Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 29 Sep 21
[2109.13245] Atousa Ghanbari, Eirik Erlandsen, Asle Sudbø et al.: Going beyond the Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit in a flat-band superconductor
[2109.13251] Jacopo De Nardis, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Romain Vasseur et al.: Subdiffusive hydrodynamics of nearly-integrable anisotropic spin chains
[2109.13254] Xingze Qiu, Hai Wang, Wei Xia et al.: Peratic Phase Transition by Bulk-to-Surface Response
[2109.13263] Yichen Hu, Biao Lian: The Chiral Sachdev-Ye Model: Integrability and Chaos of Anyons in 1+1d
[2109.13266] Sreekar Voleti, Arijit Haldar, Arun Paramekanti: Octupolar order and Ising quantum criticality tuned by strain and dimensionality: Application to $d$-orbital Mott insulators
[2109.13267] Joseph Sullivan, Arpit Dua, Meng Cheng: Weak symmetry breaking and topological order in a 3D compressible quantum liquid
[2109.13274] Ryan P. Day, Ilya S. Elfimov, Andrea Damascelli: Looking Beyond the Surface with Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
[2109.13276] Ryan P. Day, MengXing Na, Manuel Zingl et al.: The Three-Dimensional Electronic Structure of LiFeAs: Strong-coupling Superconductivity and Topology in the Iron Pnictides
[2109.13316] Yiwei Gao, Nicholas K.K. Chai, Negin Garakani et al.: Scaling laws to predict humidity-induced swelling and stiffness in hydrogels
[2109.13326] Biswadev Roy, Branislav Vlahovic, Marvin H. Wu: Characteristics of room temperature bipolar photoconductance in 150 GHz probe transients obtained from normal and irradiated silicon illuminate...
[2109.13331] Sabine M. Neumayer, Mengwei Si, Junkang Li et al.: Ionic control over ferroelectricity in 2D layered van der Waals capacitors
[2109.13342] Lane E. Schultz, Benjamin Afflerbach, Izabela Szlufarska et al.: Molecular Dynamic Characteristic Temperatures for Predicting Metallic Glass Forming Ability
[2109.13343] Philipp Hoellmer, Nicolas Noirault, Botao Li et al.: Sparse hard-disk packings and local Markov chains
[2109.13344] Hanna V. Shevliakova, Semen O. Yesylevskyy, Ihor Kupchak et al.: Flexoelectric and piezoelectric coupling in a bended MoS$_2$ monolayer
[2109.13345] Jeffrey Z. Kaaret, Guru Khalsa, Nicole A. Benedek: A Strategy to Identify Materials Exhibiting a Large Nonlinear Phononics Response: Tuning the Ultrafast Structural Response of LaAlO$_3$ with...
[2109.13395] Xuecheng Shao, Jian Lv, Peng Liu et al.: A Symmetry-orientated Divide-and-Conquer Method for Crystal Structure Prediction
[2109.13405] Oleg Yu. Gorobtsov, Yumeng Song, Kevin Fritz et al.: In-situ non-equilibrium nanomechanics in a proton-conducting ceramic at low temperatures
[2109.13427] Matteo Carrega, Luca Chirolli, Stefan Heun et al.: Anyons in Quantum Hall Interferometry
[2109.13433] Kengo Takemoto, Yoshiki Ishii, Hitoshi Washizu et al.: Simulating the nematic-isotropic phase transition of liquid crystal model via generalized replica-exchange method
[2109.13440] Giriraj Jnawali, Seyyedesadaf Pournia, Eli Zoghlin et al.: Band Splitting and Long-lived Carrier Recombination in Ferromagnetic CrSiTe3 Nanosheets
[2109.13444] J. K. Freericks, Alexander F. Kemper: What do the two times in two-time correlation functions mean for interpreting tr-ARPES?
[2109.13451] F. R. Pratama, M. Shoufie Ukhtary, Riichiro Saito: Justification for zeta function regularization
[2109.13474] Suparna Sarkar, Santanu K. Maiti: Localization to delocalization transition in a double stranded helical geometry: Effects of conformation, transverse electric field and dynamics
[2109.13482] Yuxi Zhang, Chunhan Feng, Rubem Mondaini et al.: Charge Singlets and Orbital Selective Charge Density Wave Transitions
[2109.13502] Jun Wu, Zhongmin Wang, Han Zhai et al.: Near-complete violation of Kirchhoff s law in thermal radiation in ultrathin magnetic Weyl semimetal films
[2109.13511] Rintaro Eto, Masahito Mochizuki: Dynamical Switching of Magnetic Topology in Microwave-Driven Itinerant Magnet
[2109.13513] Jun-Ang Wang, Sen Zhou, Panagiotis Kotetes: Majorana Braiding Racetracks from Charge Chern Insulator -- Superconductor Hybrids
[2109.13524] Sławomir Pieprzyk, Santos B. Yuste, Andrés Santos et al.: Structural properties of additive binary hard-sphere mixtures. III. Direct correlation functions
[2109.13528] Ling-Hui Tong, Qingjun Tong, Li-Zhen Yang et al.: Spectroscopic visualization of flat bands in magic-angle twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene: localization-delocalization coexisting electroni...
