Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 29 Sep 21
[2109.13241] L. Y. Aaron Yung, Rachel S. Somerville, Steven L. Finkelstein et al.: Semi-analytic forecasts for JWST -- V. AGN luminosity functions and helium reionization at z = 2-7
[2109.13242] Samuel Gullin, Evan O'Connor, Jia-Shian Wang et al.: Neutrino Echos following Black Hole Formation in Core-Collapse Supernovae
[2109.13244] Adam M. Dillamore, Vasily Belokurov, Andreea S. Font et al.: Merger-induced galaxy transformations in the ARTEMIS simulations
[2109.13246] Alessandro Sonnenfeld: Statistical strong lensing. III. Inferences with complete samples of lenses
[2109.13248] Yihan Wang, Rosalba Perna, Nathan W. C. Leigh et al.: Hot Jupiter formation in dense clusters: secular chaos in multi-planetary systems
[2109.13250] Philipp Girichidis, Christoph Pfrommer, Rüdiger Pakmor et al.: Spectrally resolved cosmic rays: II -- Momentum-dependent cosmic ray diffusion drives powerful galactic winds
[2109.13252] Nishant Mishra, Nickolay Gnedin: Cosmic Reionization on Computers: Evolution of the Flux Power Spectrum
[2109.13253] Marcel S. Pawlowski, Sangmo Tony Sohn: On the Co-Orbitation of Satellite Galaxies Along the Great Plane of Andromeda: NGC 147, NGC 185, and Expectations from Cosmological Simulations
[2109.13256] Hossam Aly, Jean-François Gonzalez, Rebecca Nealon et al.: Dust Traffic Jams in Inclined Circumbinary Protoplanetary Discs I. Morphology and Formation Theory
[2109.13257] Yunjing Wu, Zheng Cai, Marcel Neeleman et al.: A [C II] 158$μ$m Emitter Associated with an OI Absorber at the End of the Reionization Epoch
[2109.13258] I. Karovicova, T.R. White, T. Nordlander et al.: Fundamental stellar parameters of benchmark stars from CHARA interferometry -- III. Giant and subgiant stars
[2109.13259] Christopher Irwin, Itai Linial, Ehud Nakar et al.: Bolometric light curves of aspherical shock breakout
[2109.13262] Tim B. Miller, Pieter van Dokkum: Bayesian fitting of multi-Gaussian expansion models to galaxy images
[2109.13264] Ahmed Shaban, Rongmon Bordoloi, John Chisholm et al.: A 39 kpc Spatially Extended Clumpy and Asymmetric Galactic Outflow Imaged with Mg II Emission
[2109.13268] Gerrit S. Farren, Daniel Grin, Andrew H. Jaffe et al.: Ultra-light axions and the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
[2109.13271] Sabrina M. Appel, Blakesley Burkhart, Vadim A. Semenov et al.: The Effects of Magnetic Fields and Outflow Feedback on the Shape and Evolution of the Density PDF in Turbulent Star-Forming Clouds
[2109.13275] Cam Buzard, Danielle Piskorz, Alexandra C. Lockwood et al.: Reinvestigation of the Multi-Epoch Direct Detections of HD 88133 b and Upsilon Andromedae b
[2109.13277] F. D. Priestley, A. P. Whitworth: The origin of a universal filament width in molecular clouds
[2109.13279] Tyrone E. Woods, Chris J. Willott, John A. Regan et al.: Some First Stars Were Red: Detecting Signatures of Massive Population III Formation Through Long-Term Stochastic Color Variations
[2109.13281] F. Coti Zelati, B. Hugo, D. F. Torres et al.: Simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of the transitional millisecond pulsar candidate CXOU J110926.4-650224. The discovery of a variable radio cou...
