Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 2 Jun 20
[2006.00001] V. L. Oknyansky, H. Winkler, S. S. Tsygankov et al.: The post-maximum behaviour of the changing-look Seyfert galaxy NGC 1566
[2006.00004] Yingtian Chen, Hui Li, Mark Vogelsberger: Effects of initial density profiles on massive star cluster formation in giant molecular clouds
[2006.00005] Sean M. Ressler, Christopher J. White, Eliot Quataert et al.: Ab Initio Horizon-Scale Simulations of Magnetically Arrested Accretion in Sagittarius A* Fed by Stellar Winds
[2006.00006] Kris Mortensen, Keerthi Vasan G.C., Tucker Jones et al.: Kinematics of the Circumgalactic Medium of a $z = 0.77$ Galaxy from MgII Tomography
[2006.00008] Andrina Nicola, Jo Dunkley, David N. Spergel: Joint cosmology and mass calibration from tSZ cluster counts and cosmic shear
[2006.00010] Dhanesh Krishnarao, Robert A. Benjamin, L. Matthew Haffner: Discovery of High-Velocity H-Alpha Above Galactic Center: Testing Models of the Fermi Bubble
[2006.00013] Rachana Bhatawdekar, Christopher J. Conselice: UV Spectral-Slopes at $z=6-9$ in the Hubble Frontier Fields: Lack of Evidence for Unusual or Pop III Stellar Populations
[2006.00019] M. Kuffmeier, B. Zhao, P. Caselli: Ionization: a possible explanation for the difference of mean disk sizes in star-forming regions
[2006.00022] Nicole M. Lloyd-Ronning, Jarrett L. Johnson, Aycin Aykutalp: The Consequences of Gamma-ray Burst Jet Opening Angle Evolution on the Inferred Star Formation Rate
[2006.00062] Sarod Yatawatta: Polarization-based online interference mitigation in radio interferometry
[2006.00066] Alicja Wierzcholska, Stefan Wagner: Constraining X-ray emission in HBL blazars using multiwavelength observations
[2006.00084] Patrick D. Aleo, Simon J. Lock, Donna J. Cox et al.: Clustering-informed Cinematic Astrophysical Data Visualization with Application to the Moon-forming Terrestrial Synestia
[2006.00120] M.B. Areal, A. Buccino, S. Paron et al.: Three generations of stars: a possible case of triggered star formation
[2006.00130] D Bhattacharjee, Y Lecoeuche, S Karki et al.: Fiducial displacements with improved accuracy for the global network of gravitational wave detectors
[2006.00141] Sam Christian: Re-Examining the Evidence of the Hercules-Corona-Borealis Great Wall
[2006.00146] Rozenn Robinel, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Gabriel Tobie et al.: Photometrically-corrected global infrared mosaics of Enceladus: New implications for its spectral diversity and geological activity
[2006.00179] Yusuke Kawabata, Andrés Asensio Ramos, Satoshi Inoue et al.: Chromospheric magnetic field: A comparison of He I 10830 A observations with nonlinear force-free field extrapolation
[2006.00215] A. Borghese, F. Coti Zelati, N. Rea et al.: The X-ray reactivation of the radio bursting magnetar SGR 1935+2154
[2006.00219] Kensuke Hosoya, Yoichi Itoh, Yumiko Oasa et al.: Spectroscopic Survey of Hα Emission Line Stars Associated with Bright Rimmed Clouds
[2006.00220] Haruka Tabata, Yoichi Itoh: Near-Infrared Transit Photometry of Extra-Solar Planet HAT-P-54b
[2006.00221] Yoichi Itoh, Yumiko Oasa: Spitzer IRAC Colors of Nebulae Associated with Star-Forming Regions
[2006.00233] Fabio Castagna, Stefano Andreon: JoXSZ: Joint X-SZ fitter for galaxy clusters
[2006.00244] Aritra Banerjee, Haiying Cai, Lavinia Heisenberg et al.: Hubble Sinks In The Low-Redshift Swampland
[2006.00274] L. Saha, A. Domínguez, L. Tibaldo et al.: Morphological and spectral study of 4FGL J1115.1-6118 in the region of the young massive stellar cluster NGC 3603
[2006.00323] Mukremin Kilic, P. Bergeron, Alekzander Kosakowski et al.: The 100 pc White Dwarf Sample in the SDSS Footprint
[2006.00438] Zimu Khakhaleva-Li, Craig J. Hogan: Will LISA Detect Harmonic Gravitational Waves from Galactic Cosmic String Loops?
