Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Mon, 21 Feb 22
[2202.08874] George Trenins, Jeremy O. Richardson: Nonadiabatic instanton rate theory beyond the golden-rule limit
[2202.08877] Brian K. Arbic, Shane Elipot, Jonathan M. Brasch et al.: Frequency dependence and vertical structure of ocean surface kinetic energy from global high-resolution models and surface drifter observa...
[2202.08887] Lifeng Wang, Hao Teng, Fei Li et al.: Resolved frustrated tunneling ionization in asymmetrical fast oscillation of above-threshold ionization spectrum
[2202.08905] F. Marinho, L. Paulucci, D. Totani et al.: LArQL: A phenomenological model for treating light and charge generation in liquid argon
[2202.08927] Nicholas A. Güsken, Ming Fu, Maximilian Zapf et al.: Acceleration and adiabatic expansion of multi-state fluorescence from a nanofocus
[2202.08940] Maninder Kaur, Araceli Venegas-Gomez: Defining the quantum workforce landscape: a review of global quantum education initiatives
[2202.08945] Berkin Uluutku, Marshall Richards McCraw, Santiago D. Solares: Direct Measurement of Storage and Loss Behavior in AFM Force-Distance Experiments Using the Modified Fourier Transformation
[2202.08950] B. K. Clark: Thermodynamics of chromosome inversions and 100 million years of Lachancea evolution
[2202.08954] Christopher L. Holloway, Nikunjkumar Prajapati, Alexandra B. Artusio-Glimpse et al.: Rydberg atom-based field sensing enhancement using a split-ring resonator
[2202.08956] Neng Shi, Jiayi Xu, Skylar W. Wurster et al.: GNN-Surrogate: A Hierarchical and Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Parameter Space Exploration of Unstructured-Mesh Ocean Simulations
[2202.08961] Mikhail Charnotskii: Partially-coherent waves with binominal coherence
[2202.08970] MPD Collaboration: V. Abgaryan, R. Acevedo Kado, S.V. Afanasyev et al.: Status and initial physics performance studies of the MPD experiment at NICA
[2202.08983] Hiroshi Ito: Optical transmittance measurements of sheet resistors for the $\rm {CF}_4$ scintillating light in a gaseous time-projection chamber
[2202.09004] Hantao Ji, William Daughton, Jonathan Jara-Almonte et al.: Magnetic reconnection in the era of exascale computing and multiscale experiments
[2202.09007] Peng Shi, Xinrui Lei, Qiang Zhang et al.: Intrinsic spin-momentum dynamics of surface electromagnetic waves in complex dispersive system
[2202.09017] Longzhi Nie, Lingran Kong, Tianyou Gao et al.: Characterizing the temporal rotation and radial twist of the interference pattern of vortex beam
[2202.09029] Fu Liu, Do-Hoon Kwon, Sergei A. Tretyakov: Reflectarrays and metasurface reflectors as diffraction gratings
[2202.09037] Mihyang Yu, Donggyu Yim, Hosung Seo et al.: Electrical Charge Control of h-BN Single Photon Sources
[2202.09046] Harshith Bachimanchi, Benjamin Midtvedt, Daniel Midtvedt et al.: Microplankton life histories revealed by holographic microscopy and deep learning
[2202.09051] Franziska Strasser, Stephen M. Barnett, Monika Ritsch-Marte et al.: Generally applicable holographic torque measurement for optically trapped particles
[2202.09062] Lili Fan, Shuge Shen: A cylindrical coordinates approach concerning internal waves for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
[2202.09132] Kutlu Kagan Sahbaz, Burak Bilki, Haris Dapo et al.: Systematic Study of LED Stimulated Recovery of Radiation Damage in Optical Materials
[2202.09143] M. D. Epée Epée, O. Motapon, N. Pop et al.: Dissociative recombination and rotational transitions of D$_2^+$ in collisions with slow electrons
[2202.09147] Jinxin Wang, Kenta Ishibashi, Teruaki Ikeda et al.: Morphological effects of leading-edge serrations on the acoustic signatures of mixed flow fan analyzed using novel CFD-informed methods
[2202.09154] A. Bondar, E. Borisova, A. Buzulutskov et al.: Study of visible light scintillations in liquid argon and its mixtures with methane
[2202.09159] P. Tolias: Retarded room temperature Hamaker coefficients between bulk elemental metals
[2202.09208] Ambrish Pandey, Dmitry Krasnov, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan et al.: Convective mesoscale turbulence at very low Prandtl numbers
[2202.09213] Vito Giovanni Lucivero, Andrea Zanoni, Giacomo Corrielli et al.: Laser-written vapor cells for chip-scale atomic sensing and spectroscopy
[2202.09232] Josef Joerg: Feynman's Sum-over-Paths method applied in wave optics and for calculating the quantum probability current
[2202.09289] Giulio Ortali, Alessandro Corbetta, Gianluigi Rozza et al.: Towards a Numerical Proof of Turbulence Closure
[2202.09313] Anatolii V. Mokshin, Ilnaz I. Fairushin, Igor M. Tkachenko: Self-Consistent Relaxation Theory of Collective Ion Dynamics in Yukawa One-Component Plasmas under Intermediate Screening Regimes
[2202.09332] Yasir Aljohani, Viktor Fedun, Istvan Ballai et al.: New approach for analysing dynamical processes on the surface of photospheric vortex tubes
[2202.09353] Majdi I. Radaideh, Hoang Tran, Lianshan Lin et al.: Model Calibration of the Liquid Mercury Spallation Target using Evolutionary Neural Networks and Sparse Polynomial Expansions
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 21 Feb 22","img":""}
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