Are you an Introvert or An Extrovert?

At a party with friends, you are most likely to...
Be the bubbly and outgoing one
Be the shy and reserved one
Be the one in the middle
Please Specify:
You are auditioning for a roll in a play. You audition for...
The lead role
An extra
An important, (but not as important as the lead role) role
Your best friends decides to organize a big group of friends to create a matching Halloweeen costume. You are the one who...
Helps come up with it and design it: you take charge of most of it
You throw your imput in: but others don't recognize your thought
You help come up with a small portion: but you let others take over the rest of the planning
You are designing a poster board in a big group for history class. You are the one who..
Organizes most of the project: you are a big source of help
Helps with almost none of it: you are two afraid to share opinions with some of the outspoken people
Helps with some of it: you may do the writing or designing portion, but let others take over the rest
You and your ambitious friend decide to make a music video together. You... are
Take the lead roles in singing and editing: you want to earn the most recognition
Do backup singing, let your friend do the rest willingly
You both equally share the singing and editing of the video
For the rest of your life, would you rather be...
Always in control of things
Never a part of anything
Always having the best of both worlds
Out of all these, your biggest fear is...
Someone in your grade was grounded around Halloween time. He/she asks for some of your candy. You...
Give them lots, willingly
You're too shy to respond, so you say nothing
Give them a few pieces
Your parents want you to play a sport or take part in an after-school club/activity. You...
Sign up for volleyball/soccer/basketball
Sign up for the book club: they get to go on cool field trips!
You're too shy for a sign up for the leadership club
You see a girl in the same grade as you crying in the corner of the cafeteria at school. You...
Ask her what's wrong/have a rather long conversation with her/ offer to take her to see a school councillor
Do're too afraid of what she'll think of your approach
Check on her, but leave after she doesn't hear you
{"name":"Are you an Introvert or An Extrovert?", "url":"","txt":"At a party with friends, you are most likely to..., You are auditioning for a roll in a play. You audition for..., Your best friends decides to organize a big group of friends to create a matching Halloweeen costume. You are the one who...","img":""}
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