Mountain Education Test

When overtaking another skier, who has the right of way?
The faster skier
Neither skier
The skier below you
Whoever is in control
When making a sudden turn to exit a run, starting out on a trail or dropping in from a traverse, you should...
Call out your intentions
Look uphill and behind you for others
Do nothing special, you have the right of way
Be sure to weight your downhill ski
According to the Skier Responsibility Code, ski binding brakes or retention straps are...
Needed only on alpine skis
Needed on alpine and telemark skis equipped with releasable bindings
Needed on all snowboards, telemark, and alpine skis
Not needed on non-release telemark skis
When skiing at Alyeska, you can expect all cliffs and rocks to be marked or roped.
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
An accident or injury may occur at any time while skiing
Variations or steepness of terrain are an integral part of skiing
You can ski for free on Easter if you wear a Santa Claus costume.
Alaska has an Inherent Risks of Skiing Statute
An area marked by a "SLOW" banner indicates...
All skiers should begin to snowplow
Skiers should slow down if they see a patroller
That you have skied into a beginner area
That you should ski conservatively and only as fast as surrounding traffic
Which of the following may cause the density of skiers on a run to change during the day?
A change in conditions that makes the off trail skiing difficult
End of the day skiers returning to base
Closing of outer areas and upper mountain lifts
All of the above
Which of the following is NOT designated as a slow or family ski zone at Alyeska? (Please use a trail map if you are unsure)
The area from the top of Ted's Express to the base of Glacier Bowl Express, including the Runway
The areas of Denali and Von Imhof Drive
All of the lower mountain including all runs accessed from the Bear Cub Quad and Chair 7
The High Traverse
Skiers who wish to jump must always...
Have a clear view of their landings or utilize a spotter
Reduce speed prior to encountering other skiers, especially on groomed runs
Be aware that inverted aerial maneuvers are not recommended
All of the above
A customer's experience may be most negatively affected by...
People skiing fast and out of control
Foul language and impolite behavior on ski runs, lifts and resort facilities
Rude and aggressive skiers
All of the above
If involved in a collision with another skier, you...
Must stop and render assistance and exchange information with ski patrol and the other parties involved
May yell at the other person if it was that person's fault
Are entered into a drawing to receive a free pair of skis
Both 2 and 3
When skiing with a group, which of the following should apply?
Stop and regroup only where not obstructing the trail and remain visible from above
Avoid stopping in congested areas or narrow ski runs
Have a designated meeting spot out of the way of traffic
Please follow all of the above
Alyeska's outer areas include the following, EXCEPT...
The High Traverse and Max's
The North Face and The Monies
The Headwall
A rope line made up of bamboo and rope, with no closed signs, indicates...
A closed area
Avalanche danger
A hazard behind the line, and could be considered a warning rope
A parking space
By violating an avalanche closure, you may risk...
Your own death or injury
The lives of innocent people
Loss of skiing privileges and a $150 fine
All of the above
Violating an avalanche closure and skiing closed terrain may result in...
A monetary fine
Injury or death
Loss of skiing privileges
All of the above
You arrive at a gate which is closed but has tracks through it. You should not enter because...
The tracks may be from sign line violators
The area may have just closed
The tracks may be from an avalanche control team
Any of the above
Violating a trail closure at night can result in the following EXCEPT...
Loss of skiing privileges
Being issued a state citation with fine
Being issued a $1000 littering fine
Being missed by ski patrol on sweep if you become injured in a closed area
At Alyeska, fast skiing in designated slow zones or any congested area may result in...
Loss of skiing privileges
A collision with another skier
Both 1 and 2
A free paragliding lesson
Ski etiquette may be defined as...
Obeying all signs and closures
Skiing in control and at prudent speeds
A code of polite behavior among skiers
All of the above
A skier/snowboarder who is found guilty of Ticket Fraud in a court of law faces JAIL time up to...
1 year
90 days
1 month
1 day
A skier/snowboarder who is found guilty of Ticket Fraud in a court of law faces FINES up to...
What is a possible outcome for a first time offense of violating an Avalanche Terrain Closure?
$150 fine from Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Revocation of skiing privileges for 30 days
Risk of injury or death
All of the above
What is the DNR fine for not having a leash or brakes (stopping device)?
Entering or exiting from outside the ski area's established boundary may result in...
$150 DNR fine
Loss of skiing privileges for 30 days
Risk of injury or death
All of the above
Failure to remain at the scene of a collision, regardless of injuries, will result in...
Loss of skiing privileges for a minimum of 30 days and a $150 fine
Loss of lift pass for 1 day
Skiing under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may result in...
Being forced to take a courtesy ride in a patrol toboggan
Loss of skiing privileges for 1 day
$150 fine from DNR
All of the above
Being caught skiing without a valid lift ticket or pass for the first time will result in...
Paying a $150 fine plus the cost of a Day Lift Ticket (forfeited to Ski Patrol) and loss of lift privileges for 30 days
Being required to buy a lift ticket for that day
A verbal warning
None of the above
If you are caught violating any of Alyeska's Enforcement Guidelines, what will Ski Patrol do?
Ask you for your ticket or pass and/or other form of ID
Call patrol dispatch to find out if you are already in the violator database
Explain your violation, educate you on the purpose of the policies, explain the consequences and add you to the database
All of the above
Littering at Alyeska is subject to a $1000 fine from the State of Alaska and prosecution. This penalty can be avoided by...
Picking up the trash
Not littering in the first place
Both 1 and 2
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