News of the Week 5/26/17

An explosion rocked what Arena in England at the end of a performance by the pop star Ariana Grande on May 22?
Donald Trump set out May 19 on his first overseas trip as president, getting away from a tumultuous political landscape in Washington. Where was the first stop on his nine-day trip, where he received a gold medal from the king and made a speech denouncing “Islamist extremists.” Next, in Israel, he presented Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a blunt message: Solve the conflict with the Palestinians if you want peace with your Arab neighbors.
Saudi Arabia
With evidence that miles of ice are collapsing into the seas, we may have passed the point of no return 'in what location' , say scientists. The existence of the world’s great coastal cities — like Miami, New York and Shanghai — is tied to its fate.
The North Pole
Why was a statue of Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard removed from the entrance to a city park in New Orleans last week?
Because city officials are seeking to erase the vestiges of the Confederate era that celebrated white supremacy and racism.
Because the city is replacing many of the statues of male historical figures with monuments to local women’s history.
Because nearly 12 years after Hurricane Katrina damaged them, monuments in New Orleans are finally being refurbished.
To make way for a controversial new sports stadium.
Roger Ailes, who built what TV Network into a conservative empire helped elect three Republican presidents, but was undone by a sexual harassment scandal that prompted his ouster from the network last year, died on May 18?
Fox News
The National Review
Three of the entertainment-related headlines below are from recent New York Times articles. One is from the satirical site The Onion. Which is the fake news story?
A Basquiat Sells for ‘Mind-Blowing’ $110.5 Million at Auction
After 146 Years, Ringling Brothers Circus Takes Its Final Bow
Harry Styles Becomes 2nd One Direction Member With a Solo No. 1
Study Finds Movie Attendance Declining as More Americans Act Out Films at Home
The Supreme Court on May 22 struck down two North Carolina congressional districts, ruling that lawmakers had violated the Constitution by relying too heavily on race in drawing them. This practice of manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts is known as what?
Swing Voting
Iranians came out in force to dance in the streets this weekend, breaking Islamic rules, to do what?
Celebrate the re-election of President Hassan Rouhani by a large margin
Celebrate President Trump's meeting with Saudi and other Arab leaders.
Celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan.
Demonstrate an anti-Western ideology through marches and speeches
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