CCRPC Workforce Development Self-Reflection

Welcome to the CCRPC Workforce Development Self-Reflection form. The purpose of this task is to reflect on your activities that support the vision, mission, values, and goals of the Workforce Development Division of CCRPC.  
The ability of the Division to achieve our goals is based on consistent application of our values and cornerstones of success.  Additionally, Case Management is essential to our success. The self-reflection asks you to provide comments on your contributions in these three areas: 1. Organizational Values, 2. Cornerstones of Success, 3. Case Management Duties.
In each area, rate yourself using the star rating (1-4) for that area, and provide commentary about specific actions you have taken to demonstrate your commitment to that area.  1= Not Meeting Expectations, 2 = Building, 3 = Strong, 4 = Leading
After the self-reflection, you will receive an email back with your responses.  Your supervisor will receive the information and will use it as an opportunity to provide you feedback and coaching. 
Please be candid. Your information will be  maintained in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone without a demonstrated need to know.  If you need to update your records or have any questions, please contact this email:
Welcome to the CCRPC Workforce Development Self-Reflection form. The purpose of this task is to reflect on your activities that support the vision, mission, values, and goals of the Workforce Development Division of CCRPC.  
The ability of the Division to achieve our goals is based on consistent application of our values and cornerstones of success.  Additionally, Case Management is essential to our success. The self-reflection asks you to provide comments on your contributions in these three areas: 1. Organizational Values, 2. Cornerstones of Success, 3. Case Management Duties.
In each area, rate yourself using the star rating (1-4) for that area, and provide commentary about specific actions you have taken to demonstrate your commitment to that area.  1= Not Meeting Expectations, 2 = Building, 3 = Strong, 4 = Leading
After the self-reflection, you will receive an email back with your responses.  Your supervisor will receive the information and will use it as an opportunity to provide you feedback and coaching. 
Please be candid. Your information will be  maintained in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone without a demonstrated need to know.  If you need to update your records or have any questions, please contact this email:
Enter your name:
Enter your work (CCRPC) e-mail:
For which quarter are you completing this Self-Reflection?
Integrity - We deal honestly and fairly with those we serve and with each other.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Integrity?
Diversity - We recognize and appreciate the strength that a wide variety of people, backgrounds, experiences, and ideas contribute to our organization and community.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Diversity?
Responsiveness - We respond to the needs of our clients, partners, coworkers, and community in a timely fashion, and provide services in a friendly and efficient manner.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Responsiveness?
Professionalism - We demonstrate knowledge, enthusiasm, courtesy, dedication, resourcefulness, and fiscal responsibility in all work-related activities.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Professionalism?
Collaboration - We practice teamwork internally, build partnerships externally, and promote inter-governmental cooperation regionally.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Collaboration?
Respect - We respect our clients, partners, co-workers, community, and the resources we use to serve their needs.
What specific actions have you taken to demonstrate Respect?
NEXT: RPC Cornerstone of Success
NEXT: RPC Cornerstone of Success
RPC Cornerstone of Success - Financial Stability
What have you done in the last quarter to control costs, enhance revenue and/or utilize organizational resources in a way that assures that RPC receives the best possible value?
RPC Cornerstone of Success - Operational Excellence
What have you done in the last quarter to promote teamwork, maintain a positive environment, and assure that we consistently operate according to the highest professional standards?
RPC Cornerstone of Success - Customer, Client and Partner Focus
What have you done in the last quarter to show respect, practice professionalism, maintain positive relationships and build partnerships with those whom we serve and work?
RPC Cornerstone of Success - Organizational Development
What have you done in the last quarter to promote the ongoing evaluation of our programs, services, and organization in pursuit of continuous improvement to help us better serve the needs of our region?
NEXT: Case Management Duties
NEXT: Case Management Duties
Case Management Duties
1. Introduction/Eligibility/Referrals - Ensure that the service the customer has been referred to fits their needs and they have all the basic items required (application, documents, referral forms, etc.)
What have you done over the last quarter to ensure you have
2. Assessments - Testing, Career Scope, taking customer's long-term needs and resources into account.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
3. Planning - Identify the customers' needs, determine actions, strategically prioritize actions through IEPs and ISSs.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
4. Provide Direction and Coordination of Other Services - work directly with customers including counseling and advocating on their behalf through ITAs, Supportive services, coaching, etc.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
5. Monitoring and Review - Oversee customer cases to cater to their needs. Build a working relationship with the community, partners, and stakeholders.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
6. Case Closure and Follow Up - Efficiently close a case when all services have been met. Submit exit paperwork within 20 days. Conduct monthly follow-up with customers.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
7. Performance - Understand what our performance goals are and how you contribute to them. Consistently monitor progress and outcomes, and work to improve our performance.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
8. Fiscal Compliance - Take ownership of the fiscal goals of the program. Understand your role in achieving these goals and monitor contributions.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
9. Basic Career Services - Provide basic career services, such as orientations, services to obtain or retain employment, and labor market information, to individuals. Providing these services may take place in the comprehensive one-stop resource room, a satellite office, in the mobile workforce center, at a community event, a facilitated meeting, or some other public space. Work with your supervisor to schedule times to provide basic career services.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
10. Supervision and Team Meetings - Problem solve and plan for the month with management and your team. Prepare for meetings by reviewing your work and having questions or suggestions. Engage in these meetings in a way that will help you be successful. Seek out your manager for direction and ongoing feedback, to troubleshoot concerns, and provide training as needed. Use management as a resource and productively engage with your supervisor.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
11. Attendance - Arrive and leave at your scheduled time. Communicate with your supervisor if you are going to be late or miss work. Work with your supervisor to address attendance issues. Be available via telephone and email when working remotely and be responsive and productive when working remotely. Share your calendar with your supervisor and use your calendar to demonstrate work activities.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
12. Continuous Learning and Ownership of Job Tasks - Comply with all policies and procedures. Know where learning resources are and reference them when you have questions. Check your own work and oversee customer cases to ensure all policies and procedures are being followed. Be flexible and adaptive to changes.
What specific actions have you taken to promote this activity?
Additional Comments:
Is the Employee on Probation?
Probation Period Performance
Has the employee successfully completed the probation period?
If no, make recommendation to end employment or extend the term of probation.
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