Professor Aziz Qaissi - Reading Comprehnsion
Quiz 3 - Finding the Essential Information and the Main Idea of a Passage
Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

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Reading Passage 1
text 6 p79
The first Olympic Games were held
For political reasons
As an international competition
As a religious festival
As a professional athletes' competition
Why were the Games discontinued?
They had ceased to be sports events.
The Romans did not enjoy them.
The emperors hated athletes.
Winners were getting special privileges.
The Olympic Games are held
Every decade
Every four years
The Greek Olympic Games were ____________ in nature.
All of the above
The Games were resumed in modern times for the purpose of
Giving amateur athletes a chance to participate
promoting goodwill among nations
Creating an apolitical arena
None of the above
You can infer that the athletes in sixty-two nations in 1980 were
Terribly disappointed
Very happy
The last three Olympic Games mentioned in the passage were notorious for their
Racial discrimination
Triumphant victories
Fidelity to the goals of the Olympic Games
Political controversy
{"name":"Professor Aziz Qaissi - Reading Comprehnsion Quiz 3 - Finding the Essential Information and the Main Idea of a Passage Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your full name to take the quiz, Reading Passage 1 The first Olympic Games were held, Why were the Games discontinued?","img":""}
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