[2006.00449] C. Lidman, B. E. Tucker, T. M. Davis et al.: OzDES multi-object fibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: Results and second data release
[2006.00477] Marcella Contini: Analysis of the spectra observed from GRB061007, GRB061121, GRB080605, GRB090926B, GRB080207 and GRB070521 host galaxies. Ha and SFR trends
[2006.00484] Yun-Wei Yu, Yuan-Chuan Zou, Zi-Gao Dai et al.: Revisiting the confrontation of the shock-powered synchrotron maser model with the Galactic FRB 200428
[2006.00500] Geraint H. Jones, Heather A. Elliott, David J. McComas et al.: Cometary ions detected by the Cassini spacecraft 6.5 au downstream of Comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang
[2006.00526] T. Felipe, C. R. Sangeetha: Numerical determination of the cutoff frequency in solar models
[2006.00528] A. Poro, F. Davoudi, O Basturk et al.: The First Light Curve Solutions and Period Study of BQ Ari
[2006.00573] P. C. Schneider, C. Dougados, E. T. Whelan et al.: Discovery of a jet from the single HAe/Be star HD 100546
[2006.00574] Petr Heinzel, Pavol Schwartz, Juraj Lörinčík et al.: Signatures of Helium continuum in cool flare loops observed by SDO/AIA
[2006.00599] Vineet Kumar Mannaday, Parijat Thakur, Ing-Guey Jiang et al.: Probing Transit Timing Variation and its Possible Origin with Twelve New Transits of TrES-3b
[2006.00612] César Hernández-Aguayo, Francisco Prada, Carlton M. Baugh et al.: Building a digital twin of a luminous red galaxy spectroscopic survey: galaxy properties and clustering covariance
[2006.00615] David M. Reiman, John Tamanas, J. Xavier Prochaska et al.: Fully probabilistic quasar continua predictions near Lyman-α with conditional neural spline flows
[2006.00623] MAGIC Collaboration: V. A. Acciari, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli et al.: MAGIC observations of the diffuse $γ$-ray emission in the vicinity of the Galactic Centre
[2006.00629] Yi-Wen Hu, Shengjie Xie, Jiahao Zhan et al.: Integrated Arbitrary Filter with Spiral Gratings: Design and Characterization
[2006.00633] Sharan Banagiri, Vuk Mandic, Claudia Scarlata et al.: Measuring angular N-point correlations of binary black-hole merger gravitational-wave events with hierarchical Bayesian inference
[2006.00645] Matija Ćuk, David A. Minton, Jennifer L. L. Pouplin et al.: Evidence for a Past Martian Ring from the Orbital Inclination of Deimos
[2006.00678] Bei You, Piotr T. Życki, Adam Ingram et al.: X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations in Lense-Thirring precession model -- II. Variability of relativistic iron K$α$ line
[2006.00714] I. M. Romero-Shaw, C. Talbot, S. Biscoveanu et al.: Bayesian inference for compact binary coalescences with BILBY: Validation and application to the first LIGO--Virgo gravitational-wave transient c...
[2006.00720] Tania M. Barone, Francesco D'Eugenio, Matthew Colless et al.: Gravitational Potential and Surface Density Drive Stellar Populations -- II. Star-Forming Galaxies
[2006.00732] Ryuki Hyodo, Hidenori Genda: Escape and accretion by cratering impacts: Formulation of scaling relations for high-speed ejecta
[2006.00755] D. A. Bollimpalli, R. Mahmoud, C. Done et al.: Looking for the underlying cause of black hole X-ray variability in GRMHD simulations
[2006.00774] Hongwei Ge, Ronald F Webbink, Zhanwen Han: The thermal equilibrium mass loss model and its applications in binary evolution
[2006.00787] Paolo Molaro, Gabriele Cescutti, Xiaoting Fu: Lithium and Beryllium in the Gaia-Enceladus Galaxy
[2006.00803] Andrew Mummery, Steven Balbus: ASASSN-15lh: a TDE about a maximally rotating $10^9 M_{\odot}$ black hole
[2006.00818] Andrea V. Macciò, Stephane Courteau, Nathalie N.-Q. Ouellette et al.: Abundance matching tested on small scales with galaxy dynamics
[2006.00833] A. Mitrofanova, V. Dyachenko, A. Beskakotov et al.: On the correctness of orbital solutions obtained from a small set of points. Orbit of HIP 53731
[2006.00837] P. Efremova, A. Mitrofanova, V. Dyachenko et al.: Research of the HIP 18856 binary system
