Which Side of Your Brain Calls the Shots?

A vibrant illustration depicting the left and right hemispheres of the brain, highlighting their different fun<wbr>ctions, with elements like music notes on one side and words or text on the other, in a creative and engaging style.

Unlock Your Brain's Potential

Are you ready to discover which side of your brain influences your thoughts and actions more? Take our quiz to find out if you're more of a logical thinker or a creative genius!

This quiz includes:

  • 15 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple-choice answers
  • A clear score to reveal your cognitive style
18 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CreativeMind321
Think of your favorite song. Close your eyes and let it run through your head for ten or fifteen seconds. Did you focus more on:
The melody
The words
You're at a restaurant with a friend and they ask you for directions on how to get somewhere. Do you:
Draw a map
Write out step by step directions
When memorizing new words in a foreign language, or new vocabulary words, I remember them best by:
Repeating the words after the teacher, or repeating them over and over out loud, or in my head
Reading the new words over and over, and/or writing them down
When I get hung up on starting a project or working out a problem, it is usually because:
I get bogged down in details and don't know where to start
I try to do too many things at once and end up with your energies too spread out, without putting your best abilities to work anywhere
When I am working on a project or task:
I am very aware of time and glance often at the clock
Often completely lose track of time
In the image above, does 1 match better with:
I am sold on an idea:
After reading up on it, analyzing all the aspects step by step
If you can picture it as a success, if it grabs you, or if you get an intuitive, gut feeling that it will go well
I tend to judge a person by:
What they say
Their eye contact, body language and appearance
When it comes to spectator sports, I am better at:
Keeping score, remembering player averages, recording, etc.
Mapping out play strategies, anticipating where the action will be
In the image above, does 1 match better with:
I work better when:
I can do the specialized work I'm best at, analyzing it, and making it all add up, without distraction
I can see you my work fits into the big picture and I'm involved in interpreting patterns and viewpoints of the whole picture
How do you keep your desk, the place where you work, or your hobby area?
It's neat and organized, everything has its place. If it's cluttered I can't find things.
It's a mess, but I can find anything I need. If, God forbid, someone should come in and clean it up, I'd be lost.
Recall what you had for dinner yesterday. Close your eyes and remember it for five seconds. Did you:
Picture an image in your mind, the smells and tastes of the food you ate
Recite a list of foods the dinner consisted of, with words to describe them
When I am thinking about something intently:
My thoughts are like pictures going through my head
My thoughts are like words going through my head
When I work on a project, I prefer to:
Get started right away, as soon as I have a feel for it, diving in and figuring it out as I go along
Have all the facts so that I can analyze them carefully and plan the best sequence of steps for implementing it
When I put something together, like a game, toy, or new piece of equipment:
I carefully follow the written instructions, step-by-step
I try to eyeball it and figure it out on my own, maybe just glancing at the instructions if I get stuck
I would rather describe an object or place by:
Writing a complete description
Drawing a simple sketch
In the image above, does 1 match better with:
{"name":"Which Side of Your Brain Calls the Shots?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to discover which side of your brain influences your thoughts and actions more? Take our quiz to find out if you're more of a logical thinker or a creative genius!This quiz includes:15 thought-provoking questionsMultiple-choice answersA clear score to reveal your cognitive style","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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