Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 14 Sep 20
[2009.05050] Laurien I. Roest, Sabrya E. van Heijst, Louis Maduro et al.: Charting the low-loss region in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy with machine learning
[2009.05051] Urban F. P. Seifert, Xiao-Yu Dong, Sreejith Chulliparambil et al.: Fractionalized fermionic quantum criticality in spin-orbital Mott insulators
[2009.05055] Andras Szabo, Bitan Roy: Emergent chiral symmetry in a three-dimensional interacting Dirac liquid
[2009.05057] MengXing Na, Fabio Boschini, Arthur K. Mills et al.: Establishing non-thermal regimes in pump-probe electron-relaxation dynamics
[2009.05058] M. Zonno, F. Boschini, E. Razzoli et al.: Ubiquitous suppression of the nodal coherent spectral weight in Bi-based cuprates
[2009.05060] Avinash Rustagi, Iacopo Bertelli, Toeno van der Sar et al.: Sensing chiral magnetic noise via quantum impurity relaxometry
[2009.05064] C. L. Baldwin, S. Shivam, S. L. Sondhi et al.: Distinct Critical Behaviors from the Same State in Quantum Spin and Population Dynamics Perspectives
[2009.05083] Leora E. Dresselhaus-Marais, Grethe Winther, Marylesa Howard et al.: In-Situ Visualization of Long-Range Defect Interactions at the Edge of Melting
[2009.05093] Horst-Holger Boltz, Alexei Sirbu, Nina Stelzer et al.: Quantitative spectroscopy of single molecule interaction times
[2009.05119] Max A. Metlitski: Boundary criticality of the O(N) model in d = 3 critically revisited
[2009.05137] S. Kundu, Akmal Hossain, Pranava Keerthi S et al.: Signatures of a spin-1/2 cooperative paramagnet in the diluted triangular lattice of Y$_2$CuTiO$_6$
[2009.05141] Bart Olsthoorn, Johan Hellsvik, Alexander V. Balatsky: Finding hidden order in spin models with persistent homology
[2009.05159] Xuehua Zhang, Zixiang Wei, Howon Choi et al.: Oiling-out Crystallization of Beta-Alanine onSolid Surfaces Controlled by Solvent Exchange
[2009.05170] K. Nasyedkin, I. King, L. Zhang et al.: Extraordinary Phase Coherence Length in Epitaxial Halide Perovskites
[2009.05177] A. Ferrier, A. Zamora, G. Dagvadorj et al.: Searching for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang phase in microcavity polaritons
[2009.05192] Jianhua Gong, Rui Zhu: Topological phase transitions driven by polarity change and next-nearest-neighbor hopping in skyrmion crystals
[2009.05196] Kazunori Umeo, Koichiro Suekuni, Toshiro Takabatake et al.: Pressure induced quenching of planar rattling in Cu$_{10}$Zn$_{2}$Sb$_{4}$S$_{13}$ studied by specific-heat and x-ray diffraction m...
[2009.05225] Ke Wang, Xiansong Xu, Yuan Cheng et al.: Magnon-magnon interaction and magnon relaxation time in ferromagnetic Cr2Ge2Te6 monolayer
[2009.05237] Hyun Woo Cho, Guang Shi, T. R. Kirkpatrick et al.: RFOT theory for glassy dynamics in a single condensed polymer
[2009.05258] Indrani Nayak, Amitabha Nandi, Dibyendu Das: Capture of a diffusive prey by multiple predators in confined space
[2009.05263] Soumyajit Sarkar, Peter Kratzer: Electronic correlation, magnetic structure and magnetotransport in few-layer CrI3
[2009.05272] Yoshikazu Suzumura, Reizo Kato, Masao Ogata: Electric Transport of Nodal Line Semimetal in Single-Component Molecular Conductor
[2009.05281] Elena Patyukova, Erte Xi, Mark R. Wilson: Phase behavior of correlated random copolymers
[2009.05286] Kaiyuan Chen, Jia Liu, Jie Wang et al.: Dynamic behavior of polar nanoregions in re-entrant relaxor 0.6Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-0.4PbTiO3
[2009.05292] Davide Michieletto: Non-Equilibrium Living Polymers
[2009.05295] Lukas Pausch, Edoardo G. Carnio, Alberto Rodríguez et al.: Chaos and ergodicity across the energy spectrum of interacting bosons
[2009.05313] Nicolas Wohlleben, Michael Schmiedeberg: Athermal Jamming vs. Glassy dynamics for particles with exponentially decaying repulsive pair interaction potentials with a cutoff
[2009.05316] Jonathan Amodeo, Fabio Pietrucci, Julien Lam: Out-of-equilibrium Polymorph Selection in Nanoparticle Freezing
[2009.05338] K.-H. Müller, E. E. Mitchell: A theoretical model for parallel SQUID arrays with fluxoid focussing
[2009.05339] Yu. G. Naidyuk, O. E. Kvitnitskaya, D. V. Efremov et al.: Enhanced critical temperatures in the strongly overdoped iron-based superconductors AFe$_2$As$_2$ (A = K, Cs, Rb) observed by point c...
