Final Study Quiz

A tenant rents property and buys room size rugs. The owner then mortgages the property after the tenant lays the rugs down. This means:
A. The rugs are part of the lender's security
B. The tenant can do with the rugs as he/she pleases
C. The rugs will belong to the ower at the end of the lease
D. Both the lender and the owenr may have a claim on the rugs
A seller, Jane Jones, had prize rose bushes in her yard. They were not mentioned specifically in hte sales contract. Two days before closing, she removed them. Was this a lawful act?
A. Yes, since they were not specifically mentioned
B. No, because they are a part of the realty
C. Yes, because they would be considered emblements
D. No, since her right of recission is limited to three days
The right of a land owner to have a reasonable use of water from an adjoining stream is known as:
A. A riparian right
B. A littoral right
C. The right of prior appropriation
D. The right to percolating waters
Deeds, contracts and other documetns dealing with real estate describe only the land because:
A. Buildings and other improvements are considered to be a part of the land
B. Buildings and other improvements are considered to be personal property
C. Only land is real estate
D. Fixtures and additions are conveyed by a separate bill of sale
The owner of land may also possess air rights and subsurface rights. These rights are:
A. Inseperable from surface rights
B. Subject to being leased but not sold apart from the land
C. Subject to being lawfully used by others without the landowners consent
D. Capable of being separated
A land owner had a small lake totally enclosed within the land. The owner told a neighbor to feel free to fish in the lake anytime he wished. The neighbor has:
A. An appurtenant easement
B. An easement in gross
C. A license
D. A valuable right which can be assigned to whomever buys the property
Timber and Stove Construction Company has an easement to stack lumber on another's land. This results in:
A. The construction company having an appurtenant easement
B. The construction company being a servient tenant
C. The construction company being the dominant estate
D. The construction company having an easement in gross
An easement that is acquired by constant, hostile use is called an easement by:
A. Adverse possession
B. necessity
C. prescription
D. encroachment
From the standpoint of the dominant estate, an easment is:
A. An encumbrance
B. A lien
C. A reversion
D. An appurtenance
Telephone, gas and electric lines placed on privately owned land are examples of:
A. Easements in gross
B. Appurtenant easments
C. encroachments
D. trespassing
Which of the following are encroachments?
A. Pedestrian traffic cutting across the corner of a lot
B. The eve of a roof that extends over a property line
C. A low-flying airplane over privately owned land
D. All answers are correct
An unpaid workman wishes to file a mechanics lien for materials, labor and travel expenses. The workman can file for:
A. Materials only
B. Labor only
C. Labor and materials but not travel
D. materials, labor and travel
Property owner Ann was upset over neighboring property owner Bee's decision to build a 12-story apartment house. Since zoning permitted, there was little Ann could do at the time. Shortly after construction began, property owner Ann found that the foundation of the building was two feet over the property line. In order to punish Bee, Ann waited until 11 stories had been completed before asserting a claim and demanded the building be torn down. The probably result will be:
A. Ann will succeed because the building is an ecroachment
B. Will have to stand the loss because Ann claimed within the period of time allowed by the Statute of Limitations
C. Ann will fail because of the doctrine of laches
D. both A and B are correct
Which of the following liens has priority over the others?
A. Special Assessments
B. First Mortgage
C. Mechanic's Lien
D. Federal Income Tax Lien
When you record a deed, it gives:
A. Constructive notice
B. enforceability
C. priority
D. All of the answers are correct
Private agreements that govern the use of land are known as:
A. covenants
B. Zoning ordinances
C. Building codes
D. All of the answers are correct
A lien is best described as:
A. An ecumbrance affecting the use of property
B. A monetary claim not secured by property
C. An ecumbrance of any kind
D. An encumbrance affecting title to the property
Blaze fell from the front porch of Ramsey's house. Blaze sued for damages because of injuries suffered from the fall and won a judgement. The resulting lien is:
A. First in the priority of claim ahead of all others
B. A lien against all real and personal property Ramsey owns in the country
C. A specific lien against Ramsey's house
D. A personal lien against Ramsey, not the property
The word "encumbrance" is best described as:
A. The making of the property security for payment of a debt
B. That which affects or limits title or use of the property
C. The construction of any improvement partly or wholly on the land of another
D. The right, privilege or interest which one party has in the land of another
Subdivision deed restrictions may be removed by:
A. Expiration of time
B. Consent of all benefiting owners
C. Acquiescence in repeated violations
D. All answers are correct
With the exception of certain tax and/or mechanic's liens, priority of claim among liens is determined by:
A. Date of sale
B. Size of lien
C. Date of recordatioin
D. litigation
Jack, Jerry and Jill buy property together with stated equal interests and the right of survivorship. Their form of ownership is known as:
A. Severalty ownership
B. Tenancy in common
C. Joint tenancy
D. Tenancy by the entireties
The deed which contains no warranties is called:
A. An executor's deed
B. A sheriff's deed
C. A quitclaim deed
D. A grant deed
When a properly executed deed conveys an interest in property to the person who accepts it, which of the following is NOT a requirement of a valid conveyance by deed?
A. The deed must have been delivered and accepted during the lifetiime of the grantor
B. The deed must be recorded in the county courthouse in which the property is located
C. The deed must be signed by a legally competent grantor
D. The deed must identify the granteee but te grantees signature is not required
Joint tenancy and tenancy in common are distinguished from each other by which of the following statements?
