Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 30 Mar 21
[2103.14663] S. Mastrogiovanni, K. Leyde, C. Karathanasis et al.: Cosmology in the dark: On the importance of source population models for gravitational-wave cosmology
[2103.14674] Maciej Kolanowski, Jerzy Lewandowski: Hamiltonian charges in the asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
[2103.14725] Brandon Mattingly: Curvature Invariants for Wormholes and Warped Spacetimes
[2103.14744] David Langlois, Karim Noui, Hugo Roussille: Asymptotics of linear differential systems and application to quasi-normal modes of nonrotating black holes
[2103.14750] David Langlois, Karim Noui, Hugo Roussille: Black hole perturbations in modified gravity
[2103.14816] Yoshiaki Himemoto, Atsushi Nishizawa, Atsushi Taruya: Impacts of overlapping gravitational-wave signals on the parameter estimation: Toward the search for cosmological backgrounds
[2103.14912] Ali Vahedi, Jafar Khodagholizadeh, Arman Tursunov: Aschenbach effect for spinning particles in Kerr-(A)dS spacetime
[2103.15012] Miguel Alcubierre, Juan Barranco, Argelia Bernal et al.: On the linear stability of $\ell$-boson stars with respect to radial perturbations
[2103.15040] Leonardo Balart, Sharmanthie Fernando: Thermodynamics and Heat Engines of Black Holes with Born-Infeld-type Electrodynamics
[2103.15044] Katsuki Aoki, Francesco Di Filippo, Shinji Mukohyama: Non-uniqueness of massless transverse-traceless graviton
[2103.15135] Salvatore Capozziello, Carlo Altucci, Francesco Bajardi et al.: Constraining Theories of Gravity by GINGER experiment
[2103.15312] Snehasish Bhattacharjee: Baryogenesis in $f(P)$ Gravity
[2103.15393] Muhammad Fitrah Alfian Rangga Sakti, Anto Sulaksono: Dark Energy Stars with Phantom Field
[2103.15410] Vito Flavio Bellino, Giampiero Esposito: Fractional linear maps in general relativity and quantum mechanics
[2103.15424] J.M. Isidro, P. Fernandez de Cordoba, J.C. Castro-Palacio: Spherical space in the Newtonian limit: The cosmological constant
[2103.15437] David Benisty, Gonzalo J. Olmo, Diego Rubiera-Garcia: Singularity-free and cosmologically viable Born-Infeld gravity with scalar matter
[2103.15523] Sarath N, Titus K. Mathew: Decaying vacuum and evolution from early inflation to late acceleration
[2103.15549] Abbas M. Sherif, Peter K. S. Dunsby, Rituparno Goswami et al.: Homothetic Killing vectors in stationary axisymmetric vacuum spacetimes
[2103.15610] J. Ambjorn, Z. Drogosz, J. Gizbert-Studnicki et al.: CDT Quantum Toroidal Spacetimes: An Overview
[2103.15634] M. Bravo-Gaete, C. Gómez, L. Guajardo et al.: Towards the emergence of non-zero thermodynamical quantities for Lanczos-Lovelock black holes dressed with a scalar field
[2103.15673] Zhongshan An, Michael T. Anderson: The initial boundary value problem and quasi-local Hamiltonians in General Relativity
[2103.15701] Wojciech Kulczycki, Patryk Mach, Edward Malec: Stationary massive disks around black holes: realistic equation of state and bifurcation
[2103.15705] Andreu Masó-Ferrando, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, José A. Font et al.: Boson stars in Palatini $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity
[2103.15707] Luciano Combi, Federico G. Lopez Armengol, Manuela Campanelli et al.: A superposed metric for spinning black hole binaries approaching merger
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 30 Mar 21","img":""}
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