What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics ?
Entropy , life to itself, any organized system becomes more random as time passes
Energy is define as what ?
The capacity to create or maintain organization
Animals use chemical bond energy which is
Gylcolysis to ATP production which is the biological organization from atoms to organisms
Metabolic rate is
The rate of energy consumpotion or conversion, can use oxygen consumption for aerobic organisms or heat production 1:1 relationship
How is Basal Metabolic Rate measure ?
When the animal is in a comfortable thermal environment and has not eaten recently.
Scaling relationships are
Animal characteristics as functions of body size.
Example of scaling relationship 1?
BMR per gram decreases with animal size
Example of scaling relationship 2?
Small mammals need more food per gram than larger mammals do
What is Regulation
Occurs when the internal the internal environment stays constant as External Environment changes
"Regulators" are animals that can..
Maintain internal conditions such as temperature
Conformers such as frogs or fish, the internal environment will ALWAYS
Match the external environment
Homeostasis refers to the
Stability of the internal environment and the mechanisms that maintain it
Homeotherms are the animals that
Maintain a constant internal body temp . Known as thermoregulation. Ex birds and mammals
What is the Thermoneutral zone?
It is a range of external temperatures in which metabolic rate is minimal and does not change with external temperature
Animals that permit their body temp to match their external temperature are called
Poikiolotherms or ectotherms
Poikilo means
Ecto means
Poikilotherm emphasizes the variability of the temperature in these animals, and ectotherm does what?
Determines their body temperature
When external temperature rises, body temp of a poikilotherm rises
Q 10 is a measure temp sensitivity of a reaction or process due to an increased
10 degree C . q 10 = Rt/Rt-10
Some insects are homeotherms sometimes during
Honeybee hives show homeothermy, the worker bees keep the eggs and larvae at what degree?
32-36 C
Homeotherms 2 mechanisms to increase metabolic rate when external temps are low are
Shivering and nonshivering thermogenesis
Shivering is when the muscles do what
Contract and energy is converted from ATP to heat
Nonshivering thermogenesis is when the brown adipose tissue in some mammals
Is oxidative phopsphorylation is uncoupled from atp production; energy goes to heat production instead.
An epithlium is the sheet of epithial cells that do what?
Cover a bodys surface or ogan or lines body cavity.
What is a simple epithelium?
A single layer of cells on a nonliving basement membrane that lines all blood vessels, intestines, and other tubules.
What are the basic functions of a epithelium ? besides Pumps ions between fluids on either side of the epithelium, Secretes substances such as hormones, mucus, digestive enzymes, milk, sweat • Absorbs nutrients from the gut • Serves sensory functions, including smell and taste
It protects internal layers
The four essential elements include Controlled variable, Sensors, Effectors, and Control what ?
Control Mechanism
Controlled variable is the characteristic that is what?
Being controlled , ex body temp.
The Effectors are the tissues or organs that can do what ?
Change the level of the contorlled variable , ex shivering muscles.
Control mechanism uses the information from sensors to determine
Which effectors to activate to modify the controlled variable.
Body temperature has a control group that is near what part in the brain?
The Hypothalamus
Negative feedback system is the control mechanisms that activates effects to reduce or negate
Differences that exist between the controlled variable and the set point. It is a stabilizing influence and is involved with homeostasis
Positive feedback is the deviation of what?
A controlled variable from its existing level are increased or amplified. It destabilizes a system
Biological clocks are self contained , metabolic mechnisms of keeping what
Track of time
Circadian clocks have a time cycle of
24 hours
{"name":"What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics ?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics ?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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