[2009.05340] Rory Hulse, Christopher P Race: An Atomistic Modelling Study of the Properties of Dislocation Loops in Zirconium
[2009.05347] Adam J Plowman, Christopher P Race: A First Principles Study of Zirconium Grain Boundaries
[2009.05384] Daniel Capic, Dmitry A. Garanin, Eugene M. Chudnovsky: Skyrmions in an oblique field: A path to novel binary and quaternary memory
[2009.05386] Reinhard Pippan, Stefan Wurster, Daniel Kiener: Fracture mechanics of micro samples: Fundamental considerations
[2009.05391] Jiao Shi, Chunwei Hu, Jiaxing Ji et al.: Welding few-layered graphene ribbon via penetration of high-speed fullerenes
[2009.05398] Tanmay Goswami, Himanshu Bhatt, K. Justice Babu et al.: Ultrafast Insight into High energy (C, D) Excitons in Few Layer WS2
[2009.05408] D. M. Reis, S. B. Cavalcanti, C. A. A. de Carvalho: Negative refraction and rotons in the relativistic Bose gas
[2009.05416] Tobias M. Hain, Michael A. Klatt, Gerd E. Schröder-Turk: Low-temperature statistical mechanics of the QuanTizer problem: fast quenching and equilibrium cooling of the three-dimensional Voronoi Li...
[2009.05419] Bartosz Barzdajn, Alexander M Garrett, Thomas M Whiting et al.: Development of data-driven spd tight-binding models of Fe -- parameterisation based on QSGW and DFT calculations including info...
[2009.05432] Karol Kawa, Paweł Machnikowski: Diffusion of excitation and power-law localization in long-range-coupled strongly disordered systems
[2009.05447] M. G. Gonzalez, E. A. Ghioldi, C. J. Gazza et al.: Interplay between spatial anisotropy and further exchange interactions in the triangular Heisenberg model
[2009.05452] Baruch Horovitz, Carsten Henkel: Spin entanglement via STM current
[2009.05471] Juan Carlos Idrobo: A New Resolution Odyssey in Electron Microscopy
[2009.05491] Sebastiaan van de Bund, Heather Wiebe, Graeme J. Ackland: Very high temperature quantum effects in liquid hydrogen isotopes
[2009.05500] M. M. Mahmoodian, A. V. Chaplik: Quantum Dot in a Hybrid Structure with Dipolar Excitons
[2009.05523] Amalia I. Coldea: Electronic nematic states tuned by isoelectronic substitution in bulk FeSe1-xSx
[2009.05535] Emmanuel Paredes-Rocha, Yonatan Betancur-Ocampo, Nikodem Szpak et al.: Gradient-index electron optics in graphene pn junctions
[2009.05536] Monica Ciomaga Hatnean, Oleg A. Petrenko, Martin R. Lees et al.: Optical floating zone crystal growth of rare-earth disilicates, $R\mathbf{_{2}}$Si$\mathbf{_{2}}$O$\mathbf{_{7}}$ ($R=$ Er, Ho...
[2009.05565] G. Marchegiani, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto: Noise effects in the nonlinear thermoelectricity of a Josephson junction
[2009.05570] K. Białas, J. Łuczka, P. Hänggi et al.: Colossal Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion induced by nonequilibrium noise
[2009.05572] Qianheng Du, Milinda Abeykoon, Yu Liu et al.: Low-Temperature Thermopower in CoSbS
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 14 Sep 20","img":""}
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