Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 1 Jun 21
[2105.14034] Ilya Belopolski, Tyler A. Cochran, Xiaoxiong Liu et al.: Signatures of magnetic Weyl fermion annihilation
[2105.14042] Stéphane Ouvry, Alexios. P. Polychronakos: Exclusion statistics for particles with a discrete spectrum
[2105.14101] M. K. Tran, A. Akrap, J. Levallois et al.: Pressure-induced structural transitions triggering dimensional crossover in lithium purple bronze Li0.9M6O17
[2105.14109] Piush Behera, Molly A. May, Fernando Gómez-Ortiz et al.: Electric Field Control of Chirality
[2105.14112] Phong H. Nguyen, Massimo Boninsegni: Superfluid transition and specific heat of the 2D x-y model: Monte Carlo simulation
[2105.14165] Y. S. Hou, S. Ardo, R. Q. Wu: Hybrid density functional study of band gap engineering of SrTiO3 photocatalyst via doping for water splitting
[2105.14175] Yingpeng Qi, Mengxue Guan, Daniela Zahn et al.: Photoinduced concurrent intralayer and interlayer structural transitions and associated topological transitions in MTe2 (M=Mo, W)
[2105.14243] Danhong Wu, Yiping Lin, Lingxiao Xiong et al.: Enhanced superconductivity in bilayer PtTe$_2$ by alkali-metal intercalations
[2105.14288] Y. Komiyama, S. Onishi, M. Harada et al.: Magnetic-Impurity Effects on Ferromagnetic Fluctuations in Heavily Overdoped (Bi,Pb)$_2$Sr$_2$Cu$_{1-y}$Fe$_y$O$_{6+δ}$ Cuprates
[2105.14290] Maria Spethmann, Carsten Honerkamp, Dante M. Kennes: Magnetic ordering tendencies in hexagonal boron nitride-bilayer graphene moiré structures
[2105.14302] Jae-Mo Lihm: Comment on "Ab initio calculation of the shift photocurrent by Wannier interpolation"
[2105.14321] M. Rakibul Hasan Sarkar, S. H. Naqib: Magnetic Field and Frequency Dependent AC Susceptibility of High-Tc YBCO Single Crystal
[2105.14384] Bochao Xu, Jacob Franklin, Hung-Yu Yang et al.: Directional field-dependence of tunable magnetic domains in noncentrosymmetric ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi
[2105.14389] Shi-Qiao Wu, Zhi-Kang Lin, Bin Jiang et al.: Observation of Higher-Order Topological States in Acoustic Twisted Moiré Superlattice
[2105.14392] Francisco J. Solis, Monica Olvera de la Cruz: Pimples reduce and dimples enhance flat dielectric surface image repulsion
[2105.14413] Philip B. Allen: Phonon Boltzmann equation non-local in space and time: the partial failure of the generalized Fourier law
[2105.14415] Zhe Cheng, Ruiyang Li, Xingxu Yan et al.: Experimental Observation of Localized Interfacial Phonon Modes
[2105.14437] Xiangyu Feng, Xilong Xu, Zhonglin He et al.: Valley-related multiple Hall effect in single-layer VSi2P4
[2105.14459] Bertrand Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, Oren Raz: Spectral Analysis of Current Fluctuations in Periodically Driven Stochastic Systems
[2105.14460] Boris Kryzhanovsky, Leonid Litinskii, Vladislav Egorov: Analytical solutions for Ising models on high dimensional lattices
[2105.14468] Junzhi Ye, Rakesh Arul, Michel K. Nieuwoudt et al.: Understanding the chemical mechanism behind photo-induced enhanced Raman spectroscopy
[2105.14469] K. Sakanashi, P. Krüger, K. Watanabe et al.: Fully spin-resolved quantum point contact in trilayer WSe$_{2}$ van der Waals heterostructure
[2105.14494] Zhangkai Cao, Yiqun Liu, Huaiming Guo et al.: Enhancement of superconductivity by electronic nematicity in cuprate superconductors
[2105.14495] I. A. Ado, Gulnaz Rakhmanova, Dmitry Zezyulin et al.: Alternative to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction for monolayer Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ and other two-dimensional ferromagnets with trigonal prisma...
