Can you spot a Puppy Farm?

Do you know the doggy dos and the doggy don’ts when it comes to buying a pup? Test your knowledge in our Dogs Trust Pup Quiz!

Do you know the doggy dos and the doggy don’ts when it comes to buying a pup? Test your knowledge in our Dogs Trust Pup Quiz!
Which one of these images looks like a puppy farm?
D. All of them

Yes, it’s all of them! A puppy farm isn’t always obvious. Many people end up buying pups from puppy farms without even knowing it. The dogs who come from these farms can often be bred in poor conditions and often develop serious and sadly, even fatal health conditions leaving their new owners devastated.

Yes, it’s all of them! A puppy farm isn’t always obvious. Many people end up buying pups from puppy farms without even knowing it. The dogs who come from these farms can often be bred in poor conditions and often develop serious and sadly, even fatal health conditions leaving their new owners devastated.

Actually, it’s all of them! A puppy farm isn’t always obvious. Many people end up buying pups from puppy farms without even knowing it. The dogs who come from these farms can be bred in poor conditions and often develop serious and sadly, even fatal health conditions leaving their new owners devastated.

Actually, it’s all of them! A puppy farm isn’t always obvious. Many people end up buying pups from puppy farms without even knowing it. The dogs who come from these farms can be bred in poor conditions and often develop serious and sadly, even fatal health conditions leaving their new owners devastated.

Is there currently any legislation governing the sale, supply or advertising of pets in Ireland?
A. Yes
B. No

Correct, there’s no pulling the wool over your eyes.
On February 1st, 2020 legislation was introduced governing the sale, supply and advertising of pets in Ireland.

Correct, there’s no pulling the wool over your eyes.
On February 1st, 2020 legislation was introduced governing the sale, supply and advertising of pets in Ireland.

Incorrect but don’t worry we’ll get you up to speed.
On February 1st, 2020 legislation was introduced governing the sale, supply and advertising of pets in Ireland.

Incorrect but don’t worry we’ll get you up to speed.
On February 1st, 2020 legislation was introduced governing the sale, supply and advertising of pets in Ireland.

John has six female dogs of breeding age. He’s not currently planning on breeding from any of them, does he need to register as a breeder?
A. Yes, he does
B. Not at all, sure that’s John’s own business

You’re right! Clever Clogs. Since 2010 any premises with six or more female dogs capable of breeding must apply to register as a Dog Breeding Establishment. If John doesn’t do this, he is in breach of the regulations.

You’re right! Clever Clogs. Since 2010 any premises with six or more female dogs capable of breeding must apply to register as a Dog Breeding Establishment. If John doesn’t do this, he is in breach of the regulations.

Uh-oh, if John follows your advice he’ll be in breach of the regulations. Since 2010, any premises with six or more female dogs capable of breeding must apply to register as a Dog Breeding Establishment.

Uh-oh, if John follows your advice he’ll be in breach of the regulations. Since 2010, any premises with six or more female dogs capable of breeding must apply to register as a Dog Breeding Establishment.

Right, now that John has established he needs to register, he needs to find out where! Which of these places do you think he should go to register?
A. His local Post Office
B. His Local Authority
C. The Department of Agriculture
D. Paw Patrol HQ

You’re right, with you on his side John won’t put a foot wrong. Applying to his Local Authority is the only way for John to register as a breeder.

You’re right, with you on his side John won’t put a foot wrong. Applying to his Local Authority is the only way for John to register as a breeder.

Poor John, you’re sending him on a wild goose chase. To register as a breeder he needs to apply to his Local Authority.

Poor John, you’re sending him on a wild goose chase. To register as a breeder he needs to apply to his Local Authority.

How many dogs is a registered Dog Breeding Establishment allowed to have on their premises?
A. 50
B. 150
C. 300
D. No limit

You really know your stuff. Yes, as crazy as it sounds there is currently no limit to the number of dogs that a registered Dog Breeding Establishment can have on their premises.

You really know your stuff. Yes, as crazy as it sounds there is currently no limit to the number of dogs that a registered Dog Breeding Establishment can have on their premises.