[2109.13282] Mikhail Denissenya, Satadru Bag, Alex G. Kim et al.: Out of One, Many: Distinguishing Time Delays from Lensed Supernovae
[2109.13284] Marco Roncadelli, Giorgio Galanti: New strong constraint on the central behaviour of spherical galactic models -- No NFW cusp
[2109.13307] Kalee E. Anderson, Nathan A. Kaib: Signatures of a Distant Planet on the Inclination Distribution of the Detached Kuiper Belt
[2109.13351] Douglas Tucker, Matthew Wiesner, Sahar Allam et al.: SOAR/Goodman Spectroscopic Assessment of Candidate Counterparts of the LIGO--Virgo Event GW190814
[2109.13352] Henry S. Grasshorn Gebhardt, Olivier Doré: Harmonic analysis of isotropic fields on the sphere with arbitrary masks
[2109.13353] Kyohoon Ahn, Olivier Guyon, Julien Lozi et al.: SCExAO, a testbed for developing high-contrast imaging technologies for ELTs
[2109.13361] Tianshu Wang, Peter Melchior: Graph Neural Network-based Resource AllocationStrategies for Multi-Object Spectroscopy
[2109.13364] Miguel Enríquez, Juan Carlos Hidalgo, Octavio Valenzuela: Cosmological simulations with relativistic and primordial non-Gaussianity contributions as initial conditions
[2109.13371] Hayley Beltz, Emily Rauscher, Michael Roman et al.: Exploring the Effects of Active Magnetic Drag in a GCM of the Ultra-Hot Jupiter WASP-76b
[2109.13378] Agustín M. Rodríguez Medrano, Dante J. Paz, Federico A. Stasyszyn et al.: Imprints of the cosmic void evolution on the baryon processes inside galaxy haloes
[2109.13384] Shuai Fu, Lingling Zhao, Xiaoping Zhang et al.: Comparison of Anomalous and Galactic Cosmic Ray Oxygen at 1 au during 1997-2020
[2109.13387] Dong-Hoon Kim, Sascha Trippe: General relativistic effects on pulsar radiation
[2109.13400] The Pierre Auger Collaboration: P. Abreu, M. Aglietta, J.M. Albury et al.: The energy spectrum of cosmic rays beyond the turn-down around $10^{17}$ eV as measured with the surface detector of the P...
[2109.13403] Tin Long Sunny Wong, Lars Bildsten: Mass Transfer and Stellar Evolution of the White Dwarfs in AM CVn Binaries
[2109.13409] Isabella Brewer, Michela Negro, Nicolas Striebig et al.: Developing the Future of Gamma-ray Astrophysics with Monolithic Silicon Pixels
[2109.13416] A. Mehner, S. Janssens, C. Agliozzo et al.: LBV phenomenon and binarity: The environment of HR Car
[2109.13428] Zheng Deng, Feng Wang, Hui Deng et al.: Fine-grained Solar Flare Forecasting Based on the Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks
[2109.13437] Rostom Mbarek, Damiano Caprioli, Kohta Murase: Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos from Relativistic Jets of Active Galactic Nuclei
[2109.13472] Adam J. Batten, Alan R. Duffy, Chris Flynn et al.: Fast radio bursts as probes of feedback from active galactic nuclei
[2109.13478] G. Morales, N. Fraija: Unraveling the nature of GRBs progenitors through neutrinos
[2109.13480] Yuichiro Cho, Koki Yumoto, Yuna Yabe et al.: Development of a multispectral stereo-camera system comparable to Hayabusa2 Optical Navigation Camera (ONC-T) for observing samples returned from astero...