A. Only joint tenants have equal rights of possession
B. Tenants in common may not own equal interests
C. In a tenancy in common, there are as many titles as tenants; in a joint tenancy there is only one title
D. A joint tenant may not sell his/her interest without the consent of the other joint tenants
To defend a claim of ownership, the owner must prove:
A. That constructive notice was provided
B. An actual notice was given
C. An abstract of title was delivered
D. An owner's title insurance policy was purchased
Roger Lodger leased a house from Manny Mansions. The lease contract, when properly executed and delivered, created:
A. An estate for Roger
B. A possessory interest or right for Roger
C. An estate in reversion for Manny
D. All answers are correct
A husband and wife in a community property state are divorced. Their former community property:
A. May be partitioned only while married
B. May still be held by them as tenants in common
C. either A or B
D. neither A or B
A life estate is classified as which of the following?
A. A estate in fee simple
B. A freehold estate
C. A defeasible fee
D. An estate for years
Severalty ownership results when:
A. Two parties receive title tot he same property by devise
B. Husbad and wife buy property together
C. One of two joint tenants dies
D. Tenants own equal and undivided shares in the same property
A Freehold Estate will in all cases have each of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. inheritability
B. transferability
C. Being of indefinite duration
D. Subject to being encumbered
Mabel Mosely owned an easement footpath across neighboring property. School children would occassionally use the path in walking to and from school. When abel became interested in roses, she fenced her entire lot but did not provide a gate to the footpath. What is the probably result of this action?
A. The children gain a prescriptive easement
B. Mabel has abandoned the easement
C. Mabel has given the children an easment in gross
D. The construction of the fence has not legal implications
Greg Houser wished to give his nephew a residential lot as a wedding present. Greg properly executed a deed and left it with his attorney for safekeeping. Greg died before the wedding and the delivery of the deed. The result is:
A. Greg's attorney may deliver th deed and transfer title.
B. The nephew may lawfully demand the deed from Greg's estate.
C. Greg's executor or administrator will be required to deliver the deed to the nephew.
D. The deed is invalid and cannot transfer title.
The words of conveyance in a deed state:
A. That real property is being granted
B. The quantity of the estate which is being granted
C. both A and B
D. neither A or B
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the purpose of adverse possession laws?
A. To allow poor people an opportunity to own real estate.
B. To provide for more equitable distribution of property.
C. To enable an individiual to acquire title to land which the owner will not sell.
D. To insure the fulest and most productive use of privately owned land.
A partition suit is used for which of the following?
A. Determination of ownership of party fences.
B. To allow the construction of party walls.
C. To force a division of property without all the owner's consent.
D. To change a tenancy by the entireties to some other form of ownership.
Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of a special warranty deed?
A. It makes warranties only for the time the property was owned by the grantor.
B. It conveys both present interest and any future interest that may be acquired by the grantor.
C. It is the best and most complete warranty deed that a grantee may receive.
D. It must specify the actual amount of valuable consideration paid by the purchaser.
When a waterline recedes permanently exposing additional land, it is known as:
A. avulsion
B. dereliction
C. alluvium
D. erosion
The gift of a property by a nuncupative will would NOT be known as a:
A. devise
B. bequest
C. legacy
D. both B and C are correct
What is a bequest?
A. Personal property
B. Real property
C. Community property
D. None of the answers are correct
What is an example of legacy?
A. A car
B. A house
C. A check
D. A computer
Which of the following are essential to the validity of both deeds and written lease agreements?
   I.   Names of grantor/grantee or lessor/lessee.
   II.  Description of the property.
   III. Recital of consideration.
   IV.  Delivery and acceptance of the instrument.
A. I and III only
B. II, III, and IV only
C. I and IV only
D. I, II, III, and IV
The recording of a deed results in:
A. Verifying its validity
B. Protecting the grantees interest against subsquent claims
C. Giving actual notice of ownership to the world
D. All of the answers are correct
What was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 specifically about?
A. National origin
B. Familial status
C. Race
D. religion
You cannot discriminate against people based upon the protected clauses. What are the exceptions to this law?
A. A seller selling their own home and is not using a broker or discriminatory advertising,
B. The owner of a rental structure up to 4 units who is occupying one of the units, is not using a broker, and is not using discriminatory advertising.
C. Religious Organizations
D. Private Clubs
E. Elderly housing for occupants over the age of 62 or if there is 80% occupancy of residents over the age of 65.
F. All of the answers are correct
A promissory note:
A. Creates the debt
B. Is transferrable
C. Creates a trust account
D. both A and B
A security instrument:
A. Pays off a debt
B. Gives a satisfaction
C. Secures the deed
D. Cancels a debt
A security deed allows you to:
A. Get a cancellation after you pay off the debt
B. Secure funds for the purchase of a new business
C. Get a security system for your home
D. Consolidate all of your loans
Regarding a mortgage, when you pay off the debt:
A. You get a satisfaction
B. You get a balloon payment
C. You get a security deed
D. You get a relief deed
Which word describes the quality, quantity, and extent of rights and interests in real estate, real property, or realty?
A. Estate
B. Tenancy
C. Tenement
D. All of the answers are correct
Which is an estate of possession?