[2109.13530] Oksana Patsahan, Alina Ciach: Mesoscopic inhomogeneities in concentrated electrolytes
[2109.13534] San-Dong Guo, Jing-Xin Zhu, Wen-Qi Mu et al.: A possible way to achieve anomalous valley Hall effect by piezoelectric effect in $\mathrm{GdCl_2}$ monolayer
[2109.13551] Cristiano Malica, Andrea Dal Corso: Quasi-harmonic temperature dependent elastic constants: applications to silicon, aluminum, and silver
[2109.13557] Cameron Spence, Bruna Cardoso Paz, Bernhard Klemt et al.: Spin-valley coupling anisotropy and noise in CMOS quantum dots
[2109.13560] P. Giannakeas, Chris H. Greene: Fano profiles of Efimov resonances in mass-imbalanced ultracold gases
[2109.13575] Zihan Yan, Wenjie Yang, Hao Yang et al.: Enhanced Dynamic Oxygen Migration on Cu(111)-Supported Graphene Oxide
[2109.13584] Yoshihiro Machida, Ippei Danshita, Daisuke Yamamoto et al.: Quantum droplet of a two-component Bose gas in an optical lattice near the Mott insulator transition
[2109.13598] Shane Keenan, Colin Pegrum, Marc Gali Labarias et al.: Determining the temperature-dependent London penetration depth in HTS thin films and its effect on SQUID performance
[2109.13608] Piotr Sierant, Jakub Zakrzewski: Can we observe the many-body localization?
[2109.13616] Mauricio J. del Razo, Daniela Frömberg, Arthur V. Straube et al.: A probabilistic framework for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics using classical Fock space representations
[2109.13645] Angelo Giorgio Cavaliere, Thibault Lesieur, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi: Optimization of the dynamic transition in the continuous coloring problem
[2109.13650] Heena Khanchandani, Se-Ho Kim, Rama Srinivas Varanasi et al.: Hydrogen and deuterium charging of site-specific specimen for atom probe tomography
[2109.13682] Oleg I. Utesov: Mean-field approach for skyrmion lattice in hexagonal frustrated antiferromagnets
[2109.13683] Ofir E. Alon: Fragmentation of identical and distinguishable bosons' pairs and natural geminals of a trapped bosonic mixture
[2109.13706] Emma Mitchell, Elsen Tjhung: Macroscopic current generated by local division and apoptosis in a minimal model of tissue dynamics
[2109.13712] Clara N. Breiø, P. J. Hirschfeld, Brian M. Andersen: Supercurrents and spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking by nonmagnetic disorder in unconventional superconductors
[2109.13740] Shradha Chandrashekhar Koli, Hangyu Zhou, Jiaqi Zhou et al.: Impact of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Quantum Transport in Magnetic Tunnel Junction with an anti-ferromagnetic Capping Layer
[2109.13752] J. Klinger, A. Barbier-Chebbah, R. Voituriez et al.: Joint statistics of space and time exploration of $1d$ random walks
[2109.13758] Angelo Greco, Luca Fasolo, Vito Marino et al.: Flux pumping of Cooper pairs through a Josephson Energy-Suppression Pump
[2109.13759] Saba Karimeddiny, Thow Min Cham, Daniel C. Ralph et al.: Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque
[2109.13762] Patrick L. Taylor, Gareth Conduit: Machine learning predictions of superalloy microstructure
[2109.13769] Takahiro Orito, Ken-Ichiro Imura: Unusual diffusion and entanglement dynamics in non-Hermitian disordered many-body systems
[2109.13775] S. S. Gavrilov: Spin oscillations of a single-mode polariton system driven by a plane wave
[2109.13782] Rachel Wortis, Joshua Folk, Silvia Lüscher et al.: Seeing the strongly-correlated zero-bias anomaly in double quantum dot measurements
[2109.13837] O. Heinonen, R.A. Heinonen, H. Park: Magnetic ground states and spin waves of a model for (TM)Nb$_3$S$_6$, TM=Co, Fe, Ni
[2109.13846] Indranil Mukherjee: Particle hopping on a ladder: exact solution using multibalance
[2109.13870] P.V. Zinoviev, V. N. Zoryansky: Photoluminescence in the temperature range 20-230 K of C$_{60}$ fullerite doped with nitrogen molecules
[2109.13877] Steven T. Bramwell: Analytic Form of a Two-Dimensional Critical Distribution
[2109.13881] R. A. Zhachuk, D. I. Rogilo, A. S. Petrov et al.: Atomic structure of the single step and dynamics of Sn adatoms on the Si(111)-\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}-Sn surface
[2109.13902] Sheng Li, Yichen Zhang, Hanlin Wu et al.: Transport anomalies in the layered compound BaPt4Se6
[2109.13909] Trithep Devakul, Liang Fu: Quantum anomalous Hall effect from inverted charge transfer gap
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 29 Sep 21","img":""}
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