[2109.13487] Yuji Matsumoto, Eiichiro Kokubo, Pin-Gao Gu et al.: Size evolution of close-in super-Earths through giant impacts and photoevaporation
[2109.13490] S.Kato, C.A.H.Condori, E.dela Fuente et al.: Detectability of southern gamma-ray sources beyond 100 TeV with ALPAQUITA, the prototype experiment of ALPACA
[2109.13516] Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo, Clive Tadhunter et al.: Taking snapshots of the jet-ISM interplay: The case of PKS0023-26
[2109.13520] Salome Mtchedlidze, Paola Domínguez-Fernández, Xiaolong Du et al.: Evolution of primordial magnetic fields during large-scale structure formation
[2109.13526] Suman Sarkar, Arunima Banerjee, Dmitry Makarov: The local environment of flat galaxies
[2109.13535] Melissa Pesce-Rollins, Nicola Omodei, Vahe' Petrosian et al.: Probing Particle Acceleration through Gamma-ray Solar Flare Observations
[2109.13543] A-Ran Lyo, Jongsoo Kim, Sarah Sadavoy et al.: The JCMT BISTRO Survey: An 850/450$μ$m Polarization Study of NGC 2071IR in OrionB
[2109.13568] M. Nievas Rosillo, G. Chiaro, A. Dominguez et al.: A model-driven search for extreme BL Lacs among LAT BCU
[2109.13577] Kieran Leschinski, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Oliver Czoske et al.: ScopeSim: A flexible general purpose astronomical instrument data simulation framework in Python
[2109.13592] G. Marcel, J. Ferreira, P-O. Petrucci et al.: A unified accretion-ejection paradigm for black hole X-ray binaries. VI. Radiative efficiency and radio-X-ray correlation during four outbursts from GX...
[2109.13614] A. Boselli, M. Fossati, M. Sun: Ram Pressure Stripping in High-Density Environments
[2109.13653] Janusz Ziolkowski, Andrzej A. Zdziarski: A comment on the properties of the matter flow through the first Langrangian point
[2109.13654] Ankush Mandal, Dipanjan Mukherjee, Christoph Federrath et al.: Impact of relativistic jets on the star formation rate: a turbulence-regulated framework
[2109.13670] Mingrui Liu, Yue Hu, Alex Lazarian: Velocity Gradients: Magnetic Field Tomography towards the Supernova Remnant W44
[2109.13713] S. Musset, M. Maksimovic, E. Kontar et al.: Simulations of radio-wave anisotropic scattering to interpret type III radio bursts measurements by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, STEREO and Wind
[2109.13719] IceCube Collaboration: R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams et al.: Search for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with Eight Years of IceCube Data
[2109.13753] A. M. W. Mitchell: Status of Ground-based and Galactic Gamma-ray Astronomy
[2109.13755] Devin Crichton, Moumita Aich, Adam Amara et al.: The Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment: 256-Element Array Status and Overview
[2109.13756] Ewan O'Sullivan, Françoise Combes, Arif Babul et al.: Molecular gas along the old radio jets of the cluster-central type 2 quasar IRAS 09104+4109
[2109.13757] M. Yttergren, P. Misquitta, Á. Sánchez-Monge et al.: Gas and stellar dynamics in Stephan's Quintet: Mapping the kinematics in a closely interacting compact galaxy group
[2109.13761] Joseph Zepeda, Kaitlin C. Rasmussen, Timothy C. Beers et al.: Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Southern African Large Telescope II. An Extended Sample
[2109.13817] M. Minev, V. D. Ivanov, T. Trifonov et al.: Periodic variability of the z=2.0 quasar QSO B1312+7837
[2109.13826] Henrik Eklund, Sven Wedemeyer, Mikołaj Szydlarski et al.: The Sun at millimeter wavelengths. III. Impact of the spatial resolution on solar ALMA observations
[2109.13838] J. F. Agüí Fernández, C. C. Thöne, D. A. Kann et al.: GRB 160410A: the first Chemical Study of the Interstellar Medium of a Short GRB
[2109.13839] X. Zhao, F. Francesca, F. M. Fornasini et al.: The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey on the James Webb Space Telescope North Ecliptic Pole Time-Domain Field
[2109.13840] Stéphane Blondin, Eduardo Bravo, Frank Timmes et al.: Stable nickel production in Type Ia supernovae: A smoking gun for the progenitor mass?
[2109.13848] Brett A. McGuire: 2021 Census of Interstellar, Circumstellar, Extragalactic, Protoplanetary Disk, and Exoplanetary Molecules
[2109.13911] Margherita Lembo, Giulio Fabbian, Julien Carron et al.: CMB lensing reconstruction biases from masking extragalactic sources
[2109.13914] Guido De Marchi, Nino Panagia, Antonino P. Milone: Extinction in the Large Magellanic Cloud Bar around NGC1854, NGC1856, and NGC1858
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 29 Sep 21","img":""}
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