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New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 7 Apr 21
[2104.02084] Yang-Zhi Chou, Fengcheng Wu, Jay D. Sau: Charge density wave and finite-temperature transport in minimally twisted bilayer graphene
[2104.02087] Zhu-Xi Luo, Cenke Xu, Chao-Ming Jian: Magic continuum in twisted bilayer square lattice with staggered flux
[2104.02106] Olga Yu. Vekilova: Efficient determination of the true magnetic structure in a high-throughput ab initio screening: the MDMC method
[2104.02122] Ricard Alert, Jaume Casademunt, Jean-François Joanny: Active Turbulence
[2104.02142] Regina Ariskina, Michael Schnedler, Pablo D. Esquinazi et al.: Influence of surface band bending on a narrow band gap semiconductor: Tunneling atomic force studies of graphite with Bernal and...
[2104.02165] Kevin M. Roccapriore, Shin-Hum Cho, Andrew R. Lupini et al.: Sculpting the plasmonic responses of nanoparticles by directed electron beam irradiation
[2104.02168] Caitlin Carnahan, Yinhan Zhang, Di Xiao: Thermal Hall Effect of Chiral Spin Fluctuations
[2104.02182] Akihisa Koga, Yuta Murakami, Joji Nasu: Majorana correlations in the Kitaev model with ordered-flux structures
[2104.02192] M. Latorre, F. J. Montans: Fully anisotropic finite strain viscoelasticity based on a reverse multiplicative decomposition and logarithmic strains
[2104.02196] Mattia Serra, Linnea Lemma, Luca Giomi et al.: Defect-mediated dynamics of coherent structures in active nematics
[2104.02197] S. K. Adhikari: Supersolid-like states in a two-dimensional trapped spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate
[2104.02198] Marco Menarini, Vitaliy Lomakin: Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation for ferrimagnets with higher-order interaction
[2104.02204] Shi-Xin Song, Yang Zhang, Jie Guan et al.: Noncollinear ferrielectricity and morphotropic phase boundary in GeS monolayer
[2104.02208] Xiaoyan Yao, Yu Wang, Shuai Dong: Noncollinear topological textures in two-dimensional van der Waals materials: From magnetic to polar systems
[2104.02211] Desheng Fu, Eiki Kakihara: A capacitive displacement system for studying the piezoelectric strain and its temperature variation
[2104.02212] A. Derras-Chouk, E. M. Chudnovsky, D. A. Garanin: Quantum States of a Skyrmion in a 2D Antiferromagnet
[2104.02217] Hyuk Jin Kim, Byoung Ki Choi, In Hak Lee et al.: Electronic structure and charge-density wave transition in monolayer VS_{2}
[2104.02218] Yanping Cai, Daniel G. Allman, Parth Sabharwal et al.: Persistent currents in rings of ultracold fermionic atoms
[2104.02221] Zhanyang Hao, Weizhao Chen, Yuan Wang et al.: Multiple Symmetry-Protected Dirac Nodal Lines in A Quasi-One-Dimensional Semimetal
[2104.02224] In Hak Lee, Byoung Ki Choi, Hyuk Jin Kim et al.: Modulating Curie Temperature and Magnetic Anisotropy in Nanoscale Layered Cr_{2}Te_{3} Films: Implications for Room-Temperature Spintronics
[2104.02229] Honggang Chen, Mingzhong Wang, Yao Qi et al.: Relationship between the TC of smart meta-superconductor Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO and inhomogeneous phase content
[2104.02241] Jooseop Lee, Masanori Nagao, Yoshikazu Mizuguchi et al.: Direct Observation of an Incommensurate Charge Density Wave in the BiS2-based Superconductor NdO1-xFxBiS2
[2104.02270] Lun-Hui Hu, Jiabin Yu, Ion Garate et al.: Phonon helicity induced by electronic Berry curvature in Dirac materials
[2104.02274] Takuhiro Ogino, Shunsuke Furukawa, Ryui Kaneko et al.: Symmetry-protected topological phases and competing orders in a spin-1/2 XXZ ladder with a four-spin interaction
[2104.02277] E. P. Kenny, A. C. Jacko, B. J. Powell: $x$-[Pd(dmit)$_2$]$_2$ as a quasi-1D, scalene Heisenberg model
[2104.02288] Luciano Zinni, Matías Bejas, Andrés Greco: Superconductivity with and without glue and the role of the double-occupancy forbidding constraint in the t-J-V model
[2104.02315] Samir F. Matar: B12C2N Interstitial Boron subcarbonitride with peculiar magnetic properties: First principles investigations
[2104.02340] Yasir J Noori, Lingcong Meng, Ayoub H. Jaafar et al.: Phase Change Memory by GeSbTe Electrodeposition in Crossbar Arrays
[2104.02342] Vladyslav M. Kuchkin, Ksenia Chichay, Bruno Barton-Singer et al.: Geometry and Symmetry in Skyrmion Dynamics
[2104.02343] Martin Stückler, Stefan Wurster, Lukas Weissitsch et al.: Sampling the Cu-Fe-Co phase diagram by severe plastic deformation for enhanced soft magnetic properties
[2104.02344] Thanh-Mai Thi Tran, Duong-Bo Nguyen, Hong-Son Nguyen et al.: Topological Green function of interacting systems
[2104.02345] Yoshishige Suzuki, Soma Miki, Eiiti Tamura: Diffusion of magnetic skyrmions in 2-dimensional space
