1. Why Safety Management Systems?
Present level of aircraft accidents is unacceptable
Reduces manpower requirements for the safety officer
Aviation insurance companies require it for coverage
Aviation is growing and it keeps accidents to minimum
2. Safety Management Systems are based on what fact?
Accidents are caused by hazards
Incidents are caused by risk
There will always be hazards and risks
Accidents & Incidents are caused by hazards
3. It is generally accepted that most aircraft accidents are caused by:
The aircraft
Human error
Pilot error
Maintenance error
4. In the 1990’s we realized that accidents in general were caused by
Accident chain under control of the organization
Operational mistakes
5. A Safety management System use what type of approach for safety:
Stand alone system
6. A Safety Management System provides for:
Measuring operational planning and performance
Goals and comprehensive system explicit system
Human error training and prevention
Goal setting, planning and measuring performance
7. The Safety Management System follows which philosophy:
Recognizes there will always be threats to safety
We will prevent accidents by changing people
Safety Management is the responsibility of the Safety Officer
SMS is based on each indivdual's performance
8. The SMS policy will achieve safety by:
Eliminate all human errors
Divide skills by experience levels
Clear statements of responsibility, authority and accountibility
Train all new people in SMS
9. What procedures do management want employees to follow to execute the policy?
Clear direction to all staff
Weekly meetings
Progress reports
Name of all personnel
10. What practices does management want followed on the job
Follow standard procedures
Follow well designed effective procedures
Follow each other
Follow standard job cards
11. What is the Safety Management System
The SMS organization that makes an operation safer
The SMS organization defined as per Transport Canada
Organization management designs for safety activities
Organizations structure and activities that make up the SMS and found throughout the organization
12. What does it take to build a Safety Management System?
The three "C"s of SMS leadership
Good management initiatives
Having good ideas
Having commitment
13. An organizations safety culture is defined by?
Peoples competence
Peoples commitment
What the people do
The number of company accidents
14. A safety culture is an informed culture, which means?
People work more effectively in their own operation
People understand hazards and risks involved in their own operation
People have more commitment in their own operation
People are more competent in their own operation
15. A safety culture is a just culture, which means?
Errors must be understood but willful violations cannot be tolerated
Errors need to be reported to track safety effectiveness
Errors are expected and understood
Errors measure the effectivity of hazard and risk management
16. A safety culture is a learning culture, which means?
People are encouraged to learn about the learning culture
People are encouraged to learn from all reported incidents
People are encouraged to learn from their mistakes to enhance safety
People are encouraged to develop and apply their own skills and knowledge to enhance safety
17. How do you encourage a positive safety culture?
Management tracks all safety issues for learning purposes
Management practices what it preaches regarding safety
Management schedules weekly safety meetings
Management reviews all willful safety violations
18. What does a SMS do for an organization
SMS is about Transport Canada requirements
SMS is about avoiding costs
SMS is about helping fellow employees
SMS is about time management
19. How many steps is the basic safety process accomplished in?
Four steps
Six steps
Five steps
Three steps
20. How does a SMS differ from traditional safety approaches?
SMS does not involve Transport Canada
SMS is only for large aircraft operators
SMS does not involve discipline
SMS only deals with risk
21. Why does management depend critically on safety information?
Transport Canada requirement
Financial budgeting requirements
Planning requirements
To make decisions and lead the organization
22. How many items should safety data information collected contain?
Two items
Five items
Three items
Four items
23. Safety as a core value is established by:
The owner
Chief Executive Officer
Safety Officer
24. The most common weakness when setting safety goals is:
Focusing on outcomes
Focusing on individuals
Focusing on management
Focusing on the safety officer
25. Do safe operations have less accidents?
26. What is a hazard pertaining to SMS?
Potential of an accident or incident causing injury to personnel
Potential of an accident or incident causing damage to equipment
Potential of an accident or incident causing damage to material
Potential of causing injury to personnel or damage to equipment
27. What is a risk pertaining to SMS?
Risk is the chance of material damage or loss
Risk is the chance of injury or loss
Risk is the chance of equipment damage or loss
Risk is the potential of loss
28. When should hazard identification and risk management accomplished?
During implementation of the SMS and then at regular intervals
During implementation of the SMS and management review
During implementation of the SMS and a Transport Canada audit
During implementation of the SMS and a Safety Officer process review
29. How many steps does the Transport Canada adapted Canadian Standards Association Q850 decision process for risk management take?
Two steps
Three steps
Five steps
Seven steps
30. The key of the safety reporting system is to:
Keep it available on all mobile devices so there is easy access
Keep it maintained or people will stop using it
Keep its functionality simple
Keep it available to all personnel 24/7
31. The reason for regular safety audits is to:
Ensures correct procedures are being followed and resolves any misunderstandings
Ensures correct safety reports are being generated so management can make the appropriate decisions
Ensures correct follow up is being completed for any accidents or incidents
Ensures correct follow up is being completed and forwarded to everyone for new procedures
32. What is more common pertaining to SMS reporting and investigations:
33. SMS requires new employees to receive orientation and recurrent training to:
See how safety is managed and to adopt operational requirements
See how safety is managed and to adopt new maintenance practices
See how safety is managed and to adopt standard safety practices
See how safety is managed and to adopt the safety philosophy
34. What is the importance of an emergency response plan with the SMS
The response plan outlines in writing what has to be done after an accident occurs
The response plan outlines who has to be contacted
The response plan outlines in writing the Transport Canada requirements
The response plan outlines in writing who has to be contacted and in what order.
35. Emergency response plans should be exercised to ensure the adequacy of the plan and the readiness of the people who must make it work:
36. The safety management system should be formally documented:
In appropriate manuals
In directives and / or instructions
Tailored to the organization
All of the above
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