As crazy as it sounds there is currently no limit to the number of dogs that a registered Dog Breeding Establishment can have on their premises.

As crazy as it sounds there is currently no limit to the number of dogs that a registered Dog Breeding Establishment can have on their premises.

Should a pup or dog be microchipped before being sold?
A. Yes, that’s the responsibility of the buyer
B. Yes, that’s the responsibility of the seller
C. There is no legal requirement for a pup or dog to be microchipped
D. A microchip is a snack from the 90’s, not a legal requirement

Yes, that’s the responsibility of the seller. Since 2016 any dog or pup being sold or having ownership transferred must be microchipped.

Yes, that’s the responsibility of the seller. Since 2016 any dog or pup being sold or having ownership transferred must be microchipped.

No, that’s the responsibility of the seller. Since 2016 any dog or pup being sold or having ownership transferred must be microchipped.

No, that’s the responsibility of the seller. Since 2016 any dog or pup being sold or having ownership transferred must be microchipped.

How many litters is a breeding female legally allowed to have in her lifetime?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. No limit

You’re right, a breeding female should legally have no more than 6 litters in her lifetime and no more than 3 litters in any period of 3 years but sadly, this is often not the case on illegal puppy farms.

You’re right, a breeding female should legally have no more than 6 litters in her lifetime and no more than 3 litters in any period of 3 years but sadly, this is often not the case on illegal puppy farms.

A breeding female dog should legally have no more than 6 litters over her lifetime and no more than 3 litters in any 3 year period but sadly, this is often not the case on illegal puppy farms.

A breeding female dog should legally have no more than 6 litters over her lifetime and no more than 3 litters in any 3 year period but sadly, this is often not the case on illegal puppy farms.

John’s back and he’s been busy. He now has 50 dogs in his registered Dog Breeding Establishment. How many carers is John legally required to have on his premises to look after his dogs and their pups?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. It’s up to John

Unbelievably, John is only required to have one carer per 25 breeding females. So, if each of his 50 dogs had a litter of six pups that would be 2 people looking after 350 dogs!!

Unbelievably, John is only required to have one carer per 25 breeding females. So, if each of his 50 dogs had a litter of six pups that would be 2 people looking after 350 dogs!!

Unbelievably, John is only required to have one carer per 25 breeding females. So, if each of his 50 dogs had a litter of six pups that would be 2 people looking after 350 dogs!!

Unbelievably, John is only required to have one carer per 25 breeding females. So, if each of his 50 dogs had a litter of six pups that would be 2 people looking after 350 dogs!!

There have been some reports that John’s dogs are living in poor and very unsanitary conditions. A number of pups he’s sold have been found to have serious health issues. Who is responsible for carrying out an inspection on his premises?
A. Local Authorities
B. Local Animal Charity
C. An Garda Síochána
D. Any of these

You’re right, it’s the job of Local Authorities to inspect Dog Breeding Establishments if there are concerns for the animals there. On puppy farms dogs can often be forced to live in small pens with no bedding or access to daylight. They experience little human contact and no space to play or exercise. A breeding female on one of these farms can often be bred continuously until she is too old and exhausted.

You’re right, it’s the job of Local Authorities to inspect Dog Breeding Establishments if there are concerns for the animals there. On puppy farms dogs can often be forced to live in small pens with no bedding or access to daylight. They experience little human contact and no space to play or exercise. A breeding female on one of these farms can often be bred continuously until she is too old and exhausted.

It’s actually the job of Local Authorities to inspect Dog Breeding Establishments if there are concerns for the animals there. On puppy farms dogs can often be forced to live in small pens with no bedding or access to daylight. They experience little human contact and no space to play or exercise. A breeding female on one of these farms can often be bred continuously until she is too old and exhausted.

It’s actually the job of Local Authorities to inspect Dog Breeding Establishments if there are concerns for the animals there. On puppy farms dogs can often be forced to live in small pens with no bedding or access to daylight. They experience little human contact and no space to play or exercise. A breeding female on one of these farms can often be bred continuously until she is too old and exhausted.

