Chapter 28

Organs of reproduction are called
What do organ of reproduction produce?
What do accessory structures do?
Produce materials that support gametes
What is the scrotum?
Sac that hangs from the root of the penis
What is the scrotum divided by?
Divided by a septum (Dartos)
What is the difference in temperature?
Five degrees
Three degrees
Four degrees
Two degrees
Where do the testes develop?
High in the abdominal wall
Low in the abdominal wall
Where do the testes descend?
Into the scrotum through the inguinal canals
When do the testes descend?
At the end of the first year of fetal life
At the end of the seventh month of fetal life.
At the end of the eight month of fetal life
At the end of the tenth month of fetal life
What is the term used when the testes do not descend?
How does sperm flows out of the testes?
Through efferent ducts
Through afferent ducts
What is the site of sperm maturation and storage?
Ductus epididymis
What area stores sperm and propels it towards the urethra in a process called ejactulation?
Ductus (vas) deferens
What are the three parts of the male urethra?
What do seminal vesicles secrete?
An alkaline fluid. 30% of semen
An alkaline fluid. 40% of semen
An alkaline fluid. 60% of semen
An alkaline fluid. 50% of semen
What does the prostate gland secrete?
Slightly acidic - 40% of semen
Slightly acidic - 25% of semen
Slightly acidic - 35% of semen
Slightly acidic - 60% of semen
What does the cowper’s gland secrete?
Secretes mucus for lubrication and an alkaline substance that neutralizes acid.
The hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete (hormone)…..
Follicle stimulating hormones and luteinizing hormone.
Testosterone does what?
Controls the growth, development, and maintenance of the sex organs, stimulates bone growth, protein anabolism, sperm maturation, and secondary sex characteristics of males
Inhibin is produced by what cells?
Sertoli Cells
What hormone is the hormone that helps regulate the rate of speratogenesis?
Where are the ovaries located?
Located in the superior portion of the pelvic cavity
Located in the superior portion of the abdominal cavity
Located in the inferior portion of the pelvic cavity
Located in the inferior portion of the pelvic cavity
Ovaries produce secondary oocytes and discharges them in the process called?
Ovaries secrete what?
What transports secondary oocyte?
Uterine (fallopian) tubes
Where is the site of normal fertilization?
Uterine (fallopian) tubes
Ciliated epithelial cells and peristaltic contraction move the secondary oocyte or fertilized ovum towards the …….?
Uterus is the size of what?
Upside down pear
What functions in menstruation, implantation of the fertilized ovum, development of the fetus during pregnancy, and labor.
What is the passageway for sperm to uterine tubes to fertilize secondary oocyte?
What anchors the uterus to the pelvic cavity?
Broad ligament
What is the passageway for sperm and menstrual flow?
What are the external genitals?
Vulva consists of?
Mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule, vaginal orifice, urethral orifice
What is semen?
Mixture of sperm
accessory organ secretion
What does semen provide nutrients for?
Semen neutralizes what?
What is the penis made up of?
Glands penis
Expansion of blood sinuses under sexual excitement is called?
What makes sperm cells?
Seminiferous Tubules
What is the process of creating sperm called?
Where are sertoli cells located?
Located among the sperm
What is the function of sertoli cells?
Support and protect sperm cells
How much sperm mature per day?
300 million
200 million
500 million
100 million
After ejaculation, how long does sperm last in the female reproductive tract?
96 hours
48 hours
24 hours
72 hours
What are the two sections of sperm?
Head and tail
What does the head of the sperm consist of?
What does the midpiece of sperm consist of?
What is the tail of sperm called?
What is the function of sperm?
Is to fertilize the female gamete
At puberty, what hormone stimulates the anterior pituitary gland?
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
What does LH stand for?
Luteinizing hormone (testosterone)
What does FSH stand for?
Follicle stimulating hormone
What is the diamond shaped area at the inferior end of the trunk, medial to the thighs and buttocks?
What are modified seat glands?
Mammary glands
What are superficial to the pectoralis major?
Mammary glands
What are the functions of the mammary gland?
Synthesizes , secretes, and ejected milk (lactation)
How does the mammary glands development?
Depends on estrogen and progesterone
Milk production is stimulated by what?
What prepares the endometrium to receive the fertilized egg?
Menstrual cycle
The cycle is controlled by what?
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRh) from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland which stimulates the release of FSH and LH.
What is FSH?
Stimulates the development of the secondary follicles starts the secretion of estrogen
What triggers ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum?
What stimulates the further development of ovarian follicles and their secretion of estrogen?
What is stimulated by LH and produces and secretes estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, and inhibin?
Corpus luteum
What is secreted by follicular cells?
What functions in the growth, development, and maintenance of the female reproductive cycle?
What initiates secondary sexual characteristics?
What regulates fluid and electrolyte balances?
What works with estrogen to prepare the endometrium for implantation?
What relaxes the pubic symphysis and helps dilate the uterine cervix?
What inhibits the secretion of FSH and LH?
How long does the menstrual phase last for?
1 to 5 days
What is the menstrual phase?
The stratum functionalis of the endometrium discharges
During what phase does follicles in the ovaries begin to undergo final maturation?
Preovulatory phase
During what phase does a dominant follicle outgrows the other?
Preovulatory phase
Ovulation is brought out by what hormone?
What are the signs and symptoms of ovulation?
Increased temperature
Clear stretchy cervical mucus
Changes in the cervix
Ovarian pain
During what phase does the secretion of progesterone and estrogen by the corpus luteum?
Postovulatory phase
During what phase does endometrium thickens for implantation?
Postovulatory phase
No fertilization causes the corpus luteum to?
No fertilization decreases what?
No fertilization allows what to discharge?
What is maintained by placental human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?
Corpus luteum
The corpus luteum and later the placenta secrete progesterone and estrogens to support what?
Breast development for lactation
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