MSI läbi aegade

Create an image that represents the history of the MSI and agriculture education, featuring iconic buildings, students in academic attire, and the natural beauty of Estonia's landscapes.

MSI Through the Ages: A Quiz

Test your knowledge about the history and notable figures of the MSI and its predecessors! This quiz is designed for anyone interested in the milestones and key players of the institution.

  • 6 engaging questions
  • Explore the history of agriculture education
  • Challenge your knowledge of notable Alumni
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by DiscoveringAcorn27
Nimeta hetkel õppejõuna tegutsev õppejõud, kes õppis EPA põllumajandusliku raamatupidamise esimesel kursusel, mis küll toona kuulus agronoomia teaduskonna alla?
EMÜ saab täna 65-aastaseks, aga mitme aastaseks saab MSI koos oma eelkäijatega?
Milline tuntud vilistlane vaatleb põllumajandust?
Ants-Hannes Viira
Roomet Sõrmus
Inno Kalberg
Kes oli EPA majandusteaduskonna esimene dekaan?
Kui palju on 22.09 seisuga EMÜ majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis üliõpilasi?
Mis on kohviruumi uksekood (koosneb ühest tähest ja kolmest numbrist)?
{"name":"MSI läbi aegade", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about the history and notable figures of the MSI and its predecessors! This quiz is designed for anyone interested in the milestones and key players of the institution.6 engaging questionsExplore the history of agriculture educationChallenge your knowledge of notable Alumni","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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