What is the earliest age that a puppy can be taken from their mum and sold under the current legislation?
A. 4 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 8 weeks
D. 10 weeks

A pup must be at least 8 weeks old before they are ready to leave their mum. Separating a pup from their mum before this time may result in them missing out on some of their essential early learning. This is a sensitive and influential time for a pup and it really is a case of mum knows best.

A pup must be at least 8 weeks old before they are ready to leave their mum. Separating a pup from their mum before this time may result in them missing out on some of their essential early learning. This is a sensitive and influential time for a pup and it really is a case of mum knows best.

A pup must be at least 8 weeks old before they are ready to leave their mum. Separating a pup from their mum before this time may result in them missing out on some of their essential early learning. This is a sensitive and influential time for a pup and it really is a case of mum knows best.

A pup must be at least 8 weeks old before they are ready to leave their mum. Separating a pup from their mum before this time may result in them missing out on some of their essential early learning. This is a sensitive and influential time for a pup and it really is a case of mum knows best.
Now, do you have the doggy instincts needed to sniff out an illegal puppy advertisement?


This ad should include a unique microchip number for each of the pups as well as their age.

This ad should include a unique microchip number for each of the pups as well as their age.

This ad should include a unique microchip number for each of the pups as well as their age.

This ad should include a unique microchip number for each of the pups as well as their age.
What about this advertisement?


This advertisement has been placed by a reputable breeder and has all the legally required information including the seller’s registration number, the dog's age and country of origin, and a unique microchip number for each dog.

This advertisement has been placed by a reputable breeder and has all the legally required information including the seller’s registration number, the dog's age and country of origin, and a unique microchip number for each dog.

This advertisement has been placed by a reputable breeder and has all the legally required information including the seller’s registration number, the dog's age and country of origin, and a unique microchip number for each dog.

This advertisement has been placed by a reputable breeder and has all the legally required information including the seller’s registration number, the dog's age and country of origin, and a unique microchip number for each dog.
What about this advertisement?


These pups are too young to be separated from their mum, they must be at least 8 weeks old before being sold.

These pups are too young to be separated from their mum, they must be at least 8 weeks old before being sold.

These pups are too young to be separated from their mum, they must be at least 8 weeks old before being sold.

These pups are too young to be separated from their mum, they must be at least 8 weeks old before being sold.
And lastly this advertisement?


Although this advertisement is legal, we would always advise that you see the mum and puppies together. Puppy farms will often separate a pup from their mum too early and make excuses as to why you cannot see mum and puppies together.

Although this advertisement is legal, we would always advise that you see the mum and puppies together. Puppy farms will often separate a pup from their mum too early and make excuses as to why you cannot see mum and puppies together.

Although this advertisement is legal, we would always advise that you see the mum and puppies together. Puppy farms will often separate a pup from their mum too early and make excuses as to why you cannot see mum and puppies together.

Although this advertisement is legal, we would always advise that you see the mum and puppies together. Puppy farms will often separate a pup from their mum too early and make excuses as to why you cannot see mum and puppies together.
Thank you for being such a good human and taking part in our pup quiz.
Today, you have the power in your hands to change the story for dogs across Ireland. Please sign our petition to Stop the Illegal Sale of Dogs HERE
Your signature, and your voice, will join with thousands of others across Ireland, to stop the illegal sale of dogs.
Thank you for being such a good human and taking part in our pup quiz.
Today, you have the power in your hands to change the story for dogs across Ireland. Please sign our petition to Stop the Illegal Sale of Dogs HERE
Your signature, and your voice, will join with thousands of others across Ireland, to stop the illegal sale of dogs.
{"name":"Can you spot a Puppy Farm?", "url":"","txt":"Do you know the doggy dos and the doggy don’ts when it comes to buying a pup? Test your knowledge in our Dogs Trust Pup Quiz!, Which one of these images looks like a puppy farm?, {answer to = 7801627} Yes, it’s all of them! A puppy farm isn’t always obvious. Many people end up buying pups from puppy farms without even knowing it. The dogs who come from these farms can often be bred in poor conditions and often develop serious and sadly, even fatal health conditions leaving their new owners devastated.","img":""}