Determine somoenes ayurvedic dosha
How would you describe your body type?
Thin and light (Vata: 3 points)
Medium build (Pitta: 1 point)
Larger build (Kapha: 3 points)
What is your typical appetite like?
Irregular or variable (Vata: 3 points)
Strong and consistent (Pitta: 1 point)
Slow and steady (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle stress?
Easily overwhelmed or anxious (Vata: 3 points)
Frustrated or angry (Pitta: 1 point)
Calm or indifferent (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you prefer to spend your free time?
Exploring new places or trying new things (Vata: 3 points)
Engaging in competitive activities or intellectual pursuits (Pitta: 1 point)
Relaxing at home or spending time with loved ones (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you feel about change?
Excited and adaptable (Vata: 3 points)
Ambivalent or resistant (Pitta: 1 point)
Uncomfortable or fearful (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle cold weather?
Easily chilled or uncomfortable (Vata: 3 points)
Comfortable but prefer warmer temperatures (Pitta: 1 point)
Enjoy cooler temperatures and feel warm easily (Kapha: 3 points)
What is your sleep pattern like?
Irregular or variable (Vata: 3 points)
Light sleeper with vivid dreams (Pitta: 1 point)
Deep sleeper who needs a lot of rest (Kapha: 3 points)
How would you describe your skin?
Dry or rough (Vata: 3 points)
Sensitive or prone to redness (Pitta: 1 point)
Smooth or oily (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you approach decision-making?
Spontaneously or intuitively (Vata: 3 points)
Analytically or logically (Pitta: 1 point)
Slowly or methodically (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you respond to caffeine?
Jittery or anxious (Vata: 3 points)
Energized or focused (Pitta: 1 point)
Calm or unaffected (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you feel about routine?
Restrictive or boring (Vata: 3 points)
Necessary for productivity (Pitta: 1 point)
Comforting or stabilizing (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle spicy foods?
Uncomfortable or overwhelmed (Vata: 3 points)
Enjoy the heat and flavor (Pitta: 1 point)
Prefer milder flavors (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you approach exercise?
Spontaneously or with variety (Vata: 3 points)
Intensely or competitively (Pitta: 1 point)
Slowly or steadily (Kapha: 3 points)
How would you describe your energy levels throughout the day?
Variable or inconsistent (Vata: 3 points)
High in the morning and evening (Pitta: 1 point)
Steady but lower overall (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle loud noises or bright lights?
Easily overwhelmed or distracted (Vata: 3 points)
Irritated or uncomfortable (Pitta: 1 point)
Unaffected or indifferent (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you feel about change in your environment?
Excited or adaptable (Vata: 3 points)
Ambivalent or resistant (Pitta: 1 point)
Uncomfortable or fearful (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you respond to stress?
Overwhelmed or anxious (Vata: 3 points)
Frustrated or angry (Pitta: 1 point)
Calm or indifferent (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you prefer to spend your leisure time?
Exploring new places or trying new things (Vata: 3 points)
Engaging in competitive activities or intellectual pursuits (Pitta: 1 point)
Relaxing at home or spending time with loved ones (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle hot weather?
Uncomfortable or easily overheated (Vata: 3 points)
Enjoy the warmth but can become irritable (Pitta: 1 point)
Prefer cooler temperatures (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you approach learning?
Spontaneously or creatively (Vata: 3 points)
Analytically or logically (Pitta: 1 point)
Slowly or methodically (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle change in your routine?
Excited or adaptable (Vata: 3 points)
Ambivalent or resistant (Pitta: 1 point)
Uncomfortable or fearful (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you respond to criticism?
Easily hurt or defensive (Vata: 3 points)
Angry or argumentative (Pitta: 1 point)
Calm or indifferent (Kapha: 3 points)
How would you describe your digestion?
Irregular or variable (Vata: 3 points)
Strong and efficient (Pitta: 1 point)
Slow but steady (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you feel about social situations?
Enjoy meeting new people and trying new things (Vata: 3 points)
Prefer small groups or one-on-one interactions (Pitta: 1 point)
Enjoy larger gatherings and spending time with loved ones (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle colds or illnesses?
Prone to frequent illness or allergies (Vata: 3 points)
Tend to get fevers or infections (Pitta: 1 point)
Rarely get sick but may have congestion or mucus (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you approach problem-solving?
Creatively or intuitively (Vata: 3 points)
Analytically or logically (Pitta: 1 point)
Slowly or methodically (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you handle change in your relationships?
Excited or adaptable (Vata: 3 points)
Ambivalent or resistant (Pitta: 1 point)
Uncomfortable or fearful (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you feel about competition?
Enjoy the challenge and excitement (Vata: 3 points)
Prefer to avoid it or compete only with oneself (Pitta: 1 point)
Enjoy friendly competition but not overly invested (Kapha: 3 points)
How do you approach spirituality or meditation?
Spontaneously or creatively (Vata: 3 points)
Analytically or logically (Pitta: 1 point)
Slowly or methodically (Kapha: 3 points)
How would you describe your emotional state?
Variable or easily overwhelmed (Vata: 3 points)
Intense or passionate (Pitta: 1 point)
Calm or stable (Kapha: 3 points)
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