Are You A Samuria, Ninja, Or Ronin.

Who Is Your Master?
I Don't Have One
Who ever Pays the most money.
The Emperor and my master.
Their is a dark lord tring to forge a bracelet to control the Middle of Japan, the emperor wants him cast back into the shadow land(this dark lord is ammortal[look it up]), you...
Find out this info from your master, and a long with other samuria(Not at your side, but doing the same thing) attempt to cst him back into the shadow land.
You find out somehow, you try to take him down on your own.
You work for him :) (He is paying you)
Choose Wisely
I am a good guy, a soldier for the emperor, and I'm always doing what is right for everybody :) :) :) (I'm a jedi!!!)
I'm bad, I only care about myself and I'm not afriad to hurt or kill someone for money/pleasure (a sith lord)
I am good, I do whats right, except I don't bow down to people (A Rouge[That's not a star wars term])
That dark lord has gone into space and brain washed 4 people to do his bidding and the emperor wants the 4 people dead, you...
Start to fight them, realize you can try to fix their brains and make them neutral again, and stop fighting them and try to help them.
You don't care, you were payed to dognap Wolfgang Von Strucker's Dog.
Do exactly what the emperor said, end their lives
You were teleported back to 800-1300 A.D., you go to japan and you have magical powers, you have one pet that does what ever your want, this pet is...
Lion, repersents courage and bravery
A wolf, they are exellent killers
An eagle, they are good hunters and they soar free
{"name":"Are You A Samuria, Ninja, Or Ronin.", "url":"","txt":"Who Is Your Master?, Their is a dark lord tring to forge a bracelet to control the Middle of Japan, the emperor wants him cast back into the shadow land(this dark lord is ammortal[look it up]), you..., Choose Wisely","img":""}
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