Perceptual and Motor Development in BPES Babies

When did you first notice the baby looking at things in their environment? What sorts of things did they seem to like looking at?
Did the baby seem able to tell apart different individuals? At what age? How could you tell?
What major concerns about perceptual and/or motor development did you have when your baby was first diagnosed with BPES? Did these concerns end up coming true?
Did your doctor warn you that your baby might experience specific perceptual and/or motor delays? If so what were they, and was that prediction accurate?
Did you notice the baby being aware of depth early in life? Did they show a fear of heights? At what age?
When did the baby first seem interested in reaching for objects? How skillful (or not) was their first reaching? What sorts of things were they interested in reaching for?
Did your baby crawl? If so, at what age? If not, did they go straight to walking or use other methods of getting around (eg bum scooting, army crawl, etc)? What age did they start walking?
Did your child get eye surgery as a baby? If so, at what age, and how did it change their perceptual/motor abilities? Their experience of the world in general?
Did your baby require glasses? If so, at what age did they begin wearing them, and how did it change their experience of the world?
Did your baby require any other type of corrective eye treatment, eg wearing an eye patch? If so, how successful was it in treating the problem?
Was your baby clumsier than 'normal'? If so, how did this impact their experience of the world?
In what ways, positive or negative, were you surprised by your baby's perceptual and/or motor development?
{"name":"Perceptual and Motor Development in BPES Babies", "url":"","txt":"When did you first notice the baby looking at things in their environment? What sorts of things did they seem to like looking at?, Did the baby seem able to tell apart different individuals? At what age? How could you tell?, What major concerns about perceptual and\/or motor development did you have when your baby was first diagnosed with BPES? Did these concerns end up coming true?","img":""}
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