A. Leashold
B. Less than Freehold
C. Non Freehold
D. All of the answers are correct
Who creates a Conventional Life Estate?
A. The grantee
B. The grantor
C. The lessee
D. The tenant
Which is true of an Ordinary Life Estate?
A. You can't will it
B. You can will it
C. Your heirs can will it
D. It is not reversionary without conditions
Which is true of a Pur Autre Vie?
A. It is a life estate for the life of someone other than the grantor
B. It can't be willed
C. It can be willed
D. Both A and C
Which is true of a Fee Simple Determinable?
A. It is based on time
B. It is based on a violation of a condition
C. It results in immediate loss
D. All of the answers are correct
Which is true of a Fee Simple Condition Subsequent?
A. It is based on a violation of a condition and on an event
B. You must prove in court that a violation has occurred
C. You won't lose the property
D. Both A and B are true
Which real estate contracts DON'T have to be in writing?
A. A lease for 1 year or less
B. Estate at will
C. Implied agency
D. Ostensible agency
E. All of the answers are correct
F. None of the answers are correct
Who would hold a Non Freehold Estate?
A. A renter
B. A a business owner who occupies space in a mall
C. The purchaser of a house
D. The purchaser of a business
An estate for an uncertain amount of time, a lifetime, or longer is:
A. Feehold
B. Less than Freehold
C. Freehold
C. Less than Freehold
What does Fee Simple mean?
A. A lease
B. Implied ownership
C. Approximate ownership
D. Greatest ownership
What does Fee Simple Absolute mean?
A. Immediate loss due to a violation
B. Greatest estate possible
C. Highest and best use
D. Can be willed with permission
Which is true of an Estate at Will?
A. Is implied
B. Arises out of action
C. Isn't implied
D. Arises out of a written contract
What is the difference between and eviction and an ejection?
A. The tenant must leave the premises immediately
B. The tenant is a trespasser
C. The tenant has the right to defend himself
D. The tenant is due compenstation for moving expenses
Which are legal life estates?
A. Dower
B. Fee Simple Absolute
C. Freehold
D. Curtesy
Which is true about Homestead Protection?
A. It only covers your primary home
B. You must have resided in the property in questin for at least 2 of the last 5 years
C. You must have at least 3 members in your household
D. You are covered for $250,000
The clause in a mortgage which cancels the lender's rights and claims against pledged property when the debt is repaid is called:
A. subrogation
B. subordination
C. acceleration
D. defeasance
Real estate loans are customarily evidenced by two instruments: a promissory note and a security instrument (mortgage, deed of trust, security deed). While the security instruments are not negotiable, the note is, because:
A. The right to receive payments may be transferred from holder to holder
B. It represents a contract between borrower and lender
C. The terms of the note may be renegotiated at stated intervals
D. Consideration has been given and received
The law which requires a 7 day waiting period after delivery of the disclosures and an additional 3 day waiting period if the APR changes more than 0.125% is:
A. the Federal Truth in Lending Act
B. the Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act
C. the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
D. Georgia Mortgage Fraud Act
Accoriding to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, the Uniform Settlement Statement must be used at closing when:
A. All settlement charges are paid by the seller
B. The buyer's loan is a purchase money mortgage
C. The lender has given the borrower a good faith estimate of closing expenses
D. All the answers are correct
Which of the following organizations purchases home mortgage loans from originators?
A. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
B. Federal National Mortgage Association
C. MGIC Investment Corporation
D. All answers are correct
Who is the largest PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) Undewriter?
A. MGIC Inventment Corporation
B. Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation
C. Freddie Mac
Which of the following organizations functions as a mortgage insurance company?
A. Federal Housing Administration
B. Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
The principal advantage to the mortgagee of budget mortgages is:
A. Assurance of payment of items which could affect the lender's security
B. A larger portfolio of smaller loans, thus spreading risk
C. Higher interest
D. More well-qualified borrowers, hence fewer foreclosures
A Veteran obtained a VA loan to purchase a home. Subsequently, the home was sold via loan assumption to a non-veteran purchaser. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The transaction is illegal and, when it is discovered, the loan will have to be paid off.
B. The Veteran remains liable for payments unless released by the lender and VA.
C. The transaction is lawful and the purchaser always becomes solely liable for repayment.
D. VA loans are assumable only by veterans with sufficient entitlement.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a VA-backed loan?
A. Maximum term for repayment
B. For home or farm ownership only
C. Maximum loan amount by law
D. Guaranteed by the Veteran's Administration
Which of the following statements expresses the relationship between mortgage money and interest rates?
A. A plentiful supply results in lower rates
B. A short supply results in lower rates
C. A plentiful supply results in higher rates
D. A short supply stabilizes rates
A mortgage loan had an outstanding balance of $58,000 at the time of foreclosure. The encumbered property sold for $57,000 at public auction. The lender:
A. May seek a judgment against the debtor for the difference
B. Must stand the loss in all cases
C. May sell addtional property owned by the debtor
D. Must file an interpleader action to recover the loss
The Federal Truth-in-Lending law applies to which of the following transactions?
A. The purchase of a 51-acre farm with a $75,000 loan
B. The purchase of an $80,000 home with a new first mortgage loan
C. The purchase of a five unit apartment building
D. All the answers are correct
Which of the following best describes the APR?
