Are you a shopaholic?

Do you purchase things you don’t need or didn’t plan to buy?
Yes, I can't help it
Sometimes, but not always
Not really, no
Do you ever shop beyond your means?
Yes, I've been known to do this
Generally no but it does happen
Nope, never happened
Do you have unopened items in your closet?
Yes, and maybe other places too
Only a couple, if even
No, everything gets used fairly quickly
Do you often feel regretful after making purchases?
Yes, don't judge me
Here and there, it depends what the purchase is
No I tend to plan out all purchases beforehand
Do you try to hide your shopping habits, or shop in secret?
Yes but don't tell anyone
Sometimes, but only if I can justify it
No, nothing to hide
Do you feel more “normal” when you’re shopping?
Yes 100%, I live for it
Not always but it can help lift my mood
No, it's more of a chore really
Do you avoid looking at your financial statements?
Yes, I'm not a fan of those
Depends on what it is
No, I generally know what they will have on them
Do you feel a “high” when shopping that’s followed by a “low” when it's over?
Yes, and I love it!
Really it varies on what happens that day
No, at least not that I can remember
Do you buy things for the sake of getting a good deal?
Of course!
Here and there I do
No not really
Do you feel upset when you can’t buy something you want?
Yes, it's all I can think about
Sometimes but not always
No, doesn't bother me
{"name":"Are you a shopaholic?", "url":"","txt":"Do you purchase things you don’t need or didn’t plan to buy?, Do you ever shop beyond your means?, Do you have unopened items in your closet?","img":""}
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