What's your spirit hedge?

How important is your appearance to you?
Very well turned out, spend a lot of time and money on your appearance, perhaps occasionally to the detriment of your social life. Your nails are always clipped, you regularly de-hair and you spend more time in front of the mirror in the morning than you do on breakfast. Looks are everything.
You’re no Joey Essex, but you do make sure you cut your hair a few times a year and like to look presentable. You make an effort for special occasions but don’t feel a need to put so much effort in on a daily basis.
You haven’t seen your hairbrush in a few years but there are more important things in like than looks right? You’re known for being the scruffy one in your group of friends and deep down you know that’s totally reasonable.
You are a master at changing up your appearance when you think its time for a change. You dye your hair, change your style and refresh your look depending on how you feel.
What’s your relationship to animals?
You think animals are dirty and unhygienic, and don’t understand why people would compromise their life to accommodate pets, let alone want to interact with wild animals.
You love animals and have (or have had) pets which you loved dearly. However, you like animals on your own terms, and don’t like spiders, mice or insects invading ‘your space’.
You love all animals equally and try to make friends with every creature you come across.
You loved animals in your youth, but find you don't have the time or space for pets anymore
You don't have a pet but are SO EXCITED to get one, when you figure out how it will fit in to your lifestyle
How old are you?
You’re not that old but you feel like the constant battles of life have made you weary and thin
Time is a limiting man-made construct – you feel like your spirit is eternal, it dies and is reborn in a new body on an endless cycle through time
You are getting older, sure, but life keeps growing, you keep maturing and you feel like as you grow you have more and more to offer the world
What do you do when you are approaching burnout?
You don’t believe in burnout, you live a regimented life, have a stiff upper lip and don’t complain even when demands on you start to take their toll on you
You are really in tune with your own limits and know when it’s time for some rest and self-care. Whether it’s a holiday or some time at home with films and tea, you know a bit of time spent on yourself will refresh you and keep you in good shape in the long term
You don’t accept any of the pressures the world tries to impose on you – what’s burnout?
Your lifetyle has taken its toll on you so you slowly plod on with gentle activities as you gradually lose energy
How is your social life?
You are quite independent and are content to share your life with few friends. You’re not lonely, you just don’t have the capacity to sustain a large friendship group
Some friends come and go as your life changes, but you also have some rock solid friends that you will always be there for.
The more friends the better! Aren’t strangers just friends you haven’t met yet?
You have found yourself drifting apart from most of your friends and don't know where one makes new ones in this day and age
How important is food to you?
You are quite careful about what you eat, and have a food routine, so going out for dinner or cooking for guests doesn’t interest you.
You love food, and have a healthy diet. You will happily indulge, especially in festival seasons, but will also go through phases were you are careful with how much you consume.
You absolutely live for food and are also a bit of a feeder. Nothing makes you happier than providing more food for your friends and family than they can possibly eat in one go.
You used to love food but find your appetite isn't what it was, and you can only really digest porridge now
{"name":"What's your spirit hedge?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How important is your appearance to you?, What’s your relationship to animals?, How old are you?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/51-1753590/recently-laid-hazel-hedge-with-good-regrowth-from-the-base-and-wildflowers.jpeg?sz=1200-00000020211000005300"}
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