A. The effective interest rate charged to the buyer
B. The total amortized cost of the property
C. The relative cost of credit expressed as a percentage of interest
D. The annual interest rate which is stated on the promissory note
Given the same term, interest rate and loan amount, then:
A. An amortized loan will cost more to repay than a straight loan
B. A straight loan will cost more to repay than an amortized loan
C. A term loan will cost less to repay than an amortized loan
D. The cost of repayment will be teh same for both term and amortized loans
John borrowed $50,000 to be amortized over thirty years in order to purchase a home. His monthly payments were to be made under a constant mortgage plan. This means:
A. Each installment contained a constant payment to principal
B. Each installment contained a constant payment to interest
C. Each payment contained equal amounts for principal and interest
D. Each payment was of a constant amount with decreasing portions applied to interest with each installment
A loan in which portions of funds are released as improvements are completed is known as:
A. A chattel loan
B. An open-end loan
C. A package loan
D. A construction loan
A loan which provides for the borrower to make smaller payments initially and to compensate later by making larger payments is called:
A. An adjustable rate loan - ARM
B. A variable rate loan - VRL
C. A reverse annuity mortgage - RAM
D. A graduated payment loan - GPM
A three-party instrument which transfers title to the third party as security for a debt owed by the first party to the second party is known as:
A. An equitable mortgage
B. A security deed
C. A trust deed
D. A contract for deed
The person who signs a mortgage note is known as the:
A. author
B. Maker or mortgagor
C. grantor
D. lender
The clause in a mortgage which allows the lender to call the outstanding loan amount due and payable should the borrower fail to make payments on time is called:
A. The alienation clause
B. An acceleration clause
C. An escalation clause
D. The prepayment clause
When real estate is sold "subject" to an existing loan, then:
A. The buyer has legal responsibility for repayment of the loan
B. The seller is free from legal responsibility for repayment of the loan
C. The seller remains legally responsible for repayment of the loan
D. Both buyer and seller are legally responsible for repayment of the loan
The right to reclaim property between the time of default and foreclosure sale is known as the:
A. Equitable right of redemption
B. Statutory right of repossession
C. Equitable right of of replevin
D. Stautory right of redemption
A delinquent borrower may attempt to avoid foreclosure by:
A. Selling the property prior to foreclosure
B. Giving the lender a deed in lieu of foreclosure
C. either A or B
D. neither A nor B
FHA mortgage insurance:
A. Is always paid by the seller
B. Protects the lender
C. Is a floating rate affected by the number of annual claims
D. Protects the borrower
A loan which uses an index and margin to determine the rate is called:
A. An amortized mortgage
B. A straight term mortgage
C. An adjustable rate mortgage
D. An interest only mortgage
Mary and James Robinson are selling the home they purchased 5 years ago with an FHA loan. The new buyer:
A. May assume the current loan as an owner occupant if he/she has been deemed creditworthy and approve by the Robinson's lender
B. May assume the current loan as an owner occupant if determined to be creditworthy by the Robinson's lender and the sellers are held secondarily liable
C. May be an investor as long as he/she qualifies for the payments and the Robinsons are released of liability
D. May not assume the loan
The total interest charged on a $12,000 straight loan for five years at a 12.5% interest per annum is:
A. $5,845
B. $7,500
C. $4,800
D. $19,500
Homer Houser borrowed $60,000 at 14% annual interest and agreed to make monthly payments of $711 on his 30-year amortized loan. Of his first month's payment, how much was applied to principal?
A. $11
B. $21
C. $23
D. Insufficient data to compute
If an interest payment of $115.50 is made every three months on a $4,200 loan, what is the annual interest rate?
A. 8.25%
B. 11%
C. 9.5%
D. 12%
Tippins borrowed $12,000 on a straight note secured by a mortgage against the home. Tippins made monthly payments of interest computed on a 9 percent annual rate for the full term of the note. The total interest payments were $3,780.00. The term of the note was for how many months?
A. 31
B. 36
C. 38
D. 42
In order to make a change to a contract according to the law of parole evidence, in the state of Georgia, you must:
A. initial
B. date
C. timestamp
D. All of the answers are correct
The APR is the total cost of credit to the borrower. As such, the actual APR number shown in any advertising is:
A. Usually the same as the stated interest rate
B. Always less than the stated interest rate
C. Usually higher than the stated interest rate
D. Always higher than the stated interest rate
When a loan is to be secured by a new automobile, the lender may take:
A. A chattel mortgage
B. A chattel deed of trust
C. A chattels real
D. A bill of sale
If Ms. Baker wishes to borrow $100,000 from your bank, would her transaction be covered by the provisions of Regulation Z?
A. Yes, because all consumer credit transactions are covered
B. No, because the amount is over $75,000
C. Yes, if the reason for the loan is for residential property financing
D. Yes, if Baker is going to put the money to personal, family, household or farming use
Which of the following is true?
A. A purchaser who has been pre-approved is guaranteed to get final approval for the specific loan described.
B. There is no significant difference between pre-qualification and the pre-approval process.
C. The front end qualifying ratio is calculated by dividing the monthly mortgage obligation which typically includes the principal, taxes, interest, and insurance by the gross monthly income of the applicant.
