All About Locks

By the letter of the lease, a tenant is contractually obligated to keep a lock on their units at all times while occupied.
Rent is late on what day?
Complete this sentence: Overlocks are placed on unit(s)...
On the 6th of the month.
When the tenant breaks their lease.
When they are 5 days past due.
On the 6th, or if the tenant has been on property after hours.
What does "improperly locked" mean?
A lock is secured on the tenant's unit, but the hasp is not in the closed position.
The unit does not have a lock on it, and it is rented.
The unit is overlocked.
When is a Lock Inspection Letter sent? (select all that apply)
Lock was not placed on unit correctly to secure it.
Lock was cut as part of a previous auction proceeding.
Unit was found empty & unlocked before 10-day notice expires.
Unit was found unlocked with items inside. Sitelink shows it is a leased unit.
Unit shows vacant in Sitelink. It has a company lock and miscellaneous items inside.
There are four options on the Lock Inspection Letter. Which do we not enforce at this time?
Lock is not placed correctly on unit to secure it.
Lock was cut as part of a previous auction process.
Unit was found to have two locks.
Unit was found with no lock.
The Lock Inspection Letter asks for a deadline to comply. How many days is this deadline?
You found a unit which requires a Lock Inspection Letter. You have followed all the proper steps including sending the Letter. The proper waiting period has expired. What do you do next?
Place a retail lock on the unit, charge the account $21, mail the keys to the last known address via certified mail, and place a copy of the Certified receipt in the tenant's file.
Place a retail lock on the unit, charge the account for the lock only, mail the keys to the last known address via priority mail, and place a copy of the Certified receipt in the tenant's file.
Place a retail lock on the unit, charge the account $20, tag the keys and put them in the key box until the tenant comes for them.
Place a retail lock on the unit, charge the account the cost of the lock & keep the keys in the tenant's file (as most mail is returned anyway).
You have sent the keys to the tenant. They are returned by the Post Office as either refused or undeliverable. What do you do next?
Open the envelope, put the keys in the key box, placed the envelope in the tenant's file, and then note the account in Sitelink.
Place the entire, unopened envelope in the tenant's file and note the account in Sitelink.
Send another Lock Letter and start the process over again.
{"name":"All About Locks", "url":"","txt":"By the letter of the lease, a tenant is contractually obligated to keep a lock on their units at all times while occupied., Rent is late on what day?, Complete this sentence: Overlocks are placed on unit(s)...","img":""}
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