[2105.14521] Sushil Kumar, Ming-Wei Liu, Kuo-An Wu et al.: Anisotropy in interface stress at the BCC-iron solid-melt interface: molecular dynamics and phase field crystal modelling
[2105.14534] Mingnan Ding, Xiangjun Xing: Covariant Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics for Small Systems
[2105.14535] Chen Huang, Leiming Chen, Xiangjun Xing: Alignment Destabilizes Crystal Orders in Active Systems
[2105.14539] Mingnan Ding, Zhanchun Tu, Xiangjun Xing: Strong Coupling Thermodynamics and Stochastic Thermodynamics from the Unifying Perspective of Time-Scale Separation
[2105.14544] Mingnan Ding, Chen Huang, Xiangjun Xing: Evading Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations via Asymmetric Dynamic Protocols
[2105.14555] Daniel Potashnikov, Elad Nisan Caspi, Asaf Pesach et al.: Magnetic structure determination of rare-earth based, high moment, atomic laminates; potential parent materials for 2D magnets
[2105.14562] Seong-Hoon Jang, Yasuyuki Kato, Yukitoshi Motome: Vortex creation and control in the Kitaev spin liquid by local bond modulations
[2105.14575] Yufei Zhao, Qihang Liu: Routes to realize the axion-insulator phase in MnBi$_{2}$Te$_{4}$(Bi$_{2}$Te$_{3}$)$_{n}$ family: a perspective
[2105.14589] Manabendra Kuiri, Saurabh Kumar Srivastav, Sujay Ray et al.: Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in doubly aligned hexagonal boron nitride bilayer graphene heterostructure
[2105.14595] G. Krizman, B.A. Assaf, G. Bauer et al.: Miniband engineering and topological phase transitions in topological - normal insulator superlattices
[2105.14598] Rodrick Kuate Defo, Efthimios Kaxiras, Steven L. Richardson: Calculating the Hyperfine Tensors for Group-IV Impurity-Vacancy Centers in Diamond: A Hybrid Density-Functional Theory Approach
[2105.14616] Trey Jiron, Marygrace Prinster, Jarrod Schiffbauer: Transport Regimes of Underdamped Brownian Particles in a Tilted Washboard Potential
[2105.14631] Alexander Hensley, William M. Jacobs, W. Benjamin Rogers: Classical nucleation and growth of DNA-programmed colloidal crystallization
[2105.14662] Jin Gan, Daye Zheng, Lixin He: Calculation of Berry curvature using nonorthogonal atomic orbitals
[2105.14664] Tokuro Hata, Yoshimichi Teratani, Tomonori Arakawa et al.: Three-body correlations in nonlinear response of correlated quantum liquid
[2105.14672] Alexander Kruchkov: Origin of band flatness and constraints of higher Chern numbers
[2105.14684] Hideaki Nishikawa, Daigo Oue, Mamoru Matsuo: Einstein--de Haas fluctuation of a nanoparticle in spin polarized gases
[2105.14689] Guang Yang, Shang-Peng Gao: A method to restore the intrinsic dielectric functions of 2D materials in periodic calculations and its application to the dielectric and optical properties of ult...
[2105.14696] Krassimir D. Danov, Theodor D. Gurkov, Rumyana D. Stanimirova et al.: Kinetics of transfer of volatile amphiphiles (fragrances) from vapors to aqueous drops and vice versa: Interplay of diffusion...
[2105.14724] Tong Liu, Shujie Cheng: Mobility edges in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric cross-stitch flat band lattices
[2105.14725] Nicklas Volz, Fei Xue, Christopher H. Zenk et al.: Understanding creep of a Co-Al-W-Ta superalloy by studying the deformation mechanism, segregation tendency and stacking fault energy
[2105.14733] Taichi Terashima, Shinya Uji, Teng Wang et al.: Topological frequency shift of quantum oscillation in CaFeAsF
[2105.14749] Y. Y. Huang, Y. Xu, Le Wang et al.: Heat Transport in Herbertsmithite: Can a Quantum Spin Liquid Survive Disorder?
