Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 13 Jul 21
[2107.04600] Johannes Aspman, Elias Furrer, Jan Manschot: Cutting and gluing with running couplings in $\mathcal{N}=2$ QCD
[2107.04738] Dan Zhu, Khai-Ming Wong, Timothy Tie: Bounded System of Monopole and Half-monopole in the Weinberg-Salam Model
[2107.04796] Mohammad R. Garousi: $O(25,25)$ symmetry of bosonic string theory at order $α'^2$
[2107.04864] Bo-Ting Chen: Non-BPS Supersymmetric 3pt Amplitude for One Massless, Two Massive Particles
[2107.04881] Dan Zhu, Khai-Ming Wong, Guo-Quan Wong: Oscillating monopole-antimonopole pair in the Weinberg-Salam model
[2107.05012] Azizollah Azizi, Amir A. Khodahami: An approach to the quasi-equilibrium state of a self-gravitating system
[2107.05086] Alex Buchel: Compactified holographic conformal order
[2107.05218] Dao-Quan Sun: The influence of the Hawking-Page phase transition on the black hole information
[2107.05258] Dan Xie: 3d mirror for Argyres-Douglas theories
[2107.05443] Marc Geiller, Puttarak Jai-akson, Abdulmajid Osumanu et al.: Electromagnetic duality and central charge from first order formulation
[2107.05607] Ctirad Klimcik: On strong integrability of the dressing cosets
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 13 Jul 21","img":""}
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