Local is Lekker!

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We deliver nationwide! Are you an expert online shopper or do you prefer to stay a walk-in customer?
Online Shopping is my passion! Delivery sounds great!
I prefer to stay a walk-in customer!
I've never had a product delivered to me.
Have you ordered or bought from us before?
Yes! Best biltong ever!
No, I haven't gotten to it yet
I'm just here for the ride
I want to! But your shop is too far and buying online is a bit scary!
Do you like something spicy? Or plain?
Spicy all the way!
Plane Jane over here!
I'm on the fence with this one!
What type of content would you like to see?
"Maak my honger" posts
Lekker quiz like this one!
Behind The Scenes
Competitions, Competitions!
We'd love to know where you're from! (This stays between us, promise!)
How often do you eat biltong?
3-5 times a week
Maybe once a month
I eat, sleep and breathe biltong!
Every second month
If you could have a "stoute" happie biltong, which flavour would you choose?
Branne - Branne - Brannewyn!
Ey! Tequila!
Wise Old Whiskey
Dark Rum Lover!
Flavoured Vodka
Please Specify:
Would you be open to being contacted by one of our amazing sales consultants to help guide you through the delivery process? ( We won't be a nuisance!)
I'm already a customer!
Yay! Please type your name, number and email!
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