Genki Chapter 4

Translate to English: いす(椅子)
Translate to Japanese: letter
Choose the meaning: きのう、おてら(お寺)にいきました。
Today I went to a shrine.
Yesterday I went to a temple.
Yesterday I went to the park.
Today I went to the bank.
Translate to English: こうえん(公園)
Translate to Japanese: last week
Choose the meaning: まつ(まちます)
To drive
To make
To wait
To bring
Choose the meaning: あう(あいます)
To meet
To greet
To search
To find
Check all the CORRECT word pairings
Á�だり= right
Á�しろ = behind
Á�え = in front
Á�え = below
Á�なり = next to
Á�かく = near
Choose the meaning: かようびにテストがあります。
There will be a test on Monday.
There will be a test on Thursday.
There will be a test on Wednesday..
There will be a test on Tuesday.
Choose the meaning: やましたせんせいはさくらだいがくのがくせいでした。
Yamanaka sensei was a student at Sakura University.
Yamashita sensei was a student at Sakura University.
Yamanaka sensei was not a student at Sakura University.
Yamashita sensei was not a student at Sakura University.
{"name":"Genki Chapter 4", "url":"","txt":"Chapter 4 of Genki Vocab and Kanji!","img":""}
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