing questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Test your observation skills
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by WhisperingMist25
Where did you last see Ratchett, Piere Michel?
Entering the dining room
Entering Mr. Mac Queen's room
In his compartment
Talking to Inspector Poirot
Who was Ratchett's secretary the night of the murder?
With Mr. Hubbard
Coronel Arbuthnot
Whom does ratchett's servant suspect?
Swedish lady
What did the American lady see
A macqueen with a gun
The driver entering Ratchett's compartment
A man entering his compartment
What did the Swedish lady see in Ratchett's compartment?
A weapon
Some cards
Princess Dramirof was the lady who met Piere in the hallway?
Who didn't show up in the interview in Chapter 7?
The Countess
What time did Colonel Arbuthnot go to sleep
Quarter to two
How did you find out that Hardman was a liar?
By the way he acted in certain aspects
Because by doing a little research he discovered its origins
For his accent
Who did the Italian gentleman see talking to Ratchett?
The servant
{"name":"How much do you know the Oriente Express?", "url":"","txt":"Embark on a thrilling journey through the mysterious world of the Orient Express! This quiz will challenge your memory and knowledge of the events surrounding the famous murder mystery. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Agatha Christie's work or simply curious about the tale, there's something here for everyone!10 intriguing questionsMultiple choice formatTest your observation skills","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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