Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 17 Jun 20
[2006.08607] Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi: Are Bell-tests only about local incompatibility?
[2006.08609] Eddy Keming Chen: Bell's Theorem, Quantum Probabilities, and Superdeterminism
[2006.08611] Manjari Dutta, Shreemoyee Ganguly, Sunandan Gangopadhyay: Exact solutions of a damped harmonic oscillator in a time dependent noncommutative space
[2006.08612] Chetan Waghela, Shubhrangshu Dasgupta: Optomechanical non-reciprocity and its equivalence to antiresonance: Control of isolation frequency using mechanical drive
[2006.08631] Dario Cilluffo, Angelo Carollo, Salvatore Lorenzo et al.: Collisional picture of quantum optics with giant emitters
[2006.08683] Kasra Sardashti, Matthieu C. Dartiailh, Joseph Yuan et al.: Voltage-tunable superconducting resonators: a platform for random access quantum memory
[2006.08729] Sina Loriani, Christian Schubert, Dennis Schlippert et al.: Resolution of the Co-Location Problem in Satellite Quantum Tests of the Universality of Free Fall
[2006.08730] Rodolfo Gambini, Jorge Pullin: Fundamental bound for time measurements and minimum uncertainty clocks
[2006.08747] Fei Yan, Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca, Kaoru Hirota: A Critical and Moving-Forward View on Quantum Image Processing
[2006.08813] Sahar Daraeizadeh, Shavindra P. Premaratne, A. Y. Matsuura: Designing high-fidelity multi-qubit gates for semiconductor quantum dots through deep reinforcement learning
[2006.08822] Xiao-Bin Liang, Bo Li, Liang Huang et al.: Optimal approximations of available states and a triple uncertainty relation
[2006.08853] Meng-Li Guo, Bo-Li, Zhi-Xi Wang et al.: Tighter constraints of multiqubit entanglement in terms of Rényi-$α$ entropy
[2006.08897] Longwen Zhou: Non-Hermitian Floquet phases with even-integer topological invariants in a periodically quenched two-leg ladder
[2006.08913] Zi-Min Li, Devid Ferri, Murray T. Batchelor: Non-orthogonal qubit states expansion for the asymmetric quantum Rabi model
[2006.08927] Leonard Mlodinow, Todd A. Brun: Quantum field theory from a quantum cellular automaton in one spatial dimension and a no-go theorem in higher dimensions
[2006.08974] Matteo A. C. Rossi, Francesco Albarelli, Dario Tamascelli et al.: Noisy quantum metrology enhanced by continuous nondemolition measurement
[2006.08990] Sagnik Dutta, Amit Mukherjee, Manik Banik: Operational Characterization of Multipartite Nonlocal Correlations
[2006.08992] Ying Liu, Jiabin Yuan, Wenjing Dai et al.: Three-state quantum walk on the Cayley Graph of the Dihedral Group
[2006.08999] Quoc Hoan Tran, Kohei Nakajima: Higher-Order Quantum Reservoir Computing
[2006.09013] Luca Ferialdi, Angelo Bassi: CSL reduction rate for rigid bodies
[2006.09044] Ariel Barr, Willem Gispen, Austen Lamacraft: Quantum Ground States from Reinforcement Learning
[2006.09064] Miguel Navascues, Flavio Baccari, Antonio Acin: Entanglement marginal problems
[2006.09110] Chaibata Seida, Abderrahim El allati, Nasser Metwally et al.: Bidirectional Teleportation using Fisher Information
[2006.09190] Shih-Si Hsiao, Ko-Tang Chen, Ite A. Yu: Mean field theory of weakly-interacting Rydberg polaritons in the EIT system based on the nearest-neighbor distribution
[2006.09236] Vasil Rokaj, Michael Ruggenthaler, Florian G. Eich et al.: The Free Electron Gas in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
[2006.09256] Wei Xiong, Jiaojiao Chen, Baolong Fang et al.: Strong Tunable Spin-Spin Interaction in A Weakly Coupled Nitrogen Vacancy Spin-Cavity Electromechanical System
[2006.09257] Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Srijon Ghosh, Saptarshi Roy et al.: Distribution of entanglement with variable range interactions
[2006.09318] Fei Wang: Non-Markovian trajectories involving future in the semi-classical path integral expression
[2006.09335] FrédÉric Bouchard, Alicia Sit, Yingwen Zhang et al.: Two-photon interference: the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect
[2006.09349] Dax Enshan Koh, Guoming Wang, Peter D. Johnson et al.: A framework for engineering quantum likelihood functions for expectation estimation
[2006.09350] Guoming Wang, Dax Enshan Koh, Peter D. Johnson et al.: Bayesian Inference with Engineered Likelihood Functions for Robust Amplitude Estimation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 17 Jun 20","img":""}
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