[2104.02347] Cla Duri Tschannen, Martin Frimmer, Georgy Gordeev et al.: Raman Sideband Thermometry of Single Carbyne Chains
[2104.02353] Seokbae Lee, Yu-Seong Seo, Seulki Roh et al.: Correlation spectra of Fe-pnictides obtained by using an extended Drude mode
[2104.02365] Fazel Shojaei, Bohayra Mortazavi: Ultrahigh carrier mobility, Dirac cone and high stretchability in pyrenyl and pyrazinoquinoxaline graphdiyne/graphyne nanosheets confirmed by first-principles
[2104.02401] Yuhao Li, Xiao Wang, Deqi Tang et al.: Unraveling intrinsic flexoelectricity in twisted double bilayer graphene
[2104.02403] M. Kratochvílová, K. Uhlířová, M. Míšek et al.: The surface degradation and its impact on the magnetic properties of bulk VI_3
[2104.02404] Martin Hähsler, Hajnalka Nádasi, Martin Feneberg et al.: Magnetic Tilting in Nematic Liquid Crystals driven by Self-Assembly
[2104.02418] Shital Rokade, Prasoon Kumar: In-situ dispersion of electrospun nanofibers in PDMS for fabrication of high strength, transparent nanocomposites
[2104.02428] Doru Sticlet, Balázs Dóra, Cătălin Paşcu Moca: Kubo formula for non-Hermitian systems and tachyon optical conductivity
[2104.02430] Xiao Wan, Baris Demir, Meng An et al.: Thermal Conductivities and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin as a Function of the Degree of Cross-linking
[2104.02431] Kazem Zhour, Andrei Postnikov: Theoretical mapping of interaction between potassium atoms adsorbed on boron carbide monolayer
[2104.02436] Emanuel Willert: Short note: Transformation between different solution methods for general axisymmetric tangential contact problems in Hertz-Mindlin approximation
[2104.02437] Martin Héritier, Raphael Pachlatko, Ye Tao et al.: Spatially resolved surface dissipation over metal and dielectric substrates
[2104.02441] Richard David, Rainone Corrado, Lerner Edan: Finite-size study of the athermal quasistatic yielding transition in structural glasses
[2104.02450] Yana S. Lyakhova, Evgeny A. Stepanov, Alexey N. Rubtsov: Fluctuating local field approach to free energy of 1D molecules with strong collective electronic correlations
[2104.02490] Valentin Anfray, Christophe Chatelain: Numerical evidence of a super-universality of the 2D and 3D random quantum Potts models
[2104.02503] David Jacob, Ricardo Ortiz, Joaquín Fernández-Rossier: Renormalization of spin excitations and Kondo effect in open shell nanographenes
[2104.02504] Giorgia Scetta, Jianzhu Ju, Nathan Selles et al.: Strain induced strengthening of soft thermoplastic polyurethanes under cyclic deformation
[2104.02506] Adrianos E. F. Athanasiadis, Marcelo A. Dias, Michal K. Budzik: Can confined mechanical metamaterials replace adhesives?
[2104.02509] H. Terletska, A. Moilanen, K.-M. Tam et al.: Non-local corrections to the typical medium theory of Anderson localization
[2104.02510] B. Xu, P. Marsik, S. Sarkar et al.: Infrared study of the interplay of charge, spin, and lattice excitations in the magnetic topological insulator EuIn$_2$As$_{2}$
[2104.02529] Armin Sahinovic, Benjamin Geisler: Active learning and element embedding approach in neural networks for infinite-layer versus perovskite oxides
[2104.02553] Kirill P. Kalinin, Natalia G. Berloff: Large-scale Sustainable Search on Unconventional Computing Hardware
[2104.02554] Lucia Stein-Montalvo, Douglas P. Holmes, Gwennou Coupier: Delayed buckling of spherical shells due to viscoelastic knockdown of the critical load
[2104.02560] P.Z. Sun, M. Yagmurcukardes, R. Zhang et al.: Exponentially selective molecular sieving through angstrom pores
[2104.02568] Alex Bogan, Sergei Studenikin, Marek Korkusinski et al.: Spin-orbit enabled quantum transport channels in a two-hole double quantum dot
[2104.02590] K. A. Villegas Rosales, P. T. Madathil, Y. J. Chung et al.: Fractional quantum Hall effect energy gap: role of electron layer thickness
[2104.02608] Saeedeh Mokarian Zanjani, Muhammad Tahir Naseem, Özgür Müstecaplıoğlu et al.: All-Optical Control of Magnetization in Quantum-Confined Ultrathin Magnetic Metals
[2104.02671] Esteban A. Martinez, Andreas Pöschl, Esben Bork Hansen et al.: Measurement circuit effects in three-terminal electrical transport measurements
[2104.02681] Tianhong Gu, Finn Giuliani, T. Ben Britton: Accessing slip activity in high purity tin with electron backscatter diffraction and measurement of slip strength
[2104.02690] Richard J. Hommel, Michael D. Graham: Reformulated reactive rod constitutive model for dilute wormlike micelle solutions
[2104.02697] Daniel Utt, Alexander Stukowski, Karsten Albe: Thermodynamics of vacancies in concentrated solid solutions: From dilute Ni-alloys to the Cantor system
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 7 Apr 21","img":""}
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