Why does Venus have such a great difference in temperature between its "no atmosphere" temperature and its actual temperature?
It has a large amount of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere
It has a slow rotation.
It is so close to the Sun.
It has a high level of volcanic activity.
It has no cooling effects from oceans.
Sunsets are red because
The Sun emits more red light when it's setting.
Sunlight must pass through more atmosphere then, and the atmosphere scatters even more light at bluer wavelengths, transmitting mostly red light.
Sunlight must pass through more atmosphere then, and the atmosphere scatters more light at red wavelengths than bluer wavelengths.
The cooler atmosphere in the evening absorbs more blue light.
None of the above
Convection occurs in the troposphere but not in the stratosphere because
The troposphere is warmer than the stratosphere.
The troposphere is cooler than the stratosphere.
Lower altitudes of the troposphere are warmer than higher altitudes, unlike in the stratosphere.
Higher altitudes of the troposphere are warmer than lower altitudes, unlike in the stratosphere.
The troposphere contains fewer greenhouse gases than the stratosphere.
4) There are no aurora on Venus because it
Lacks atmospheric oxygen.
Is too hot.
Lacks a strong magnetic field.
Lacks an ionosphere.
Lacks strong winds.
The strength of the Coriolis effect depends on
A planet's distance from the Sun
The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
A planet's size and rotation rate.
a planet's temperature.
The tilt of a planet's axis.
Which of the following best describes rain on Venus?
It does not have rain.
It has sulfuric acid rain that causes erosion on the surface.
It has sulfuric acid rain in its atmosphere, but the drops evaporate before hitting the surface.
It has liquid water rain that causes erosion on the surface.
It has liquid water rain in its atmosphere, but the drops evaporate before hitting the surface.
Why isn't Earth's atmosphere mostly hydrogen?
Earth formed too close to the Sun for any planetesimals to have hydrogen.
All the hydrogen was blasted away during the early bombardment stage of the solar system.
Light gases such as hydrogen move faster than heavier gases and escape from Earth's gravitational field.
The hydrogen is frozen in the polar ice caps.
All the hydrogen reacted with oxygen and formed the oceans.
Venus may have started with an ocean's worth of water. Where is its water now?
The original water remains vaporized in the atmosphere due to Venus's intense heat.
Most of the water is frozen beneath the surface.
Most of the water combined with rocks in chemical reactions.
The water was lost when ultraviolet light broke apart water molecules and the hydrogen escaped to space.
The water changed to carbon dioxide through chemical reactions.
Why does the burning of fossil fuels increase the greenhouse effect on Earth?
Burning fuel warms the planet.
Burning releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Burning depletes the amount of ozone, thereby warming the planet.
Burning produces infrared light, which is then trapped by existing greenhouse gases.
All of the above are true.
Earth has been gradually warming over the past few decades. Based on a great deal of evidence, scientists believe that this warming is caused by
The increase in forest fires during recent years.
Human activities that are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.
The human release of chemicals called CFCs into the stratosphere.
The fact that our politicians spout a lot of hot air.
How many more times is the atmospheric pressure in Jupiter's core greater than the atmospheric pressure at Earth's surface?
10 thousand
100 thousand
1 million
10 million
100 million
Why are Saturn's rings so thin?
Saturn's gravity prevents particles from migrating upwards out of the rings.
The "gap" moons shepherd the particles and maintain its thin profile.
Any particle in the ring with an orbital tilt would collide with other ring particles, flattening its orbit.
Solar radiation pressure keeps particles pressed into the rings.
The current thinness is a short-lived phenomenon that is special to this time.
The energy in the atmospheres of most of the jovian planets comes
Almost entirely from the Sun.
Almost entirely from their interiors.
Both the Sun and their interiors, in roughly equal proportions.
Tidal heating.
What is the Great Red Spot?
A hurricane that comes and goes on Jupiter
A long-lived, high-pressure storm on Jupiter
A place where reddish particles from Io impact Jupiter's surface
A region on Jupiter where the temperature is so high that the gas glows with red visible light
15) Which of the following statements about the moons of the jovian planets is not true?
Some of the moons are big enough that we'd call them planets (or dwarf planets) if they orbited the Sun.
One of the moons has a thick atmosphere.
Many of the moons are made largely of ices.
Most of the moons are large enough to be spherical in shape, but a few have the more potato-like shapes of asteroids.
The Huygens probe took numerous pictures as it descended to Titan's surface in 2005. What did the pictures show?
Primitive life forms
A densely cratered surface
Lava flows of molten basalt
Features or erosion, including what appeared to be dry river valleys and lakebeds
According to our theory of solar system formation, why did Uranus and Neptune end up to be much less massive than Jupiter and Saturn?
Ices were able to condense at the distance of Jupiter and Saturn, but only rock and metal could condense at the distances of Uranus and Neptune.
Particles in the solar nebula were more spread out at greater distances, so that accretion took longer and there was less time to pull in gas before the solar wind cleared the nebula.
The colder gas in the outer regions of the solar nebula had less gravity and therefore could not gather up into such large balls as it could closer in.
The size differences are thought to be a random coincidence.
Which of the following best why we see horizontal "stripes" in photographs of Jupiter and Saturn?
The dark and light stripes correspond to alternating bands of different chemical composition.
The light stripes are regions of high clouds, and the dark stripes are regions where we can see down to deeper, darker clouds.
There are three different color stripes corresponding to the three different types of clouds found on these planets.
Dark stripes are those in which there is a stratosphere and light stripes are those with no stratosphere
Which statement about Saturn's rings is not true?
The large gap known as the Cassini Division is shaped by an orbital resonance with the moon Mimas, which orbits well outside the rings.
