Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 2 Dec 20
[2012.00005] Jiansen He, Bo Cui, Liping Yang et al.: Encounter of Parker Solar Probe and a Comet-like Object During Their Perihelia: Model Predictions and Measurements
[2012.00008] D. Blinov, S. Kiehlmann, V. Pavlidou et al.: RoboPol: AGN polarimetric monitoring data
[2012.00011] Hiromichi Tagawa, Bence Kocsis, Zoltan Haiman et al.: Mass-gap Mergers in Active Galactic Nuclei
[2012.00014] Hamsa Padmanabhan, Abraham Loeb: Distinguishing AGN from starbursts as the origin of double peaked Lyman-Alpha Emitters in the reionization era
[2012.00015] Adrian M. Price-Whelan, David W. Hogg, Kathryn V. Johnston et al.: Orbital Torus Imaging: Using Element Abundances to Map Orbits and Mass in the Milky Way
[2012.00016] Joan R. Najita, John S. Carr, Sean D. Brittain et al.: High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of GV Tau N: Surface Accretion and Detection of Ammonia in a Young Protoplanetary Disk
[2012.00019] Jaeyeon Kim, Mélanie Chevance, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen et al.: On the duration of the embedded phase of star formation
[2012.00021] Sameer, J. C. Charlton, J. M. Norris et al.: Cloud-by-cloud, multiphase, Bayesian modeling: Application to four weak, low ionization absorbers
[2012.00022] Erez Michaely, Michael Shara: White dwarf - main sequence star collisions from wide triples in the field
[2012.00023] Luca Grassitelli, Norbert Langer, Jonathan Mackey et al.: Wind-envelope interaction as the origin of the slow cyclic brightness variations of luminous blue variables
[2012.00024] Caterina Chiocchetta, Alessandro Gruppuso, Massimiliano Lattanzi et al.: Lack-of-correlation anomaly in CMB large scale polarisation maps
[2012.00025] Stephanie O'Neil, David J. Barnes, Mark Vogelsberger et al.: The splashback boundary of haloes in hydrodynamic simulations
[2012.00026] B. O'Connor, E. Troja, S. Dichiara et al.: A tale of two mergers: constraints on kilonova detection in two short GRBs at z$\sim$0.5
[2012.00028] Madhurima Choudhury, Atrideb Chatterjee, Abhirup Datta et al.: Using Artificial Neural Networks to extract the 21-cm Global Signal from the EDGES data
[2012.00029] Valentin Decoene, Kumiko Kotera, Joseph Silk: Fast radio burst repeaters produced via Kozai-Lidov feeding of neutron stars in binary systems
[2012.00035] Joseph A. Guidry, Zachary P. Vanderbosch, J. J. Hermes et al.: I Spy Transits and Pulsations: Empirical Variability in White Dwarfs Using Gaia and the Zwicky Transient Facility
[2012.00036] Courtney Carter, Charlie Conroy, Dennis Zaritsky et al.: Ancient Very Metal-Poor Stars Associated With the Galactic Disk in the H3 Survey
[2012.00042] Ji Won Park, Sebastian Wagner-Carena, Simon Birrer et al.: Large-Scale Gravitational Lens Modeling with Bayesian Neural Networks for Accurate and Precise Inference of the Hubble Constant
[2012.00043] Joshua D. Simon, Thomas M. Brown, Alex Drlica-Wagner et al.: Eridanus II: A Fossil from Reionization with an Off-Center Star Cluster
[2012.00046] Ismael Ayuso, Ruth Lazkoz, Vincenzo Salzano: Observational constraints on cosmological solutions of $f(Q)$ theories
[2012.00048] Martijn de Vries, Roger W. Romani, Oleg Kargaltsev et al.: PSR J1709-4429's Proper Motion and its Relationship to SNR G343.1-2.3
[2012.00049] Zeyuan Xuan, Peng Peng, Xian Chen: Degeneracy between mass and peculiar acceleration for the double white dwarfs in the LISA band
[2012.00066] Viviana Acquaviva, Chistopher Lovell, Emille Ishida: Debunking Generalization Error or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Training Set
[2012.00074] Jing Luo, Scott Ransom, Paul Demorest et al.: PINT: A Modern Software Package for Pulsar Timing
[2012.00080] Stephen R. Kane, Tiffany Jansen, Thomas Fauchez et al.: Phase Modeling of the TRAPPIST-1 Planetary Atmospheres
[2012.00090] Valtteri Lindholm, Alexis Finoguenov, Johan Comparat et al.: Clustering of CODEX clusters
[2012.00099] Elise Darragh-Ford, Ethan O. Nadler, Sean McLaughlin et al.: Searching for Dwarf Galaxies in ${\it Gaia}$ DR2 Phase-Space Data Using Wavelet Transforms
[2012.00100] Edgard G. Rivera-Valentín, Vincent F. Chevrier, Alejandro Soto et al.: Distribution and habitability of (meta)stable brines on present-day Mars
[2012.00111] Digvijay Wadekar, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Shirley Ho et al.: Modeling assembly bias with machine learning and symbolic regression
[2012.00132] Siyang Li, George F. Smoot: Characterization of a high efficiency silicon photomultiplier for millisecond to sub-microsecond astrophysical transient searches
[2012.00140] J. Ted Mackereth, Andrea Miglio, Yvonne Elsworth et al.: Prospects for Galactic and stellar astrophysics with asteroseismology of giant stars in the $\it{TESS}$ Continuous Viewing Zones and beyond
[2012.00146] Deidre A. Hunter, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Esther Goldberger et al.: Relationships between the Stellar, Gaseous, and Star Formation Disks in LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxies: Indirect Evidence for...