D. The back end qualifying ratio considers the total of all reoccuring montly debt obligations but does not include the payment on the new mortgage.
The Federal Reserve Bank's discount rate:
A. Is a refund rate for its members
B. Helps to increase the availability of mortgag money when it is raised
C. Floats in the market according to the forces of supply and demand
D. Indicates the cost of credit for member banks
The secondary mortgage market:
A. Provides mortgagors with a method to sell their mortgages
B. Provides liquidity for mortgage holders
C. Assures availability of second mortgages for qualifying homeowners
D. Originates federally insured mortgage loans
One of the primary direct sources of money for mortgage loans for borrowers on residential property is:
C. Private investors
According to Federal Law, a lender is limited to the collection of ONLY a credit report fee prior to the borrower receiving a Good Faith Estimate. The law that imposes this restriction is:
A. the Federal Truth in Lending Act
B. the Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act
C. the Equal Opportnity Credit Act
D. the Fair Housing Act
If Smith had a constant mortgage payment on a $90,000 mortgage loan at 10% interest, how much of the first payment would go to principal reduction if Smith had no monthly escrows and the total payment was $72.50?
A. $22.50
B. $44.50
C. $772.50
D. Insufficient information
PMI would only apply to:
A. 90% convential loan for 30 years
B. 80% conventional loan with a balloon payment
C. 90% FHA loan
D. All answers are correct
Which kind of insurance applies to a convential home loan?
Which kind of insurance applies to an FHA or VA home loan?
A security deed:
A. Is the borrowers security for the loan
B. Is held by the trustee until the loan has been paid
C. May be sold to a holder in due course
D. No answers are correct
A foreclosure sale brought $70,000. At that time there was a first mortgage loan with an outstanding balance of $80,000 and a second mortgage loan with an outstanding balance of $8,000.  How much will the holder of the second mortgage receive from the proceeds of the sale?
A. $7,000
B. $8,000
C. $0
D. A pro rata share of the proceeds, based on the ratio of the total debt on the second mortgage to the total debt on the first mortgage
An alienation clause usually:
A. Is found in the fine print in the promissory note
B. Is never used in a trust deed
C. Restricts the mortgagor's ability to transfer the property
D. No answers are correct
Ms. Brown purchased an underdeveloped lot and plans to build a house on the lot next year. She paid one-fourth down and the seller took back a first mortgage on the property for the balance to be paid over the next 15 years. Which of the following would adversely affect Ms. Brown's plans for a new mortgage on her new house next year if it were excluded from her security deed?
A. Acceleration Clause
B. Escalation Clause
C. Subordination Clause
D. Subrogation Clause
A loan which includes monthly payments of taxes and insurance is commonly referred to as:
A. Budget mortgage
B. Blanket mortgage
C. Graduated payment mortgage
D. open-end mortage
If a seller should choose to sell his/her property under the provisions of a land sales contract, then he/she would be protected to some extent by:
A. The purchase money mortgage he/she received
B. his/her retention of legal title to the property during the term of the contract
C. The security instrument used (mortgage, trust deed, or security deed)
D. his/her retention of possession
When a borrower pays for mortgage insurance at closing on a conventional loan, whose risk is the insurance always covering?
A. The borrower and the lender
B. The borrower only
D. The lender only
Conventional loans are different than both VA and FHA loans in which of the following ways?
   I.   VA and FHA loans are made with government funds.
   II.  Conventional loans are not insured.
   III. Conventional loans are usually made on a lower loan-to-value ratio than VA or FHA loans
   IV.  VA and FHA loans must bear lower interest rates than conventional loans.
A. I, II, III, and IV
B. II, III and IV only
C. I and II only
D. III only
All of the following are true with respect to a VA loan EXCEPT:
A. VA regulations determine the amount of the guarantee that is based on the loan
B. A lender will typically make a loan four times the amount of the guarantee with no down payment
C. Once an appraisal is completed, the VA will issue a conditional commitment which establishes the ceiling permitted on a VA loan
D. There isno maximum loan limit for a VA loan
What is true of a conditional commitment?
A. It applies to FHA loans
B. A lender will extend credit if certain conditions are met
C. The dwelling offered for sale is acceptable for purchase
D. All of the answers are correct
What is true of a certificate of reasonable value (CRV)?
A. It applies to a VA loan
B. Establishes a ceiling for a VA loan after an appraisal has been completed
C. Requires the distribution of a financial booklet
D. Determines a maximum VA loan limit for the neighborhood
If a borrower owes $300 in interest on a promissory note for $10,000 after 3 months, what is the interest rate being charged?
A. 12%
B. 8%
C. 60%
D. 10%
RESPA requires:
A. Distribution of a disclosure booklet
B. Impounds to be reasonable
C. A good faith estimate of closing costs
D. All answers are correct
An ad states the monthly mortgage payments on a loan are "only $995". Regulation Z requires further disclosure of all but which of the following?
A. Terms of repayment
B. Annual percentage rate
C. Amount of down payment
D. Simple interest rate
Mr. Anderson owns and operates a successful furniture store.  He wants to invest a million dollars in modernizing his facility and increasing his inventories.  He sells his store's building and land to investor Ms. Brown and then leases the premises from Brown on a 30-year lease.  The results of this transaction is (are):
   I.   Anderson gets tax deductions that he did not have before.
   II.  Brown will get to depreciate the building.
   III. Anderson gets additional capital.
   IV.  Brown probably gets a reasonably secure investment.
A. III only
B. II and IV only
C. I, II, III only
D. I, II, III, and IV
Which organization deals primarily in mortgages for low-income housing?
