{Hexed Divinity} Are you an angel or a demon?

A mystical landscape dividing heaven and hell, with angels and demons subtly portrayed, in a colorful and engaging art style.

Hexed Divinity: Angel or Demon?

Discover your inner celestial spirit or infernal nature with our engaging quiz! Are you swayed by light and virtue, or do you prefer the shadows and mischief? This fun assessment will reveal your true self through a series of thought-provoking questions!

  • Fashion sense
  • Favorite colors
  • Conflict resolution style
  • Magical talents
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by DancingSpirit42
When it comes to fashion, you prefer:
Cute, soft pastels!
Formalwear, ties and suits.
Fishnets, Spikes, and Leather.
Loose, baggy clothes like hoodies.
Just simple and cute.
Soft, sweaters and scarves.
What's your favorite kind of colors?
Dark colors.
Green, Blue, Purple.
Yellow, Orange, Red.
Any color is fine.
Pastel anything.
Bright neon colors!
You overhear your friend is fighting with someone, you:
Calmly try to fix things.
Go straight into defending your friend.
Watch and wait for them to stop, then talk to your friend afterwards.
Ignore it.
Get into a fight with the one harassing your friend.
When eating lunch, you would prefer to:
I'd prefer to be alone during lunch.
Talk with a big group of friends!
Chill with my best friend(s).
I don't really mind.
Your friend is upset with something you didn't do, you:
Get angry, argue with them.
Ignore them until they apologize.
Apologize even though you didn't do it.
Try to resolve the situation without fighting.
Your favorite season is?
If you could have a magical talent, you'd like to have:
Fire Manipulation.
Someone shoves you purposefully when walking past, you:
Apologize for being in the way.
Yell at them.
Shove them to the floor.
Give a glare, but otherwise nothing.
Stay silent.
What kind of food do you like the most?
Veggies and Fruit.
Anything warm and filling.
Cake, cookies, candy!
Bread, baked goods.
I don't really care.
Something with meat is good for me.
Your crush just rejected you, you:
Don't talk to them anymore.
Pretend it's okay but cry secretly later.
Get angry and insult them.
Ask them if you did something wrong.
Accept it and move on.
Start crying and apologize.
When you get bored, you'd rather:
Go outside and relax.
Play a video game.
Practice your hobbies.
Talk to your friends.
Watch a new show.
Take a nap.
Your partner forgets a special day, you:
Get angry at them.
Insist it's fine, but be hurt.
Don't get mad but ask them to try to remember next time.
Dates aren't special to me, so it's fine.
You're about to fail a test, in a last resort, you:
Try your best even though you know you won't pass.
Don't even try.
Ask to retake the test.
{"name":"{Hexed Divinity} Are you an angel or a demon?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your inner celestial spirit or infernal nature with our engaging quiz! Are you swayed by light and virtue, or do you prefer the shadows and mischief? This fun assessment will reveal your true self through a series of thought-provoking questions!Fashion senseFavorite colorsConflict resolution styleMagical talents","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5106501/img-zmtdokapuaqlivmm4bnzclne.jpg"}
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