Which Aussie Character Are You?

A vibrant, colorful artwork featuring diverse Australian characters in a lively setting, representing various personalities and traits, with hints of nature and iconic Aussie landmarks in the background.

Discover Your Aussie Character!

Have you ever wondered which iconic Australian character you resemble the most? Whether it’s their personality traits, outlook on life, or unique quirks, our quiz will help you find out!

  • Answer fun and engaging questions
  • Uncover interesting insights about yourself
  • Share your results with friends!
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DancingKangaroo432
When it comes to friends, you...
Love to have lots!
Like having one or two really close friends.
Don't have a lot. It's hard for me to get close to people.
Have a couple here and there, but one best friend that I tell everything to.
Find it hard to get true ones. There's a lot of people that like to pretend.
Try to make each one I have meaningful, even if it's just a handful.
Which image appeals to you most?
What kind of book/movie is your favorite?
Something classic, though I like anything well-made and thought-provoking
Fantasy/made-up world with a dash of realism
Something fun and lighthearted
Something fast-paced and action-packed that keeps me on edge
Something with complex plot and characters that I can engage with
Something meaningful and heartwarming
Rules are...
Made to be broken.
There to protect us. At least that's what my mom says.
Necessary for a functioning society.
Fine, I guess. They can get annoying.
Not really for me.
Helpful and important.
Best way to spend the weekend?
Relaxing at home with my family.
Going to the beach/park with all my friends and doing fun things!
By myself, reading a good book.
Planning a date with someone cool and interesting.
Spending some quality time with the girls/guys.
Visiting and exploring a place I've never been before.
What is your best quality?
My analytical skills.
My optimism and friendliness.
My kindness.
My mellowness in pretty much every situation.
My quick-wittedness.
My drive to accomplish my goals.
What makes you feel loved?
When someone tells me I can do it, or lets me know they believe in me.
When someone takes the time to get to know the real me.
When someone gives me a gift that shows they really thought about me.
A warm hug from a friend.
When someone helps me out with something, just because they want to.
When someone listens to my ideas and weird ramblings.
How often do you cry?
I guess I cry when I'm really sad, but not really around people. That's embarrassing.
Not very often. I have to be pretty moved.
Honestly, I don't really cry.
Whenever I watch/read something that I really connect with.
Life's too short to waste it crying.
Pretty often. Either I'm distressed about something or just feeling emotional.
How do you handle conflict with a friend?
Gently try to work through the matter with them.
Ask someone for advice on how to make it up to them. I don't want to lose a friend!
Try to let it go. It's not a big deal.
Brood about it for awhile; maybe confront them if it's serious enough.
Confront them about it immediately.
Vent about it to someone, then talk to my friend once I'm less angry.
What are you most afraid of?
Being totally useless
Having to grow up
Losing people I love
Being alone
Not being accepted
There's a cool new person you'd like to get to know. What do you do?
Probably just observe them from afar. I'm not very good at making friends.
Try to make them feel comfortable around me by telling them stories or making them laugh.
Try talking to them in a group setting, so it's less awkward.
Talk to them about something I know they like, so I'm sure to get a good response.
I might say hey, but I'm not really one to take initiative when making friends.
Approach them in a friendly way and ask questions.
"Do you need help with that?"
*nods vigorously*
I got this.
A not-so-good thing about you?
My temper.
I worry about everything.
I don't take things very seriously...
I'm pretty insecure.
Sometimes I'm too serious.
I can be a little prideful.
Do you want to have a family of your own?
Yes, definitely.
Probably, if I find the right person.
I'm not sure yet.
Eh, there's a lot I want to do first.
Sure, but that's a long ways off!
Maybe get married, I dunno about the whole kids thing.
In a group project, you tend to...
Use my critical thinking to point out flaws and make the project the best it can be.
Take charge and tell people what they need to do.
Hang back a bit, but make sure everyone's ideas are heard.
Do whatever the others need me to and help everyone get along.
Help come up with lots of interesting ideas to make the project unique.
Cheer everyone on and keep things fun.
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