You list a property for an owner who is in financial distress and must sell to meet creditor's demands. You should tell a prospective purchaser all of the following EXCEPT:
A. The land across the street is in the process of being rezoned
B. There is a structural fault in the building on the listed property
C. The county has a plan to widen the street in front of the property
D. The seller is in bad financial condition
As a buyer's agent, Broker Brown sells a property listed by Broker Smith. The buyer wants the property for a commercial purpose, but it has recently been down-zoned to residential and Broker Smith is aware of this fact. All of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. Broker Smith is obligated to reveal this fact
B. Broker Brown should research the zoning
C. Failure to discuss zoning is not misrepresentation
D. Both broker's might have liability
A fiduciary is:
   I.   an agent
   II.  a principal
   III. An insurance or loan underwriter
A. I only
B. II only
C. I or II
D. III only
A broker takes bushels of corn from a farmer in the amount of $10 per bushel as commission. Several days later, the broker sold the corn for a profit. The broker's action constitutes:
A. A secret profit
B. Profiting at the expense of the principal
C. A legal profit
D. A breach of the agency relationship unless the $5 per bushel profit is disclosed to the farmer
What is it called when a client fires an agent?
A. Revocation
B. Renunciation
C. Reconcilliation
D. Readministration
What is it called when an agent fires a client?
A. Readministration
B. Renunciation
C. Reconcilliation
D. Revocation
Which of the following would not, of itself, terminate an agency?
A. Destruction of the property by fire.
B. Failure of the agent to keept he principal informed.
C. Voluntary bankruptcy by the broker.
D. Death of the seller.
A seller lists property with a broker with no specific commission fee/rate set forth, yet specifying a dollar amount the seller is to receive from the proceeds of the sale. This is:
A. A gratuitous sale
B. A net listing
C. Permittd under Georgia Law
D. An open listing
Someone who employs an agent to act for and in one's stead in specified acts may be:
A. A principal
B. A broker
C. neither A or B
D. either A or B
According to the law of agency, a real estate listing contract is an example of an agreement creating:
A. A general agency
B. A universal agency
C. A special agency
D. A specfic agency
If a corporation (principal) gives a third party reason to believe that a broker is it's agent even though the broker is unaware of the appointment, then the law give to the broker:
A. Express authority
B. Authority by ratification (approval after the fact)
C. Ostensible authority or agency by estoppel
D. Prescrptive authority
An agent's obligations to a customer include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Reasonable skill and care
B. accountability
C. Honesty and integrity
D. loyalty
Broker Brown lists a parcel of real estate that has a tax lien filed against it. Subsequently, it is condemned. What is the status of Broker Brown's listing?
A. It is terminated
B. The listing is unaffected
C. Brown is owed a condominium by the owner
D. The listing is terminated unless redeemed
A tenant gives up the right of possession to an apartment but retains the right to take possession if the rent is not paid. This process is an example of:
A. assignment
B. subletting
C. Assignment with a reversionary interest
D. A sandwich lease
A broker lists, then sells a property. Prior to closing, it is discovered the owner was adjudged incompetent 10 years ago. Your listing and sales contracts are:
A. Valid but not enforceable
B. Voidable at the option of the owner
C. Voidable at the option of the purchaser
D. void
In a contract where all essental elements are there but one can be compromised, it is:
A. Valid
B. Voidable
C. Void
D. Voided and Voidable
A contract that contains consideration, genuine or mutual assent, legal capacity, and lawful object is:
A. Void
B. Valid
C. Voidable
D. Voided
A prospective purchaser gives $5,000 for an option to purchase a farm at a price of $250,000 for a period of 90 days. This means:
A. The owner keeps the $5,000 no matter what
B. the $5,000 must be treated as an earnest money deposit
C. The owner must refund the $5,000 after 90 days if the purchaser does not exercise the option
D. The owner may not charge the purchaser more than $250,000 during the 90 days but may sell to another party for more provided the $5,000 is refunded
An owner signs a sales contract because of undue pressure by the broker and purchaser. The contract is:
A. void
B. Enforceable at the option of the owner/seller
C. Voidable at the option of the owner
D. both B and C
An act by one party intendd to decieve the other party to a contract is an example of:
A. duress
B. Undue influence
C. fraud
D. menace
The term "consideration" as applied to contracts means:
A. Careful thought has been given to the agreement
B. There is a meeting of the minds
C. The purchaser has paid earnest money
D. No answers are correct
Which of the following has legal capacity to contract on behalf of a dead person's estate?
A. The spouse of the deceased
B. The heir of the deceased
C. The executor or administrator
D. All of the answers are correct
Should a purchaser default under a land sales (installment) contract, the seller can:?
