Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 5 Jul 21
[2107.00661] Wilhelm G. F. Krüger, Lukas Janssen: Nesting instability of gapless U(1) spin liquids with spinon Fermi pockets in two dimensions
[2107.00698] Leena Aggarwal, Penghao Zhu, Taylor L. Hughes et al.: Evidence for Higher order topology in Bi and Bi$_{0.92}$Sb$_{0.08}$
[2107.00721] Natalia Kasian, Longin Lisetski, Igor Gvozdovskyy: Twist-bend nematics and heliconical cholesterics: a physico-chemical analysis of phase transitions and related specific properties
[2107.00724] Mark J. Bowick, Nikta Fakhri, M. Cristina Marchetti et al.: Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter
[2107.00732] Bilal Tariq, Xuedong Hu: Impact of the valley orbit coupling on exchange gate for spin qubits in silicon quantum dots
[2107.00742] Nicholas P. Quirk, Loi T. Nguyen, Jiayi Hu et al.: Singular angular magnetoresistance and sharp resonant features in a high-mobility metal with open orbits, ReO3
[2107.00765] Zhi-Cheng Wang, Kulatheepan Thanabalasingam, Jan P. Scheifers et al.: Antiferromagnetic Order and Spin-Canting Transition in the Corrugated Square Net Compound Cu$_3$(TeO$_4$)(SO$_4$)$\cdot$H$_2$O
[2107.00766] Ejaaz Merali, Isaac J.S. De Vlugt, Roger G. Melko: Stochastic Series Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo for Rydberg Arrays
[2107.00767] Laurent Ranno, Maria Alfonso Moro: Design Rules for DMI-Stabilised Skyrmions
[2107.00784] B. Voisin, J. Salfi, R. Rahman et al.: Novel characterisation of dopant-based qubits
[2107.00788] Jiani Fei, Chia-Nan Yeh, Dominika Zgid et al.: Analytical Continuation of Matrix-Valued Functions: Carathéodory Formalism
[2107.00800] Samik Mukherjee, Simone Assali, Oussama Moutanabbir: Atomic Pathways of Solute Segregation in the Vicinity of Nanoscale Defects
[2107.00847] Arijit Saha, Arun M. Jayannavar: Higher Order Topological Systems: A New Paradigm
[2107.00876] Yun-Peng Huang, Jin-Wei Dong, Ziqiang Wang et al.: Three-dimensional Stacking of Canted Antiferromagnetism and Pseudospin Current in Undoped Sr$_2$IrO$_4$: Symmetry Analysis and Microscopic Mod...
[2107.00878] Jingya Wang, Yiwen Chen, Zhe Chen et al.: Deformation mechanisms of Mg-Ca-Zn alloys studied by means of micropillar compression tests
[2107.00880] J.-Z. Ma, Q.-S. Wu, M. Song et al.: Observation of a singular Weyl point surrounded by charged nodal walls in PtGa
[2107.00884] Federica Maria Surace, Marcello Dalmonte, Alessandro Silva: Quantum local random networks and the statistical robustness of quantum scars
[2107.00891] Dongjin Oh, Dongjoon Song, Younsik Kim et al.: $B_{\rm 1g}$ phonon anomaly driven by Fermi surface instability at intermediate temperature in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$
[2107.00899] Rui Li: Searching strong `spin'-orbit coupled one-dimensional hole gas in strong magnetic fields
[2107.00912] Y. Sato, Z. Xiang, Y. Kasahara et al.: Topological surface conduction in Kondo insulator YbB$_{12}$
[2107.00918] Hailong Peng, Huashan Liu, Thomas Voigtmann: Non-monotonic dynamic correlations beneath the surface of glass-forming liquids
[2107.00935] Federico Paolucci, Francesco Crisà, Giorgio De Simoni et al.: Electrostatic field-driven supercurrent suppression in ionic-gated metallic Josephson nanotransistors
[2107.00936] Tushar Mitra, Md. Kamrul Hassan: A weighted planar stochastic lattice with scale-free, small-world and multifractal properties
[2107.00953] Rohit Jain, Félix Ginot, Matthias Krüger: Micro-rheology of a particle in a nonlinear bath: Stochastic Prandtl-Tomlinson model
