324 MSQ

A proactive personality
Can identify opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres until meaningful change occurs.
Cannot identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, or persevere until meaningful change occurs.
Has many behaviours that organizations find undesirable.
Is most likely to guard the status quo to achieve career success.
Is most likely seen as a follower and likely to obstruct change within an organization.
According to attribution theory, the more distinct the behaviour of another person is, the more the observer is inclined to
Attribute it to external causes.
Attribute it to the internal causes.
Depend on the behaviour.
Attribute it to observer's causes.
Attribute it to consensus.
Characteristics of individuals high in Machiavellianism include which of the following?
Pragmatic; maintains emotional distance; believes ends can justify means
Impulsive; emotionally involved; has strong ethical beliefs
Develops a realistic and empathetic approach to dealing with employees
Maintains emotional distance; highly authoritative; believes in swift discipline
Focuses most available time on people issues
How does selective perception work as a shortcut in judging other people?
Bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background.
Such observations allow us to arrive at warranted judgments quickly.
Bits and pieces of what we observe allow us to judge people with complete accuracy.
Bits and pieces of what we observe are chosen randomly.
It allows us to "speed-read" without the risk of inaccurate conclusions.
If a manager has high emotional intelligence she will likely engage in
In attribution theory, internally caused behaviours are
Those believed to be under the personal control of the individual.
Usually negative behaviours.
Derived from personality traits.
Controlled by external factors.
Outside forces and influences.
Individuals who rate high in self-monitoring
Adjust behaviour to external, situational factors.
Need higher levels of supervision.
Thrive in routine jobs.
Have lower absenteeism rates.
Are more involved on their jobs.
People who score high in psychopathy tend to
Lack remorse of guilt when they have caused others harm.
Be persuaded less by others.
Measure success in terms of their acquisitions.
Display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation.
Believe they control what happens to them.
People with high narcissism
Tend to be more self-centered and may enjoy their work more.
Tend to be more committed to their organizations.
Generally have lower expectations of success.
Are less likely to adapt to new situations.
Tend to be less satisfied with their work.
Self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept that proposes a person will behave
In ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others.
In ways that are similar to self-interest.
In ways inconsistent with how he or she is perceived by others.
In ways consistent with how he or she perceives him-/herself.
In ways that are dissimilar to self-interest.
The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors is called
Self-serving bias.
Contrast effects.
The halo effect.
The perception shortcut that involves evaluation of a person based on how they compare to other individuals recently encountered.
Contrast effects
Selective perception
Halo effect
The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behaviour of others is known as
Fundamental attribution error.
Selective perception.
Self-serving bias.
Halo effect.
The theory that tries to explain how we judge people differently, depending upon the meaning we assign to a given behaviour, is
Attribution theory.
Behavioural theory.
Judgmental theory.
Situational theory.
Equity theory.
The unfounded belief that younger workers are more appealing than older workers is an example of
The halo effect.
Contrast effects.
What are the three rules about behaviour that attribution theory relies on?
Consistency, consensus and distinctiveness
Context, consensus and distinctiveness
Resemblance, consensus and consistency
Distinctiveness, resemblance, and consistency
Deviation, distinctiveness, and consistency
Which of the following is TRUE of positive core self-evaluation?
They tend to like themselves and feel in control of their environment.
They don't suffer from a sense of time urgency and impatience.
They can play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit superiority.
They tend to be work slower and more thoughtfully.
They are less liked by others, because of their successes.
Ithin the framework of the Big Five Personality Factors, conscientiousness is a personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is
Responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented.
Calm, self confident, and secure.
Imaginative, artistically sensitive, and intellectual.
Sociable, talkative, and assertive.
Good natured, cooperative, and trusting.
*The tendency for likability to increase after a highly credible and competent individual makes a mistake is an example of
Pratfall effect
De facto segregation
Stockholm syndrome
*"Trolley problem" is a thought experiment designed to elicit
Psychopathic tendencies
Negative correlation of confidence and likability
A society that prefers structured situations to alleviate unpredictability experiences
Uncertainty avoidance.
Power distance.
Gender differentiation.
Certainty avoidance.
According to Hofstede's dimensions, which of the following countries scored low on masculinity?
According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program, what are the nine dimensions along which national cultures differ?
Ssertiveness, future orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, in-group collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation
Ethics, future orientation, gender differentiation, certainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, in-group collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation
Assertiveness, future orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation
Assertiveness, future orientation, gender differentiation, certainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, in-group collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation
Ethics, future orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power avoidance, individualism/collectivism, in-group collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation
As manager who is labelled as an "natural" in cultural intelligence is most likely to use ________ to understand a cross-cultural situation.
Cues from others
Canada is a multicultural society and is becoming more diverse than it was 20 years ago. This means there are many new differences between people that challenge managers. What kinds of accommodations of value differences should managers provide in today's Canada?