A. Usually keep all payments made by the purchaser
B. Retake possession of the property
C. both A and B
D. neither A or B
A lease which specified the beginning date as September 1, 2001 and the ending date as September 20, 2002 would be known as:
A. A periodic estate
B. A tenenacy for years
C. A month-to-month tenancy
D. An estate at wil
In terms of a valid and enforceable contract, consideration is:
A. Power of attorney
B. The promise of
C. A covenant of seisin
D. An exchange of promises
An essential element of valid and enforceable contract is:
A. Earnest money
B. Mutual assent
C. An acknowledgement
D. attestation
Sally is a salesperson with Dream Home Brokers. She is working with a buyer who has not signed a Buyer's Agency Agreement and wants to make an offer on a property currently listed with Sam, also with Dream Home Brokers. Sally's duty of loyalty belongs to her broker and:
A. The buyer client
B. The buyer customer
C. The seller client
D. The seller customer
Four years after the opening ofthe Star Bright Drive-In Theater, the area in which it was created was zoned residential. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The drive-in will have to cease operations.
B. The drive-in may continue unaffected.
C. If the variance is obtained by the owner, the drive-in may continue; if not, it must close.
D. The drive-in may continue temporarily until served with a notice to quit.
An office park would be an example of which of the following types of land use?
A. recreational
B. Special purpose
C. commercial
D. residential
In order for the right of eminent domain to be properly exercised, which of the following criteria must be met?
A. A valid zoning ordinance
B. The owner consents to the condemnation
C. The condemned property is to be put to public use
D. All answers are correct
A Master Plan as prepared by a planning commission would incorporate:
A. Specific land uses
B. Streets and highways
C. Recreational areas
D. All answers are correct
Which of the following is always true regarging real estate taxes?
A. They are computed by multiplying the assessed value by the mill levy or its equivalent.
B. They vary according to the size of the property.
C. Unimproved property is taxed at a lower rate than improved property.
D. They are the chief revenue source for state government.
A builder wished to comply with FHA building standards. Upon examination, the builder found local standards to be equal or, in some cases, exceed the FHA standards in quality of materials and construction. In such case, the builder:
A. Should comply with the federal standards since the local standards are unduly repressive.
B. Must comply with the local standards since they are more restrictive.
C. May comply with either set in this situation.
D. Must comply with the federal standards since they take precedence over local regulation
Is it lawful to reconstruct a non-conforming use which has been destroyed by fire?
A. Yes, if the use remains the same as before the fire.
B. No, it may not be rebuilt.
C. Yes, if it can be shown the fire was accidental and not caused by negligence.
D. Both A and C are correct.
A building permit is an expression of:
A. The right of eminent domain
B. The exercise of zoning powers
C. Lawful approval to violate private deed restrictions
D. The exercise of police power
CAN-Spam was the first attempt by the federal government to control commercial email. The provisions of the law require all of the following EXCEPT:
A. A valid phone number
B. A valid physical address
C. An accurate subject line
D. An opt-out provision
The federally approved pamphlet "Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home" must be given to a buyer:
A. At closing
B. After the contract is binding
C. After the contract is binding but prior to inspection
D. Prior to entering a contract
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the cluster pattern of land development?
A. Lower density than other types of development
B. Generally larger areas available for recreational use
C. Adaptability to both commercial and residential projects
D. Reduced cost in the supply of utilities
One should expect a residedential property manager to have knowledge of the following EXCEPT:
A. Standard accounting procedures
B. Public relations
C. Building repair and maintenance
D. Investment counseling
Which of the following is an example of steering?
A. Persuading a minority purchaser to buy a four-bedroom house because of family needs when the purchaser only asked to see three-bedroom houses.
B. Refusing to show an $80,000 home to a minority purchaser who is qualified for a maximum $60,000 home.
C. Slanting the selection of houses you show a minority purchaser so the purchaser decides to buy in a minority neighborhood.
D. All answers are correct
Which of the following would not be a proper regulatory function of zoning laws?
A. The purpose for which a building a used.
B. The placement of interior load-bearing walls.
C. The size of a building.
D. The number of persons a building may accommodate.
Special assessments may be levied for such improvements as:
A. Building a new city hall
B. Extending utility lines into a certain neighborhood
C. Construction of a county courthouse
D. All of the answers are correct
An improvement district can only be created by:
A. Local government ordinance
B. Consent of affected owners
C. State law
D. Federal funding
Special assessments are apportioned according to:
A. The value of the land
B. The value of the buildings
C. Ability to pay
D. Benefits received
Floor area ratio is a formula that can be used to:
A. Regulate building volume
B. Restrict the amount of building per lot
C. Control density
D. All the answers are correct
The total fair market value of all real estate in the village of Longview is $100,000. The assessment rate is 35%. The share of the village budget which is to be paid by ad valorem taxes is $700,000. Your property is assessed at $40,000. Your annual property taxes are:
A. $800
B. $280
C. $2,000
D. $875
The purpose of a settlement statement is to:
A. Guide the attorney or other closing official
B. Provide an accounting of all funds involved in the transaction
C. Certify that there are no title defects or encumbrances other than those speified in the contract
D. Enable closings to take place in escrow
The term REALTOR applies to any:
A. Licensed real estate salesperson
B. Licensed real estate broker
C. Member of a state real estate commission
D. No answers are correct
The lobby, hallways, and elevators of a condominium would be classified as:
A. Common elements
B. Separate property
C. Condominium limited elements
D. Cooperative property
In a planned unit development, the land under an individual dwelling is owned by:
A. The homeowners association
B. All homeowners in the development as tenants in common
C. The city or county
D. The owner of the dwelling
Rules governing the owner's association of a condominium complex would be found in the:
A. Master deed
B. House rules
C. bylaws
D. CC&R's
Where do CC&R's (conditions, covenants, and restrictions) come from?