[2105.14751] Elena Rozas, Alexey Yulin, Johannes Beierlein et al.: Effects of the linear polarization of polariton condensates in their propagation in codirectional couplers
[2105.14757] Shaowen Xu, Fanhao Jia, Xuli Cheng et al.: Predicting Intrinsic Antiferromagnetic and Ferroelastic MnF4 monolayer with Controllable Magnetization
[2105.14763] Niels John, Adrian Del Maestro, Bernd Rosenow: Robustness of Helical Edge States Under Edge Reconstruction
[2105.14765] Shaowen Xu, Fanhao Jia, Guodong Zhao et al.: Two-dimensional Ferroelectric Ferromagnetic Half Semiconductor in VOF monolayer
[2105.14775] Zhipeng Sun, Zhenhao Fan, Hui Li et al.: Modified $GW$ Method in Electronic Systems
[2105.14791] Ping Tang, Ryo Iguchi, Ken-ichi Uchida et al.: The Ferroelectric Point Contact
[2105.14798] Gabriel Aeppli, Alexander V. Balatsky, Henrik M. Rønnow et al.: Hidden, entangled and resonating order
[2105.14806] J. Mangos, N. Birbilis: Aluminium Alloy Design and Discovery using Machine Learning
[2105.14825] Jordi Llusar, Juan I. Climente: Charging of colloidal nanoplatelets: effect of Coulomb repulsion on spin and optoelectronic properties
[2105.14842] Thomas Simons, Alessandro Romito, Dganit Meidan: Relation between scattering matrix topological invariants and conductance in Floquet Majorana systems
[2105.14855] Weicheng Fu, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhao: Effect of pressure on thermalization of one-dimensional nonlinear chains
[2105.14864] A. Rossi, N.W. Hendrickx, A. Sammak et al.: Single-Hole Pump in Germanium
[2105.14871] Borislav Polovnikov, Patrick Wilke, Erwin Frey: Subdiffusive Activity Spreading in the Diffusive Epidemic Process
[2105.14904] You-Ron Lin, Mahasweta Bagchi, Serguei Soubatch et al.: The Vertical Position of Sr Dopants in the Sr$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ Superconductor
[2105.14916] M. Victoria Ale Crivillero, Sahana Rößler, H. Borrmann et al.: Phase stability in SmB$_6$
[2105.14919] Yoonseok Hwang, Jun-Won Rhim, Bohm-Jung Yang: Flat bands with band crossings enforced by symmetry representation
[2105.14922] Yasufumi Araki, Jun'ichi Ieda: Intrinsic torques emerging from anomalous velocity in magnetic textures
[2105.14941] Huan-Wen Wang, Bo Fu, Shun-Qing Shen: Helical Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Anomaly in Massive Dirac Fermions
[2105.14958] A. Bafekry, M. Faraji, M. M. Fadlallah et al.: Biphenylene monolayer as a two-dimensional nonbenzenoid carbon allotrope: A first-principles study
[2105.14966] V.I. Yukalov, E.P. Yukalova: Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov method in the theory of Bose-condensed systems
[2105.15027] Romain Mari, Eric Bertin, Cesare Nardini: Absorbing phase transitions in systems with mediated interactions
[2105.15040] Tse-An Chen, Chih-Piao Chuu, Chien-Chih Tseng et al.: Single-crystal hexagonal boron nitride monolayer epitaxially grown on Cu (111) thin film across a wafer
[2105.15046] Mathieu Barbier, Simon Hollerith, Walter Hofstetter: Extended Bose-Hubbard models with Rydberg macrodimer dressing
[2105.15052] Kai-Xuan Yao, Zhendong Zhang, Cheng Chin: Dynamics of domain walls in a Bose-Einstein condensate driven by density-dependent gauge field
[2105.15055] Sergey Borisenko, Alexander Fedorov, Andrii Kuibarov et al.: Fermi surface tomography
[2105.15063] Sruthi Mohan, Gurpreet Kaur, B. K. Panigrahi et al.: Effect of Zr and Al Addition on Nanocluster Formation in Oxide Dispersion Strenghthened Steel-an ab initio Study
[2105.15066] Sruthi Mohan, Gurpreet Kaur, C. David et al.: Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Threshold Displacement Energies and Defect Formation Energies in Y4Zr3O12
[2105.15092] Mahdieh Shakoorioskooie, Michele Griffa, Andreas Leemann et al.: Alkali-silica reaction products and cracks: X-ray micro-tomography-based analysis of their spatial-temporal evolution at a mes...
[2105.15107] Luca Tonti, Fabián A. García Daza, Alessandro Patti: Diffusion of Globular Macromolecules in Liquid Crystals of Colloidal Cuboids
[2105.15118] R. Ogawa, F. Nabeshima, T. Nishizaki et al.: Large Hall angle of vortex motion in high-$T_c$ cuprate superconductors revealed by microwave flux-flow Hall effect
[2105.15132] Ilias Samathrakis, Teng Long, Zeying Zhang et al.: Enhanced anomalous Nernst effects in ferromagnetic materials driven by Weyl nodes
[2105.15141] Anthony Saliou, Philippe Jarry, Noel Jakse: On the Excess Entropy Scaling Law: a Potential Energy Landscape View
[2105.15180] W. J. Kwon, G. Del Pace, K. Xhani et al.: Sound emission and annihilations in a programmable quantum vortex collider
[2105.15193] Wojciech Rzadkowski, Mikhail Lemeshko, Johan H. Mentink: Artificial neural network states for non-additive systems
[2105.15200] Ludwig A. Hoffmann, Livio N. Carenza, Julia Eckert et al.: Defect-mediated morphogenesis
[2105.15204] Chandan Setty, Haoyu Hu, Lei Chen et al.: Electron correlations and $T$-breaking density wave order in a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ kagome metal
[2105.15205] Chandan Setty: Dilute magnetic moments in an exactly solvable interacting host
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 1 Jun 21","img":""}
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