How You As A Fitness Professional Can Thrive Despite The Coronavirus Effect

Please complete this survey.
We'd love to get your input!
The Health Sciences Academy - Full Logo Borders - Transparent
Please complete this survey.
We'd love to get your input!
The Health Sciences Academy - Full Logo Borders - Transparent
What was your main reason for joining this live webinar?
Let’s just quickly go over your current situation so we understand if/how we can best help you…
Let’s just quickly go over your current situation so we understand if/how we can best help you…
Which other specialisations have you studied before?
Where are you now with your plans?
How would you describe your current role or profession?
Tell us a bit more about what you do and how you got here!
Tell us a bit more about what you do and how you got here!
Give us your Elevator Pitch for what you do! (Imagine you have 30 seconds, GO!)
What’s the story behind how you got here?
Who do you serve? Which main customer, segment or niche are you going after?
Do you work alone or with others?
With Others
Tell us a bit more about yourself, we'd like to get to know our attendees!
Tell us a bit more about yourself, we'd like to get to know our attendees!
Who do you follow in the health or wellness space?
Do you consider yourself to be an influencer? Tell us more!
Tell us more!
Which books are you reading?
Which blog sites do you subscribe to?
Do you consider yourself to be a blogger? Tell us more!
Great! Tell us more...
Any favourite podcasts or YouTube channels that you are into right now?
Are you a podcaster or vlogger? Tell us more!
We would love to know more!
Tell us about your business, what does success look like for you!
Tell us about your business, what does success look like for you!
What types of metrics are key for you?
What do you care about for your business?
What are you trying to do? What is your mission?
Tell us about your challenges, what will get in the way of your success!
Tell us about your challenges, what will get in the way of your success!
What is your top urgency?
What problem are you trying to solve?
What are you trying to achieve right now? And what’s the underlying reason?
What screaming problems are you dealing with?
What are you willing to do to address these challenges?
Is there anything else you want to share that might help us help you?
Tell us more...
{"name":"How You As A Fitness Professional Can Thrive Despite The Coronavirus Effect", "url":"","txt":"Please complete this survey.   We'd love to get your input!, What was your main reason for joining this live webinar?, Let’s just quickly go over your current situation so we understand if\/how we can best help you…","img":""}
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