A. The owners association
B. The developer
C. The stockholders
D. The tenants
To be in compliance witht he provisions of the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act, a salsesperson may not:
A. Place a call on May 1, 2001 to a previdous client whose home expired without selling on April 1, 2010
B. Place a call to a buyer prospect on July 1, 2011 who called to inquire about a property advertised on the internet on June 14, 2001
C. Place a call at 8:30 pm to a For Sale By Owner prospect who is not listed on the Do-Not-Call Registry
D. Place a call to a previous client who is not listed on the Do-Not-Call Registry but has requested no further contact from your company
A broker is required to scrub their no-call list:
A. Once per week
B. bi-weekly
C. monthly
D. Once per day
The Martins purchased their home 7 years ago for $140,000 and, at that time, paid $1,800 in acquistion costs. They are currently under contract to sell for $205,000. During the time of their ownership, they enclosed the porch for $15,000 and added a half-bath for $9,000. What is the Martin's adjusted cost basis?
A. $164,500
B. $166,300
C. $38,700
D. $40,000
The market value of a home is $210,000 and the assessment rate is 40% of the value. How much property tax is owed if the mill rate is 24 mills?
A. $2,016
B. $216
C. $5,040
D. $504
A broker earned a commission of $17,150 and the rate of commission was 7%. What was the sales price?
A. $240,000
B. $214,000
C. $245,000
D. $220,00
John has listed his property with EZ Sell Realty. At what price must the property be sold for John to net $38,000, if his loan balance is $155,400 and he has agreed to contribute $4,000 toward the buyer's costs and pay EZ Sell Realty a 6% commission?
A. $209,244
B. $169,574
C. $197,400
D. $210,00
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the number of days of accrued interest for the __________ is _________; with accrued interest totaling _________.
A. Purchaser - 18 days - $433.09
B. Seller - 14 days - $336.85
C. Seller - 18 days - $433.09
D. Purchaser - 14 days - $336.86
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the amount of commission owned at closing will be:
A. $13,300
B. $11,970
C. $13,000
D. $11,000
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the amount of transfer tax to be charged to the Buyer as per the agreement is:
A. $119.47
B. $70.53
C. $570.00
D. $190.00
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the seller's insurance proration will be:
A. 215 days; $336.93 credit
B. 214 days; $335.36 credit
C. 215 days; $336.93 debit
D. 214 days; $335.36 debit
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the tax proration will be:
A. 140 days - $848.82 credit to the seller
B. 139 days - $842.76 to the seller
C. 140 days - $$848.82 debit to the seller
D. 139 days - $842.76 debit to the seller
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the intangibles tax paid by the Buyer will be:
A. $342.00
B. $343.00
C. $513.00
D. $514.50
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the total amount of discount points to be paid by the Seller will be:
A. $3,800
B. $3,820
C. $3,847.50
D. $4,275
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the total PMI to be paid monthly will be:
A. $89.78
B. $99.75
C. $89.00
D. $99.00
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the interest adjustment paid in this transaction will be:
A. $653.55
B. $699.44
C. $625.81
D. $662.63
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the principle and interest payment for the Buyer's new loan will be:
A. $1,472.50
B. $1.049.94
C. $1,325.25
D. $1,239.75
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the total amount required for the Buyer to establish the escrow accoutn will be:
A. $1,337.42
B. $1,367.33
C. $1,198.98
D. $1,318.67
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the buyer's charges for closing costs will be:
A. $4,859.00
B. $3,847.50
C. $4,750
D. $4,275
Bill Buyer makes an offer to purchase Sarah Seller's property for $190,000 with a 90% conventional loan.  The contract calls for an August 14th closing and the Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $2,000.  The following are the stipulations in the contract:
NOTE: Use a 360 day calendar to calculate all interest payments.
  • Sarah will pay 2 1/4 discount points on behalf of the buyer
  • Sarah will pay a 7% commission
  • Taxes of $2213 have been paid and are to prorated at closing
  • Sarah's existing mortgage has an outstanding loan balance of $119,475.25 bearing an interest rate of 7.25%
  • Sarah has been advised that an insurance proration for the existing insurance policy will be refunded.  The annual policy premium is $572 with the policy premium due date being March 17th
  • The PMI rate has been quoted by the lender at 0.63%
  • Bill's new annual hazard insurance premium will be $584
  • Bill will be required to establish the escrow account with 5 months of property tax, 3 months of hazard insurance, and 3 months of private mortgage insurance
  • The interest rate of Bill's new loan will be 7.75% per annum with a payment factor of $6.14 per thousand
  • Bill will pay the state of Georgia transfer tax and intangibles tax
  • The total remaining closing cost to be charged to the buyer is 2.5% of the loan amount
Based on the above information, the Buyer's total monthly mortgage payment will be:
A. $1,283.03
B. $1,372.81
C. $1,399.69
D. $1,489.47
{"name":"Final Study Quiz", "url":"","txt":"A tenant rents property and buys room size rugs. The owner then mortgages the property after the tenant lays the rugs down. This means:","img":""}
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