Science Semester Exam: Men

Most prominent creationist debater
Duane Gish
Isaac Newton
Contemporary of Darwin/Botanist
Asa Gray
James Dana
Great advocate of Darwin/”Darwin’s Bulldog”
Asa Gray
Thomas Huxley
Wrote “Principles of Geology”
Charles Lyell
Harry Rimmer
Conducted “proof” of evolution in a tube
Duane Gish
Stanley Miller
Greatest giant of science/has the greatest understanding of the laws of the universe
Isaac Newton
Henry Morris
invented the telegraph
Samuel F.B Morse
George McCready Price
Self educated opponent of Darwinism
James Dana
Harry Rimmer
Darwin's helper/Geologist
James Dana
John Whitcomb
British naturalist/wrote “Origins of Species”
Thomas Huxley
Charles Darwin
Made important contributions to the fields of magnetism and electricity
William Gilbert
Both wrote and published “The Genesis Flood”
Henry Morris; John Whitcomb
Charles Lyell; Charles Darwin
Self taught Creationist, debater, and lecturer
George McCready Price
Harry Rimmer
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