What's your Productivity Rank?

Which statement most accurately describes the freedom you have in choosing what you work on?
Most days I get to choose what tasks I work on and when, but some days my tasks are dictated by others
I own my time like a boss. I set my own agenda at work.
I don't get to choose what I work on very often. Most of my work is assigned to me to do in a specific way.
LOL. What I work on just happens to me, like bugs happen to windshields.
How much time do you spend doing focused work without distractions?
I block out at least two hours per day for uninterrupted work, and I observe this focus time more often than not.
I block out time for uninterrupted work but it usually gets swallowed up by meetings, email, and suddenly urgent tasks instead.
I do Pomodoros all day long. (If you don't know what a Pomodoro is, don't choose this response ;)
Does 30 seconds count as focused time? Then yes.
How would you best describe your email-checking habits?
I immediately read and respond to emails all day like it's my damn job
I try to keep my email closed for periods of time but I check it very frequently
I have email-checking rules in place for myself. I observe these rules and don't leave my email open outside of those times.
I keep my email open all the time and read messages as they arrive but don't always respond right away.
How would you best describe your task management style?
I'm great at writing down tasks but they are all over the place--on sticky notes, napkins, multiple notebooks, and backs of envelopes
I regularly add tasks to a master list as soon as they occur to me or are assigned, and I regularly review and prioritize this list.
I'm just not a list-maker. I'm like that restaurant server who takes orders for a 10-top without writing anything down.
Sometimes things slip through the cracks because I don't do a good enough job of keeping track of my tasks.
How distracted do you usually feel when you are trying to focus on a task?
When I need to, I can usually tune out email, phone, social media, and what's happening around me to work on a task to completion.
I try to keep distractions to a minimum but sometimes I fall prey to Facebook benders and co-worker chit chat when I should be focusing.
I really need to put some distraction-limiting controls in place so I can focus better.
Squirrel! Wait, what was the question again?
Which statement best describes your break habits?
I take a five or 10 minute break at least every hour to stretch, walk around, wash some dishes, or take my dog outside.
I'm a machine! I rarely take breaks and usually just wear a diaper to cut down on bathroom trips that are a timesuck.
I don't take many breaks, but I at least get away from my desk for a lunch break every day.
My breaks usually consist of 10 minutes of Facebook scrolling when I'm tired of what I'm working on.
How many tasks do you tend to work on at once?
I usually have a couple of balls in the air at a time that switch back and forth betweeen.
I could probably get a second job as a juggler.
I work on one task at a time and do not respond to new/other requests until I finish the one I'm working on.
Sometimes I can't see my hands because they are moving so fast doing all of the things. It's exhausting.
Do you have goals?
I have SMART goals for the next three months and I regularly review the steps I need to take to achieve them.
I have a clear mental view of what I need to accomplish in the next three months but it isn't well-documented.
I show up each day and work on what needs to be done today.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Someone please help me.
Which statement best describes your prioritization style?
I spend about 80% of my time working on the things that are most important to my role, even if they are not the most urgent.
I divide my time pretty evenly between the things that are most important to my role that aren't urgent, and urgent/important things.
I basically move from fire to fire all day with my water bucket.
I just spent an hour creating a protocol for proper use of the office fridge.
How's your home life?
Things are pretty even-keel. It's smooth sailing for the most part.
I have some personal stress but who doesn't? I have some healthy coping mechanisms and can set my issues aside to focus on my work.
I feel like my personal stress is taking a major toll on my work.
Things are super-stressful right now. I spend more work hours than I'd like thinking about or dealing with my personal stress.
Which statement best describes how you feel about your job?
I'm passionate about my work, but the pressure and pace is taking its toll on me.
I am not very passionate about my work. It's just a job I need to do.
I'm passionate about my work, and my workload and stress feels manageable most of the time.
Which statement best describes your relationship with your supervisor, if you have one?
I don't get much direction from my supervisor, but I'm self-directed so that's fine.
My supervisor lets me navigate my own work but sometimes places roadblocks to getting it completed or frequently moves the finish line.
My supervisor gives me a great deal of freedom to navigate my work on my own and supports me when I need guidance.
My supervisor dictates my priorities and tasks and expects me to do exactly as I'm told.
I don't have a supervisor. I always choose what I work on.
How do you feel at the end of most days?
I got a lot done today but not nearly enough.
I showed up, I rocked it, and I feel great about what I got done. Bring on tomorrow!
I had high hopes for today but I'm really disappointed with how little I got accomplished.
Today was a three-ring $*%t show and I'm already dreading tomorrow.
Which statement best describes your inbox situation?
I keep my inbox to about 25 or fewer message on average, but I re-read those messages multiple times before dealing with them.
I clear my inbox to zero on a weekly basis by efficiently sorting and processing messages
My inbox is overwhelming but I periodically attempt to process the backlog as best I can.
If they gave a prize for Inbox Gazillion, I'd win.
Which statement best describes your project completion style?
When I'm working on a project, my first priority is completion. I do high quality work but it's not going to be perfect.
When I'm working on a project, my first priority is making sure it's as perfect as possible, even if it means moving the deadline forward.
When I'm working on a project, I often miss deadlines due to factors such as analysis paralysis, procrastination, or inadequate project management.
How do you feel in general about the demands placed on you by others?
I do my best to meet the demands placed on me by others, but I say no when I've got too much on my plate.
I like to be seen as an indispensable team player who delivers on each and every request others make of me.
I think I may be letting others down by not meeting being helpful enough to them.
I have my own agenda. If you want something from me, I'll get to it if and when I get to it.
{"name":"What's your Productivity Rank?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which statement most accurately describes the freedom you have in choosing what you work on?, How much time do you spend doing focused work without distractions?, How would you best describe your email-checking habits?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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