Some cultures assert their own specialness and expect to be accommodated all the time.
Some cultures value social activities over work activities and this requires accommodation at all times.
Some cultures are anti-materialistic and should not be made to be part of the modern utilitarian/capitalistic system.
Some cultures believe that racism is OK and this should be accommodated from time to time.
Some cultures have sacred days and practices that may require work accommodations from time to time.
Generation X is characterized by which of the following common values?
Flexibility and achievement of job satisfaction
Belief in, and practice of, the Christian moral code
Intimidated by change
Strong concern for the environment
Belief in order and authority
Generational values challenge today's managers. The group that most values achievement and material success is
Gen Y.
Gen X.
In contrasting values and attitudes, which of the following is TRUE?
Values are more stable than attitudes.
Attitudes are more stable than values.
There is no significant correlation between the two.
They come from different sources.
Values are based on diversity issues.
Individualism is the degree to which people prefer to act as ________, whereas collectivism is the equivalent of ________.
Individuals; low individualism
Power brokers; low self-esteem
Individuals; group behaviour
Power brokers; low individualism
Individuals; uncertainty avoidance
Managing diversity issues in the workplace requires managers to
Determine how to accommodate the diverse needs of employees.
Determine how to accommodate the needs of the organization.
Attempt to develop programs which will assimilate diversity.
Determine how to best simplify the various affiliations of individuals.
Develop adequate rules and regulations to govern work.
Single day diversity training programs almost always results in
No difference in the number of women and minorities in upper management.
Fewer women and minorities in upper management.
No difference in the number of women, but more minorities in upper management.
More women, but fewer minorities in upper management.
More women and minorities in upper management.
The GLOBE value describing the acceptance of unequal levels of power in institutions and organizations is called
Power distance.
Organizational power theory.
Institutional distribution theory.
Why have non-Aboriginals traditionally viewed Aboriginal values as "an impediment to economic development" and organizational effectiveness?
Time orientation and consensus decision making
Low rating on assertiveness
Incompatible power distance
Low rating on uncertainty avoidance
Incompatible gender differentiation
Within Hofstede's research, a culture emphasizing ________ would value thrift, persistence and tradition.
Long-term orientation
Short-term orientation
Power distance
A society that encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence would fall into which of the following GLOBE dimensions?
Performance orientation
Future orientation
Humane orientation
Gender differentiation
Tall poppy syndrome" refers to
A tendency to dislike and discredit those who achieve exceptional results at work.
Suboptimal performance.
Hedonistic lifestyle.
Marshmallow experiment.
A tendency to reward those who achieve exceptional results.
Dunbar number
148 individuals with whom any person can maintain stable and meaningful relationships, roughly refers to a number of people in a tribe.
150 individuals with whom any person can maintain stable and meaningful relationships, roughly refers to a number of people in a tribe.
500+ contacts on your LinkedIn profile
75 000
5 individuals with whom any person can maintain stable and meaningful relationships.
Canadian "sandwich feedback" is
Positive feedback, followed by constructive criticism, followed by more praise.
Negative feedback, followed by praise, followed by more praise.
Negative feedback, followed by praise, followed by more criticism.
Looks like poutine.
U-curve of adaptation refers to
To describe the stages of cross-cultural adjustment.
The degree to which humans tend to underestimate major positive or negative life events.
The degree to which humans tend to overestimate major positive or negative life events.
To describe the stages of hedonic treadmill.
None of the above.
Hedonic adaptation refers to
The degree to which humans tend to return to stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative life events.
The degree to which humans tend to overreact to major positive or negative life events.
The degree to which humans tend to underestimate major positive or negative life events.
All of the above.
"Who is in charge?" and "Who does what?" are questions that are relevant to which stage of group development?
A cross-functional faces challenges building trust among members; this occurs
Early in group development.
Because few people have the skills to work in cross-functional teams.
Later in group development.
Because group members have similar skills and viewpoints.
Because the group lacks diversity.
"Let's set up an agenda for discussing each of the problems we have to consider." This prompt is an example of which task-oriented role?
Providing information
Seeking information
A problem-solving team is a
Permanent process-improvement team.
Temporary committee.
Permanent cross-functional team.
Temporary cross-functional team.
Virtual team.
According to the Punctuated-Equilibrium Model, productivity is highest during the time of
The last meeting.
The end of the first phase.
The first meeting.
After which stage of a group's development has the group formed a common set of expectations of member behaviours?
Culturally diverse work teams are
Less successful than culturally homogeneous work teams within the first three months the team is together.
Always more successful than culturally homogeneous work teams.
More successful than culturally homogeneous work teams, especially within the first three months the team is together.
No different than culturally homogeneous work teams.
Always less successful than culturally homogeneous work teams.
During the storming stage of the Five-Stage Model, the group issue is
Who is in charge?
Can we agree on a time to meet?
Why are we here?
Can we agree on roles and work as a team?
How do we disband?
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