Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 29 Jul 21
[2107.12999] Joan Pau Sánchez, David Morante, Pablo Hermosin et al.: ESA F-Class Comet Interceptor: Trajectory Design to Intercept a Yet-to-be-discovered Comet
[2107.13000] Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Fei Ge, Lloyd Knox: A Symmetry of Cosmological Observables, and a High Hubble Constant as an Indicator of a Mirror World Dark Sector
[2107.13003] Francisco Nogueras-Lara, Rainer Schödel, Nadine Neumayer: The nuclear star cluster and nuclear stellar disc of the Milky Way: Different stellar population and star formation history
[2107.13004] Nora Shipp, Denis Erkal, Alex Drlica-Wagner et al.: Measuring the Mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud with Stellar Streams Observed by ${S}^5$
[2107.13008] Jens Stücker, Raul E. Angulo, Philipp Busch: The Boosted Potential
[2107.13012] Max Gronke, S. Peng Oh, Suoqing Ji et al.: Survival and mass growth of cold gas in a turbulent, multiphase medium
[2107.13014] C. Danielski, A. Brucalassi, S. Benatti et al.: The homogeneous characterisation of Ariel host stars
[2107.13015] Brian D. Metzger, Nicholas C. Stone, Shmuel Gilbaum: Interacting Stellar EMRIs as Sources of Quasi-Periodic Eruptions in Galactic Nuclei
[2107.13016] Somdutta Ghosh, Noah Wolfe, Carla Fröhlich: PUSHing core-collapse supernovae to explosions in spherical symmetry V: Equation of state dependency of explosion properties, nucleosynthesis yields, and...
[2107.13019] J. Chauhan, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, G. E. Anderson et al.: A broadband radio view of transient jet ejecta in the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571
[2107.13038] A. Kovács, R. Beck, A. Smith et al.: Evidence for a high-z ISW signal from supervoids in the distribution of eBOSS quasars
[2107.13049] Bradley C. Whitmore, Janice C. Lee, Rupali Chandar et al.: Star Cluster Classification in the PHANGS-HST Survey: Comparison between Human and Machine Learning Approaches
[2107.13050] Rasa Muller, Aart Heijboer, Alfonso Garcia Soto et al.: Sensitivity estimates for diffuse, point-like and extended neutrino sources with KM3NeT/ARCA
[2107.13065] Markus J. Aschwanden, Jay R. Johnson, Yosia I. Nurhan: The Poissonian Origin of Power Laws in Solar Flare Waiting Time Distributions
[2107.13097] Paul B. Rimmer, Liton Majumdar, Akshay Priyadarshi et al.: Detectable Abundance of Cyanoacetylene (HC$_3$N) Predicted on Reduced Nitrogen-Rich Super-Earth Atmospheres
[2107.13104] J. Fowler, Rachel Bowens-Rubin, Philip M. Hinz: A Design Study on Adaptive Primaries for 1-2 Meter ClassTelescopes
[2107.13105] Benjamin L. Gerard, Vincent Chambouleyron, Rebecca Jensen-Clem et al.: The Bright Pyramid Wavefront Sensor
[2107.13113] Celia Rosa Fierro-Santillán, Jaime Klapp, Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti et al.: Algorithm for removing secondary lines blended with Balmer lines in synthetic spectra of massive stars
[2107.13141] Adela Kawka, Stephane Vennes, Lilia Ferrario et al.: The magnetic system SMSS J1606-1000 as a period bouncer
[2107.13142] Shuang-Liang Li, Minfeng Gu: On the origin of X-ray emission in 3CRR sources: hints from mid-infrared Spitzer observations
[2107.13168] Ken Osato, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada: Mock catalogues of emission line galaxies based on the local mass density in dark-matter only simulations
[2107.13199] Stephanie Monty, Francois Rigaut, Richard McDermid et al.: Towards Realistic Modeling of the Astrometric Capabilities of MCAO Systems: Detecting an Intermediate Mass Black Hole with MAVIS