Some features of the rings are shaped by small moons that actually orbit within the ring system
The rings are so thin that they essentially disappear from view when seen edge-on.
The rings must look much the same today as they did shortly after Saturn formed.
What do asteroids and comets have in common?
Most are unchanged since their formation in the solar nebula.
They have similar densities.
They have similar orbital radii.
They have a similar range of orbital inclinations.
They have nothing in common with each other.
If we know the size of an asteroid, we can determine its density by
Comparing its reflectivity to the amount of light it reflects.
Looking for brightness variations as it rotates.
Determining its mass from its gravitational pull on a spacecraft, satellite, or planet.
Radar mapping.
Spectroscopic imaging.
Primitive meteorites can be distinguished from other meteorites and terrestrial rocks because they
Contain a noticeable fraction of pure metallic flakes.
Resemble the composition of Earth's core.
Contain a lot of iron and were used by humans to make iron tools.
Resemble the composition of Earth's mantle.
Resemble the composition of rocks from lava flows that occurred on asteroids very shortly after the formation of the solar system.
23) Where did comets that are now in the Oort cloud originally form?
Near the jovian planets
Outside Neptune's orbit
Inside Jupiter's orbit
Within the solar nebula, but far outside the orbit of Pluto
All of the above
Where did comets that are now in the Kuiper belt originally come form?
In the asteroid belt
Inside Jupiter's orbit
Between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune
Near the radius at which they orbit today
In the Oort cloud
Why won't Pluto collide with Neptune?
Pluto's orbit is completely outside Neptune's orbit.
Pluto's orbit is completely inside Neptune's orbit.
Pluto's orbit never comes anywhere close to Neptune's orbit.
The two planets have an orbital resonance that prevents them from colliding.
It could!
In the asteroid impact theory of the extinction of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs (and over half of all the other species on Earth at that time) died off largely because
Of injuries suffered from direct hits of pieces of the asteroid or comet.
Dust injected into the stratosphere from the impact absorbed visible light from the Sun, causing global temperatures to plummet.
Radiation from iridium in the asteroid caused the dinosaurs to die of cancer.
The impact caused massive earthquakes and volcanic activity worldwide.
Dust settled on the leaves of plants, making them inedible, so the animals died of starvation.
When you see the bright flash of a meteor, what are you actually seeing?
Emission of visible light from a particle that has not yet entered Earth's atmosphere
The glow from a pea-size particle and the surrounding air as the particle burns up in our atmosphere
A star that has suddenly shot across the sky
the flash that occurs when a speeding rock from space hits the ground
Suppose you find a meteorite made almost entirely of metal. According to current science, which of the following statements must be true?
Radiometric dating will show the age of your meteorite to date to the formation of our solar system.
Your meteorite was blasted off the surface of Mars by an impact.
Your meteorite is a fragment of an object from the Kuiper belt.
Your meteorite is a fragment from the core of a large asteroid that shattered in a collision.
Suppose that large jovian planets had never formed in our solar system. Which of the following would most likely be true?
Earth would have suffered far fewer impacts.
Neither the asteroid belt nor Oort cloud would exist.
There would be a large empty region in our solar system between the orbit of Mars and the Kuiper belt.
Earth would orbit much closer to the Sun.
What is Pluto's moon Charon thought to have in common with our own Moon?
It probably formed as a result of a giant impact.
It has the same basic composition.
It has the same approximate mass.
It has the same average density.
Why are the lunar maria smooth
Both a & b
They have red spots
Gravity is unchanged
Clear meteorites
Why does mercury have large cliffs
They were produced when the interior cooled and entire planet shrank
They were produced when interior heated up and planet shrank
They are rocks that stacked on top of each other
Because of melted lava
Which of the following geological processes is currently active on mars
Impact cratering
What feature of venutian theology is highly unexplained
It lacks plate tectonics
It lacks lava
It lacks carbon dioxide
It lacks oxygen
Why does earth have the youngest surface of all the terrestrial planets
All of the above
Its the oldest
Doesn't matter
Why does atmospheric pressure decrease with altitude
The temperature of the altitude increases
The gravity decreases
Gravity increases
All of the above
How does greenhouse effect work
Greenhouse gasses absorb light that reflect off the surface
Greenhouse gasses reflect light
Greenhouse gasses transmit light
Greenhouse gasses do not reflect the light
Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas
What would happen to earths temperature if earth were more reflective
It would go down
It would stay the same
It would go up
If earth didn't have an atmosphere, what would happen to its temperature
It would go up a lot
It would go up
It would go down
It would go down a lot
Why is the sky blue
Air molecules scatter blue light more than red light
Air molecules dont absorption light
Air molecules dont reflect light
Air molecules only transmit blue light
Which of the following increases atmospheric loss by thermal escape
Increasing the temperature of the atmosphere
Decreasing the temperature of the atmosphere
Atmosphere not having a temperature
What is the source of the exosphere of the moon and mercury
Both b and c
How do seasons on mars differ from seasons on earth
They are more extreme because of mars large orbital eccentricity
They are less extreme
They don't exist
Mars only has one season
How does a magnetosphere affect a terrestrial planet atmosphere
It protects the upper atmosphere from solar wind
It protects the lower atmosphere
It doesn't affect it
What is the primary constituent of venus atmosphere
Carbon monoxide
What is the main reason why venus is hotter than earth
Greenhouse effect is much stronger on venus
Greenhouse effect is weaker on venus
Greenhouse effect doesn't exist in venus
Where is most of earths carbon dioxide
{"name":"ASTRONOMY", "url":"","txt":"Why does Venus have such a great difference in temperature between its \"no atmosphere\" temperature and its actual temperature?, Sunsets are red because, Convection occurs in the troposphere but not in the stratosphere because","img":""}
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