Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 22 Sep 21
[2109.09749] Glenn Wagner, Yves H. Kwan, Nick Bultinck et al.: Global phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene above $T_c$
[2109.09758] Christopher A. Pocs, Peter E. Siegfried, Jie Xing et al.: Systematic fitting of crystal-field levels and accurate extraction of quantum magnetic models in triangular-lattice delafossites
[2109.09767] A. Cortés Cubero, R. M. Konik, M. Lencsés et al.: Duality and Form Factors in the Thermally Deformed Two-Dimensional Tricritical Ising Model
[2109.09786] Athby H. Al-Tawhid, Jesse Kanter, Mehdi Hatefipour et al.: Coexistence of superconductivity and weak anti-localization at KTaO3 (111) interfaces
[2109.09794] Yuxing Zhou, William Kirkpatrick, Volker L. Deringer: Cluster Fragments in Amorphous Phosphorus and their Evolution under Pressure
[2109.09823] Alejandro Alés, Juan M. López: Roughening of the Anharmonic Elastic Interface in Correlated Random Media
[2109.09878] Sergio Carrasco, David Cantor, Carlos Ovalle: Effects of particle size-shape correlations on shear strength of granular materials: The case of particle elongation
[2109.09895] Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Dirk Manske, Naoto Nagaosa: Ultrafast excitation and topological soliton formation in incommensurate charge density wave states
[2109.09898] Xiaoyu Wang, Tiange Bi, Katerina P. Hilleke et al.: A Little Bit of Carbon Can do a Lot for Superconductivity in H$_3$S
[2109.09916] Hsiu-Chung Yeh, Dimitri M. Gangardt, Alex Kamenev: Emptiness Formation in Polytropic Quantum Liquids
[2109.09967] V. Chornous, V. Bratenko, M. Vovk et al.: Light-controllable chiral dopant based on azo-fragment: synthesis and characterization
[2109.09971] Hao Chu, Sergey Kovalev, Zi Xiao Wang et al.: Fano interference of the Higgs mode in cuprate high-Tc superconductors
[2109.09976] Yen-Hui Lin, Chia-Hsiu Hsu, Iksu Jang et al.: Proximity-Effect-Induced Anisotropic Superconductivity in Monolayer Ni-Pb Binary Alloy
[2109.09986] Thi-Nga Do, Po-Hsin Shih, Godfrey Gumbs et al.: Engineering plasmon modes and their loss in armchair graphene nanoribbons by selected edge-extended defects
[2109.09990] Qunfei Zhou, Bukuru Anaclet, Trevor Steiner et al.: Engineering the Electronic Structure of Two-Dimensional Materials with Near-Field Electrostatic Effects of Self-Assembled Organic Layers
[2109.10001] Marco Baiesi, Stefano Iubini, Enzo Orlandini: The rise and fall of branching: a slowing down mechanism in relaxing wormlike micellar networks
[2109.10019] Moritz Gubler, José A. Flores-Livas, Anton Kozhevnikov et al.: Missing theoretical evidence for conventional room temperature superconductivity in low enthalpy structures of carbonaceous sulf...