[2107.13223] CoMET Collaboration: Gašper Kukec Mezek, Yvonne Becherini, Tomas Bylund et al.: The CoMET multiperspective event tracker for wide field-of-view gamma-ray astronomy
[2107.13241] Boris S. Kalita, Emanuele Daddi, Chiara D'Eugenio et al.: An ancient massive quiescent galaxy found in a gas-rich z ~ 3 group
[2107.13243] Jongho Park, Keiichi Asada, Masanori Nakamura et al.: A revised view of the linear polarization in the core of M87 at 7 mm
[2107.13253] A. Romanov, M. Sanguineti: Observation of the cosmic ray shadow of the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
[2107.13258] Devojyoti Kansabanik, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Jayanta Roy et al.: Unravelling the eclipse mechanism of a binary millisecond pulsar using broad band radio spectra
[2107.13278] Lukas Merten, Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer et al.: FR-0 jetted active galaxies: extending the zoo of candidate sites for UHECR acceleration
[2107.13286] Rong-Gen Cai, Zong-Kuan Guo, Shao-Jiang Wang et al.: A No-Go guide for the Hubble tension
[2107.13307] Kathrin Grunthal, Michael Kramer, Gregory Desvignes: Revisiting the Galactic Double Neutron Star merger and LIGO detection rates
[2107.13323] Hyeong-Sik Yun, Jeong-Eun Lee, Neal J. Evans II et al.: TIMES II: Investigating the Relation Between Turbulence and Star-forming Environments in Molecular Clouds
[2107.13350] W. A. Badawy, A. L. Tadross, Y. M. Hendy et al.: Open clusters with proper motions fully separated from the field stars using Gaia DR2
[2107.13351] Thomas Kite, Jens Chluba, Andrea Ravenni et al.: Clarifying transfer function approximations for the large-scale gravitational wave background in $Λ$CDM
[2107.13375] S.Reck, D. Guderian, G. Vermariën et al.: Graph Neural Networks for reconstruction and classification in KM3NeT
[2107.13391] Gen Ye, Jun Zhang, Yun-Song Piao: Resolving both $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions with AdS early dark energy and ultralight axion
[2107.13401] Roy Maartens, José Fonseca, Stefano Camera et al.: Magnification and evolution biases in large-scale structure surveys
[2107.13402] Christiaan Brinkerink, Heino Falcke, Andreas Brunthaler et al.: Persistent time lags in light curves of Sagittarius A*: evidence of outflow
[2107.13424] Lu Feng, Kai Jin, Hong-Yang Li et al.: Short term minutes-time scale temporal variation statistics of sodium layer dynamics
[2107.13439] S. Yang, J. Sollerman, N. L. Strotjohann et al.: A low-energy explosion yields the underluminous Type IIP SN 2020cxd
[2107.13478] Pablo Corcho-Caballero, Javier Casado, Yago Ascasibar et al.: Galaxy evolution on resolved scales: ageing and quenching in CALIFA
[2107.13479] M. Bouta, A. Moussa, Y. Tayalati et al.: Nuclearite search with ANTARES
[2107.13488] Jaren N. Ashcraft, Ewan S. Douglas, Daewook Kim et al.: The Versatile CubeSat Telescope: Going to Large Apertures in Small Spacecraft
[2107.13534] Lisa Johanna Schumacher, Matthias Huber, Matteo Agostini et al.: PLE$ν$M: A global and distributed monitoring system of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos
[2107.13543] Peter Bult, Diego Altamirano, Zaven Arzoumanian et al.: On the impact of an intermediate duration X-ray burst on the accretion environment in IGR J17062-6143
[2107.13546] Robert V. Wagoner, Celia R. Tandon: Evolution of a Mode of Oscillation Within Turbulent Accretion Disks
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 29 Jul 21","img":""}
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