3rd exam
Therapeutic Approaches Quiz
Test your knowledge on various therapeutic models and treatment strategies used in psychology and mental health. This quiz is designed for anyone interested in learning about self-help social learning treatment models, psychodynamic therapy, and other important methodologies.
- Multiple-choice questions
- Diverse topics related to therapy
- Enhance your understanding of client interactions
A self-help social learning treatment model used for clients with problems of drug- abuse
Therapeutic Community
Therapeutic Modality
Humanistic Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy
Is to reveal the unconscious content of the client’s psyche.
Behavioral Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy
Client-Centered Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
Tends to be briefer and less intensive than traditional psychoanalysis.
Behavioral Therapy
Client-Centered Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy
On behaviors in combination with thoughts and feelings that might be causing them - Learned behaviors and how the environment has an impact on those behaviors.
Existential Theraphy
Behavioral therapy
Humanistic Therapy
A rejection of determinism and concern for positive growth rather than pathology.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
Client-Centered Therapy
Behavioral Therapy
Focuses on the role of the client rather than therapist
Client-Centered Therapy
Existential Therapy
Behavioral Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
He believed that each person experiences the world differently and knows his or her experiences best.
Existential and Phenomenological – it is grounded in the client’s “here and now”
Gestalt Therapy
Group Therapy
Eclectic Therapy
Client-Centered Therapy
To sort put their problems, identify solutions.
Work or Job replacement/referral
Individual and group counseling
Moral,Spiritual, Values
Group Therapy
Seminars, lectures or training offered
Moral, Formation To sort put their problems, identify solutions. Spiritual, Values
Work or Job replacement/referral
Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training
Referred for work and job placement
Moral, Formation To sort put their problems, identify solutions. Spiritual, Values
Individual and group counseling
Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training
Health, Mental and Medical Services
One or more therapist treat a small group of clients together as a group
Individual Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Group Therapy
An early proponent of eclectic therapy
David smitch
Gordon Paul
They combine aspects of multiple types of therapies.
Eclectic Therapy
Group Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Skills training classes like food preservation and processing, candle making to help earn extra income.
Health, Mental and Medical Services
Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training
Work or Job replacement/referral
Particularly intended for clients who are “no read, no write”.
Literacy and Education
Education Therapy
Includes free planting, beautification drives, cleaning and greening of surroundings.
Sports and Physical Fitness
Community Service
Literacy and education
Physical Fitness
Physical exertion like sports, games and group play are conducted to enhance the physical well- being of clients.
Physical Therapy
Sports and Physical Fitness
Physical Exercise
Community Service
Form cooperatives and associations as an economic group to venture on small-scale projects.
Payment of Civil Liability
Client Self-Help Organization
Community Service
They re-learn the basics of working within a group with hierarchy, authority and responsibility.
Community Service
Cardinal Rules
Environment and ecology
Client Self-Help Organization -
Pursued despite the economic status of clients.
Environment and Ecology
Community Service
Payment of Civil Liability
Preserving ecological balance and environmental health, seminars/lectures are conducted wherein clients participate.
Environmental Health
Health, Mental and Medical Services
Environment and Ecology
Corresponds to 60-day investigation period for petitioners for probation, parole or executive clemency
Preparatory Stage
Client is assimilated into the TC culture during this phase. Acquire understanding of the program, philosophy and beliefs of TC.
Phase 1
Phase 2 Primary Treatment
Phase 3 Immersion
Phase 4 Integrations
To effect behavioral change and develop client Initiative and self discipline
Phase 3 Immersion
Phase 2 Primary Treatment
Phase 4 Integrations
Phase 1
Clients apply their learning from previous phase and are now internalizing the TC precepts and beliefs - Clients become mature and responsible, endeavoring to fulfil their duties to their families and comm.
Phase 1
Phase 3 Immersion
Phase 2 Primary Treatment
Phase 4 Integration
Clients is expected to consistently behave in a responsible manner both in the family and in the community without the direct supervision of a PPO.
Phase 4
Phase 3
Phase 2
Phase 1
The results in very focused and intense treatment
Greater intimacy
The client is the sole Benefactor
High level confidentiality
The therapist has more focused and complete understanding of the client’s issues.
High level confidentiality
Greater intimacy
The client is the sole Benefactor
Confidentiality will be best protected
High level confidentiality
Focused treatment
More comfortable pace:
The pace can be adjusted for the client.
High level confidentiality
More comfortable pace
They must participate throughout the entire session
Nowhere to hide
Speaking in front of the group:
Possible Personality Clash
Severe social phobia, it might be difficult to speak in front of the group.
Speaking in front of the group:
Nowhere to hide:
Possible Personality Clash:
Not allow the person to get multiple viewpoints from other who share similar issues.
Possible Personality Clash
One viewpoint
Personality clashes among group members
Possible Personality Clash
Lack of Confidentiality
Sometimes, the group process allows individuals to feel more comfortable reviewing these issues
Lack of Confidentiality
Possible Personality Clash
Potentially be the “breach” despite receiving instructions to the contrary
Possible Personality Clash
Lack of Confidentiality
You’re surrounded by people who know what you’re going though
Network of Support
Sense of Belonging
Different perspective that those who haven’t.
Gain Perspective
Network of Support
Sense of Belonging
It can help you gain a little bit of perspective about your own struggles.
Gain perspective
Network support
Sessions usually take place at specific days and times that might not be convenient to you.
Scheduling Conflicts
Lack of Confidentiality
Network of Support
{"name":"3rd exam", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on various therapeutic models and treatment strategies used in psychology and mental health. This quiz is designed for anyone interested in learning about self-help social learning treatment models, psychodynamic therapy, and other important methodologies.Multiple-choice questionsDiverse topics related to therapyEnhance your understanding of client interactions","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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