[2006.00849] Fraser A. Evans, Mathieu Renzo, Elena Maria Rossi: Core-Collapse Supernovae in Binaries as the Origin of Galactic Hyper-Runaway Stars
[2006.00853] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Dániel Horváth, Róbert Szabó et al.: Dynamics of spherical space debris of different sizes falling to Earth
[2006.00863] L. Jetsu: About ten stars orbit eclipsing binary XZ And
[2006.00867] Paula Benaglia, Michäel De Becker, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra et al.: Megahertz emission of massive early-type stars in the Cygnus region
[2006.00874] Jack McCleery, Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay, Nicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo et al.: $Gaia$ white dwarfs within 40 pc II: the volume-limited northern hemisphere sample
[2006.00879] Xiao-Na Sun, Rui-Zhi Yang, Yun-Feng Liang et al.: Diffuse gamma-ray emission toward the massive star-forming region, W40
[2006.00897] F. M. Maccagni, P. Serra, M. Murgia et al.: The recurrent nuclear activity of Fornax A and its interaction with the cold gas
[2006.00901] Tanda Li, Timothy R. Bedding, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard et al.: Asteroseismology of 36 Kepler subgiants -- II: Determining ages from detailed modelling
[2006.00909] Nathan Miles, Susana E. Deustua, Gonzalo Tancredi et al.: Using Cosmic Rays detected by HST as Geophysical Markers I: Detection and Characterization of Cosmic Rays
[2006.00918] David Williamson, Sebastian Hönig, Marta Venanzi: Radiation hydrodynamics models of Active Galactic Nuclei: Beyond the central parsec
[2006.00924] Ruby J. Wright, Claudia del P. Lagos, Chris Power et al.: The impact of stellar and AGN feedback on halo-scale baryonic and dark matter accretion in the EAGLE simulations
[2006.00946] C. Simon Jeffery, Geert Barentsen, Gerald Handler: TESS photometry of extreme helium stars PV Tel and V821 Cen
[2006.00950] C. Simon Jeffery: TESS photometry of helium-rich hot subdwarfs: r modes in BD+37 442 and BD+37 1977
[2006.00965] P.-E. Tremblay, M. A. Hollands, N. P. Gentile Fusillo et al.: $\textit{Gaia}$ white dwarfs within 40 pc I: spectroscopic observations of new candidates
[2006.00977] Susanne M Hoffmann, Nikolaus Vogt, Oliver Lux: Counterparts of Far Eastern Guest Stars: Novae, supernovae, or something else?
[2006.00981] S. I. Shirokov, I. V. Sokolov, N. Yu. Lovyagin et al.: High Redshift Long Gamma-Ray Bursts Hubble Diagram as a Test of Basic Cosmological Relations
[2006.01000] Fulai Guo, Ruiyu Zhang, Xiang-Er Fang: The Milky Way Mass Constrained by Its Hot Gaseous Halo
[2006.01008] Alejandra D. Romero, L. Antunes Amaral, S. O. Kepler et al.: Pulsation in the white dwarf HE 1017-1352: confirmation of the class of hot DAV stars
[2006.01039] Jaehyun Lee, Jihye Shin, Owain N. Snaith et al.: The Horizon Run 5 Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation: Probing Galaxy Formation from Kilo- to Giga-parsec Scales
[2006.01079] Mai Liao, Minfeng Gu, Minhua Zhou et al.: The X-ray emission in young radio AGNs
[2006.01082] Robert Jaros, Miljenko Čemeljić, Włodek Kluźniak et al.: Transport of dust grain particles in the accretion disk
[2006.01087] Odysseas Dionatos, Lars. E. Kristensen, Mario Tafalla et al.: Feedback of molecular outflows from protostars in NGC 1333, revealed by Herschel and Spitzer spectro-imaging observations
[2006.01099] A. Borkar, T. P. Adhikari, A. Różańska et al.: Multi-phase environment of Centaurus A galaxy
[2006.01102] J. Lillo-Box, T. A. Lopez, A. Santerne et al.: Masses for the seven planets in K2-32 and K2-233. Four diverse planets in resonant chain and the first young rocky worlds
[2006.01113] Sophia R. Flury, Edward C. Moran: Chemical Abundances in Active Galaxies
[2006.01114] Ingyin Zaw, Michael J. Rosenthal, Ivan Yu. Katkov et al.: An Accreting, Anomalously Low Mass Black Hole at the Center of Low Mass Galaxy IC 750
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