About latvia

A detailed map of Latvia showing its major cities and landmarks, with cultural symbols representing Latvian heritage in vibrant colors.

Test Your Knowledge of Latvia!

Welcome to the Latvia Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to test your knowledge about Latvia, its history, culture, and geography.

Challenge yourself and see how much you know about:

  • The first president of Latvia
  • The number of consonants in the word 'Latvija'
  • Latvia's national anthem
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by ExploringLandmark32
1. Cik patskaņi ir vĝrdĝ «Latvija»?
2. Kĝ sauca pirmo Latvijas Valsts prezidentu?
Krišjĝns Barons
Donalds Tramps
Krišjĝns Kariņš
Vladimirs Putins
Kim Irsens
Jĝnis Čakste
3. Ar kuru no šīm valstīm Latvijai nav kopīga sauszemes robeža?
Ar Igauniju
Ar Baltkrieviju
Ar Ukrainu
Ar Vĝciju
4. Kĝds ir Latvijas oficiĝlais nosaukums?
Latvijas Republika
Latvijas Valsts
5. Kĝ sauc Latvijas himnu?
Dievs, svētī Latviju!
Dievs, svētī tēvzemi!
Dievs, svētī Kariņu!
Dievs, svētī dzimteni!
{"name":"About latvia", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Latvia Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to test your knowledge about Latvia, its history, culture, and geography.Challenge yourself and see how much you know about:The first president of LatviaThe number of consonants in the word 'Latvija'Latvia's national anthem","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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