[2107.00959] Xin Chen, Hang Xie, Qi Zhang et al.: Giant enhancement of anomalous Hall effect in Cr modulation-doped non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn thin films
[2107.00963] Gerardo Valadez Huerta, Yusuke Nanba, Iori Kurata et al.: Calculations of Real-System Nanoparticles Using Universal Neural Network Potential PFP
[2107.00982] Yu. M. Shukrinov, I. R. Rahmonov, A. Janalizadeh et al.: Anomalous Gilbert Damping and Duffing Features of the SFS $\varphi_0$ Josephson Junction
[2107.00989] Sébastien Roux, Christophe Arnold, Fulvio Paleari et al.: Radiative lifetime of free excitons in hexagonal boron nitride
[2107.00990] Christian Bertoni, Joseph M. Renes: Minimizing couplings in renormalization by preserving short-range mutual information
[2107.00994] Simon Wozny, Martin Leijnse, Sigurdur I. Erlingsson: Dynamic impurities in two-dimensional topological insulator edge states
[2107.01012] Charly Empereur-mot, Riccardo Capelli, Mattia Perrone et al.: Automatic Middle-Out Optimisation of Coarse-Grained Lipid Force Fields
[2107.01014] Ze-Yi Song, Xiu-Cai Jiang, Xiao-Fang Ouyang et al.: Breakdown of the Hund's Rule in CuFeAs
[2107.01016] S. Candussio, L. E. Golub, S. Bernreuter et al.: Nonlinear intensity dependence of terahertz edge photocurrents in graphene
[2107.01023] Kuang Zhang: Fibration, Nexus and Cosmological Composite Topological Defects in Uniaxially Disordered Superfluid $^3$He
[2107.01040] Romana Petry, Gustavo Silvestre, Bruno Focassio et al.: Machine learning of microscopic ingredients for graphene oxide/cellulose interaction
[2107.01046] Zhengyuan Liu, Bingcheng Luo, Labao Zhang et al.: Vortex Dynamics in Amorphous MoSi Superconducting Thin Films
[2107.01051] Kalle S. U. Kansanen, Camillo Tassi, Harshad Mishra et al.: Magnomechanics in suspended magnetic beams
[2107.01055] Sami Kaappa, Casper Larsen, Karsten Wedel Jacobsen: Atomic structure optimization with machine-learning enabled interpolation between chemical elements
[2107.01066] Valentin Guryev, Sergey Shavkin, Vitaliy Kruglov: Guided flux motion: models and experiment
[2107.01072] Anna Roslawska, Tomáš Neuman, Benjamin Doppagne et al.: Mapping Lamb, Stark and Purcell effects at a chromophore-picocavity junction with hyper-resolved fluorescence microscopy
[2107.01100] L. Lepori, D. Giuliano, A. Nava et al.: Interplay between singlet and triplet pairings in multi-band two-dimensional oxide superconductors
[2107.01111] Fabian Glatzel, Tanja Schilling: The Interplay between Memory and Potentials of Mean Force: A Discussion on the Structure of Equations of Motion for Coarse Grained Observables
[2107.01128] Fabian L. Thiemann, Patrick Rowe, Andrea Zen et al.: Defect-dependent structure of graphene
[2107.01132] E. A. Stepanov, V. Harkov, M. Rösner et al.: Coexisting charge density wave and ferromagnetic instabilities in monolayer InSe
[2107.01160] Hideki Kobayashi, Paul B. Rohrbach, Robert Scheichl et al.: Critical point for de-mixing of binary hard spheres
[2107.01163] Carlo Baldassi, Clarissa Lauditi, Enrico M. Malatesta et al.: Unveiling the structure of wide flat minima in neural networks
[2107.01164] M. Cattelan, C. J. Sayers, D. Wolverson et al.: Site-specific symmetry sensitivity of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in layered palladium diselenide
[2107.01203] Thomas Allcock, Wolfgang Langbein, Egor Muljarov: Quantum Mollow Quadruplet in Non-linear Cavity-QED
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 5 Jul 21","img":""}
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