Movie quiz

A colorful collage of iconic movie scenes and characters, featuring elements from animated shows and popular films such as Scooby Doo, Family Guy, and Star Wars.

Ultimate Movie Quiz

Test your knowledge with our Ultimate Movie Quiz! Dive into the world of films and animated shows as you tackle questions about your favorite characters and actors.

Whether you're a movie buff or just looking for some fun, this quiz is for you!

  • 10 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Challenge yourself and your friends
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by FlickeringStar472
What is Velma's last name? (from Scooby Doo)
Who is Phineas and Ferb's pet?
Patty the Pig
Bug the Pug
Perry the Platypus
Polly the Parrot
Who is Peter's daughter from Family Guy?
Tess T Culls
In The Ridiculous Six who played White Knife?
Boe Jiden
Jack Giarraputo
Adam Sandler
Homer Simpson
In Star Wars who/what was Anakin Skywalker's worst enemy?
The entire Jedi Counsel
Count Dooku
In Harry Potter who played Dumbledore?
John Radcliff
Richard Harris
Ian McKellen
In Mission Impossible who does Tom Cruise play?
Ethan Hunt
Jamal Jenkens
Lee Keybum
In Home Alone 2 what landmark does Kevin see that is not there today?
Sears Tower
Angelica Grand Casino
The World Trade Center
Old Faithful
In Pirates of the Caribbean who plays Jack Sparrow?
Daddy Depp
Keanu Reeves
Toby Maguire
What is the best alternate title to Batman v Superman?
Two Orphans Fight in the Rain
There Can Only Be One.......Martha
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