When Moses wanted the King of Egypt to release the Israelites, he denied the favour. What happened after this cause.
He killed the King and took throne
He gave up and left Egypt
The rivers in the area turned into blood
He went mayhem and destroyed the land
After the blood rivers, Egypt witnessed many disaster caused by Moses. What was the last commandment that changed everything?
Everyone that was Egyptian was killed
The oldest son from each family was killed
All animals were found dead
The world was flooded but the animals were saved
After releasing the Israelite, the King still wanted them as slaves. How did Moses save them with God's power?
He made the Red Sea open a passage way to the other side
He blocked the King a sandy wall around the city
He killed the King with sandstorm
He gave the people immortality
How many commandments did Moses make?
Where did Moses die?
Mount Nebo, Jordan
Mount Fuji, Japan
Mount Everest, America
Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
Hopefully you enjoyed the Quiz. Thank you and Have a Nice Day!
Hopefully you enjoyed the Quiz. Thank you and Have a Nice Day!
{"name":"The Journey of Prophet Moses", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Where was Moses born?, What happened to Moses when he was a baby?, Who were his brother and sister?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}