[2109.10023] Jianying Du, Tong Fu, Jingyi Chen et al.: The reverse flow and amplification of heat in a quantum-dot system
[2109.10026] Jozef Strecka, Katarina Karlova, Azadeh Ghannadan: Influence of a spatial anisotropy on presence of the intermediate one-half magnetization plateau of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg branched chain
[2109.10030] Katarina Karlova, Jozef Strecka, Masayuki Hagiwara: Effect of uniaxial single-ion anisotropy on a stability of intermediate magnetization plateaus of a spin-1 Heisenberg diamond cluster
[2109.10042] Pranay Patil, Fabien Alet, Sylvain Capponi et al.: Weakly first-order quantum phase transition between Spin Nematic and Valence Bond Crystal Order in a square lattice SU(4) fermionic model
[2109.10043] Alexander J. Browne, Denver P. Strong, Robert. J. Cava: Stability and superconductivity of 4d and 5d transition metal high-entropy alloys
[2109.10046] Ryota Masuki, Takuya Nomoto, Ryotaro Arita et al.: Anharmonic Grüneisen theory based on self-consistent phonon theory: Impact of phonon-phonon interaction neglected in the quasiharmonic theory
[2109.10051] Itsuki Takahashi, Yuya Tanizaki: Sigma-model analysis of $SU(3)$ antiferromagnetic spins on the triangular lattice
[2109.10062] Ruben Khachaturyan, Aris Dimou, Grünebohm: Domain wall acceleration by ultrafast field ramping and non-equilibrium dipoles dynamics: an $ab$ $initio$ based molecular dynamics study
[2109.10066] Rui Lou, Minyinan Lei, Wenjun Ding et al.: Electronic structure and signature of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state in epitaxial CoSb$_{1-x}$ nanoribbons
[2109.10079] Zhangkai Cao, Xingyu Ma, Yiqun Liu et al.: Nematic-order state characteristic energy and its connection to enhancement of superconductivity in cuprate superconductors
[2109.10089] Robin Quade, Michael Potthoff: Controlling the real-time dynamics of a spin coupled to the helical edge states of the Kane-Mele model
[2109.10102] Uyen Tu Lieu, Natsuhiko Yoshinaga: Inverse design of two-dimensional structure by self-assembly of patchy particles
[2109.10153] M. Zafer Akgul, Gerasimos Konstantatos: AgBiSe2 Colloidal Nanocrystals for Use in Solar Cells
[2109.10157] Michael Jurkutat, Carsten Kattinger, Stefan Tsankov et al.: How pressure enhances the critical temperature for high temperature superconductivity in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+y}$
[2109.10166] Rustem Khasanov, Debarchan Das, Dariusz Jakub Gawryluk et al.: Isotropic single gap superconductivity of elemental Pb: the `smiling' approach
[2109.10168] Stephan Michael, Hans Christian Schneider: Optical amplification in a CDW-phase of a quasi-two dimensional material
[2109.10176] Xiong Yao, Hee Taek Yi, Deepti Jain et al.: Suppressing carrier density in (BixSb1-x)2Te3 films using Cr2O3 interfacial layers
[2109.10178] Audrey A. Watkins, Austin Eichelberg, Osama R. Bilal: Exploiting Localized Transition Waves to Tune Sound Propagation in Soft Materials
[2109.10186] Soumya Datta, Aastha Vasdev, Kapil Motla et al.: Spectroscopic evidence of multi-gap superconductivity in non-centrosymmetric AuBe
[2109.10188] Tirthankar Banerjee, Robert L. Jack, Michael E. Cates: Tracer dynamics in one dimensional gases of active or passive particles
[2109.10191] Yanzhou Wang, Zheyong Fan, Ping Qian et al.: Atomic Structure and Pore Size Distribution in Nanoporous Carbon
[2109.10192] M. Merte, F. Freimuth, T. Adamantopoulos et al.: Photocurrents of charge and spin in monolayer Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$
[2109.10201] Stefan Ilić, P. Virtanen, T. T. Heikkilä et al.: Current rectification in junctions with spin-split superconductors
[2109.10247] K. Kempa, M.J. Naughton: Enhancement of superconductivity via resonant anti-shielding with topological plasmon-polarons
[2109.10263] Victor Velasco, Marcello B. Silva Neto, Andrea Perali et al.: Kuramoto synchronization of quantum tunneling polarons for describing the dynamic structure in cuprate superconductors
[2109.10276] Karthikeyan Hariharan, K. Sivaprasad: Low-cost method for fabricating high entropy alloys from metallic scraps and commercial alloys
[2109.10278] E. Flores, Jose D. Mella, E. Aparicio et al.: Inducing a topological transition in graphene nanoribbons superlattices by external strain
[2109.10283] Sophie Hermann, Matthias Schmidt: Why Noether's Theorem applies to Statistical Mechanics
[2109.10292] Johannes Pausch: From Neuronal Spikes to Avalanches -- Effects and Circumvention of Time Binning
[2109.10318] Baoming Shi, Yucen Han, Lei Zhang: Nematic liquid crystals in a rectangular confinement: solution landscape and bifurcation
[2109.10320] Nicola Lanatà: Operatorial formulation of the ghost rotationally-invariant slave-Boson theory
[2109.10325] Jie Wang, Zhao Liu: Hierarchy of Ideal Flatbands in Chiral Twisted Multilayer Graphene Models
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 22 Sep 21","img":""}
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