Jewish News Quiz: September 8, 2023

Who did Elon Musk accuse of being the biggest generator of antisemitism on Twitter?
Neo-Nazis posing as Musk fans to smear him
The Anti-Defamation League
The "woke left"
Jewish Voice for Peace
A modern Orthodox school in New Jersey is closing due to underenrollment. What reputation did it have that may have contributed to its demise?
Forcing out girls who tried to join the student council or take on other leadership roles
Emphasizing secular education over religious education
Being a queer school
Having mold problems in its classrooms
A Swiss public university has drawn scrutiny for posting an opening for a Jewish studies professor with what unusual requirement for applicants?
Being Black
Being Catholic
Being from a non-Ashkenazi Jewish background
Being a rabbi
Israel’s under-17 men’s flag football team won its first European championship, despite what obstacle?
Having to forfeit a game scheduled for Shabbat
A COVID-19 outbreak that took half its players off the field during preliminaries
Having to face powerhouse Spain during the first round of the playoffs
Going through three different coaches during the course of the season
Who recently claimed that Hitler "fought [the Jews] because of their social role, and not their religion"?
Entrepreneur Elon Musk
Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
The next exhibit at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures will highlight Hollywood's Jewish founders. What is it trying to make amends for?
Criticism that the museum's founding board and leadership had no Jewish members, despite Jews' prominence in Hollywood
An earlier exhibit that minimized Jews' role in Hollywood's founding
A comment by a fundraising director praising the "deep pockets" of donors that was perceived as antisemitic
A comment by the museum's director that "the notion that Jews control Hollywood is correct in a certain narrow sense"
More than 20,000 Israelis applied last year for a passport to which country, which has passed its own law of return?
U.S. officials have raised concerns that which Israeli institution may be losing its independence from politics?
Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust museum and memorial
The national water authority
Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv
Mount Herzl, Israel's national cemetery
{"name":"Jewish News Quiz: September 8, 2023", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, Who did Elon Musk accuse of being the biggest generator of antisemitism on Twitter?, A modern Orthodox school in New Jersey is closing due to underenrollment. What reputation did it have that may have contributed to its demise?","img":""}
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