[2012.00156] Carlotta Pittori: AGILE results on relativistic outflows above 100 MeV
[2012.00160] Yuhan Yao, S. R. Kulkarni, K. C. Gendreau et al.: A Comprehensive X-ray Report on AT2019wey
[2012.00164] Eric Wim Flesch: 40 New Quasars identified within the SDSS-DR16 Quasar Superset and pipeline data
[2012.00169] Yuhan Yao, S. R. Kulkarni, Kevin B. Burdge et al.: Multi-wavelength Observations of AT2019wey: a New Candidate Black Hole Low-mass X-Ray Binary
[2012.00171] Takashi J. Moriya, Ji-an Jiang, Naoki Yasuda et al.: Constraints on the rate of supernovae lasting for more than a year from Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam
[2012.00182] Shubham Kanodia, Joe P. Ninan, Andrew J. Monson et al.: Ghosts of NEID's Past
[2012.00186] Noah Kasmanoff, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Jeremy Tinker et al.: dm2gal: Mapping Dark Matter to Galaxies with Neural Networks
[2012.00189] Lucas A. Cieza, Camilo González-Ruilova, Antonio S. Hales et al.: The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA)-III: the evolution of substructures in massive discs at 3-5 au resolution
[2012.00203] Takahiko Matsubara, Chiaki Hikage, Satoshi Kuriki: Minkowski functionals and the nonlinear perturbation theory in the large-scale structure: second-order effects
[2012.00236] Randall Rojas Bolivar, Daniel Wik, Simona Giacintucci et al.: NuSTAR Observations of Abell 2163: Constraints on Non-thermal Emission
[2012.00240] Renan Alves de Oliveira, Yin Li, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro et al.: Fast and Accurate Non-Linear Predictions of Universes with Deep Learning
[2012.00329] P.A.B. Galli, H. Bouy, J. Olivares et al.: Chamaeleon DANCe. Revisiting the stellar populations of Chamaeleon I and Chamaeleon II with Gaia-DR2 data
[2012.00367] Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska, Natalia Vale Asari, Grażyna Stasińska et al.: Identifying radio active galactic nuclei among radio-emitting galaxies
[2012.00392] E. Bozzo, L. Ducci, M. Falanga: A semi-analytical treatment to wind accretion in neutron star supergiant high mass X-ray binaries: I. Eccentric orbits
[2012.00426] J. Korth, A. Moharana, M. Pešta et al.: Consequences of parameterization choice on eclipsing binary light curve solutions
[2012.00446] Judit Muraközy: On the Decay of Sunspot Groups and Their Internal Parts in Detail
[2012.00462] Steven P. Bos, David S. Doelman, Kelsey L. Miller et al.: New concepts in vector-Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraphy
[2012.00475] Rob G. van Holstein, Steven P. Bos, Jasper Ruigrok et al.: Calibration of the instrumental polarization effects of SCExAO-CHARIS' spectropolarimetric mode
[2012.00510] Sharmila Rani, Annapurni Subramaniam, Sindhu Pandey et al.: UOCS. V. UV study of the old open cluster NGC 188 using AstroSat
[2012.00520] Á. Llancaqueo Albornoz, S. Villanova, C.C. Cortés et al.: Variability in NGC 3201 giant stars and its impact on their spectroscopic [Fe/H] determination
[2012.00521] Victor F. Ksoll, Dimitrios Gouliermis, Elena Sabbi et al.: Measuring Young Stars in Space and Time -- I. The Photometric Catalog and Extinction Properties of N44
[2012.00524] Victor F. Ksoll, Dimitrios Gouliermis, Elena Sabbi et al.: Measuring Young Stars in Space and Time -- II. The Pre-Main-Sequence Stellar Content of N44
[2012.00527] William Giarè, Fabrizio Renzi, Alessandro Melchiorri: Higher-Curvature Corrections and Tensor Modes
[2012.00529] Suvrat Rao, Marcus Brüggen, Jochen Liske: Detection of gravitational waves in circular particle accelerators
[2012.00568] Dimitra Atri, Caitlin MacArthur, Ian Dobbs-Dixon: Modeling Solar Proton Event-induced Martian Surface Radiation Dose
[2012.00580] M. B. Nielsen, G. R. Davies, W. H. Ball et al.: PBjam: A Python package for automating asteroseismology of solar-like oscillators
[2012.00586] V.K. Oikonomou: Unifying of Inflation with Early and Late Dark Energy Epochs in Axion $F(R)$ Gravity
[2012.00592] D. O'Neill, R. Kotak, M. Fraser et al.: Revisiting the progenitor of the low-luminosity type II-plateau supernova, SN 2008bk
[2012.00616] F. Colas, B. Zanda, S. Bouley et al.: FRIPON: A worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids
[2012.00668] J. Dyks, P. Weltevrede, C. Ilie: Circular polarization in radio pulsar PSR B1451-68: coherent mode transitions and intrabeam interference
[2012.00727] Rachel Marra, Christopher W. Churchill, Glenn G. Kacprzak et al.: Spatial Distribution of OVI Covering Fractions in the Simulated Circumgalactic Medium
[2012.00737] Jan D. Burger, Jorge Peñarrubia, Jesús Zavala: Conservation of radial actions in time-dependent spherical potentials
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 2 Dec 20","img":""}
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