Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 1 Feb 22
[2201.12353] Netai Bhukta, Sabyasachi Pal, Sushanta K. Mondal: Search for megaparsec giant radio sources from TGSS
[2201.12364] Jorick S. Vink, A.A.C. Sander, E.R. Higgins et al.: The Link between Hot and Cool Outflows
[2201.12365] Akos Bogdan, Lorenzo Lovisari, Patrick Ogle et al.: Detection of a Superluminous Spiral Galaxy in the Heart of a Massive Galaxy Cluster
[2201.12366] Anna Y. Q. Ho, Daniel A. Perley, Yuhan Yao et al.: Cosmological Fast Optical Transients with the Zwicky Transient Facility: A Search for Dirty Fireballs
[2201.12368] Kyle Kremer, James C. Lombardi Jr., Wenbin Lu et al.: Hydrodynamics of Collisions and Close Encounters between Stellar Black Holes and Main-sequence Stars
[2201.12369] Caleb R. Choban, Dusan Keres, Philip F. Hopkins et al.: The Galactic Dust-Up: Modeling Dust Evolution in FIRE
[2201.12370] Veronica Biffi, John A. ZuHone, Tony Mroczkowski et al.: The velocity structure of the intracluster medium during a major merger: simulated microcalorimeter observations
[2201.12372] J. Betz, J. Manley, E. M. Wright et al.: Searching for Chameleon Dark Energy with Mechanical Systems
[2201.12405] R. Bischoff, St. Raetz, M. Fernández et al.: YETI follow-up observations of the T Tauri star CVSO30 with transit-like dips
[2201.12418] V. Delgado, A. Muñoz Mateo: Self-Interacting Superfluid Dark Matter Droplets
[2201.12466] C.Y. Tan, B. Schulz: A Fourier method for the determination of focus for telescopes with stars
[2201.12476] Marwan Gebran, Kathleen Connick, Hikmat Farhat et al.: Deep Learning application for stellar parameters determination: I- Constraining the hyperparameters
[2201.12485] Liande Li, Jirong Mao: Temporal Analysis of GRB Precursors in the Third Swift-BAT Catalog
[2201.12495] Ge Li, Xiheng Shi, Qiguo Tian et al.: Feeding the Accretion Disk from the Dusty Torus in a Reddened Quasar
[2201.12516] Ju Chen, Changshuo Yan, Youjun Lu et al.: On Detecting Stellar Binary Black Holes via the LISA-Taiji Network
[2201.12526] Ju Chen, Changshuo Yan, Youjun Lu et al.: On Dark Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens as Cosmological Inference and Forecasting the Constraint on Hubble Constant using Binary Black Holes Detected by...
[2201.12534] Chun Chen, Rong-Feng Shen: Radiative diffusion in a time-dependent outflow: a model for fast blue optical transients
[2201.12553] Yan-Jin Wang, Jing-Zhao Qi, Bo Wang et al.: Cosmological model-independent measurement on cosmic curvature using distance sum rule with the help of gravitational waves
[2201.12591] Ziyang Chen, Pengjie Zhang, Xiaohu Yang: Thermal energy census with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect of DESI galaxy clusters/groups and its implication on the weak lensing power spectrum
[2201.12606] Juan B. Climent, J. C. Guirado, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio et al.: Radio emission in a nearby ultracool dwarf binary: a multi-frequency study
[2201.12608] Yosuke Mizuno: GRMHD Simulations and Modeling for Jet Formation and Acceleration Region in AGNs
[2201.12661] Steven Giacalone, Courtney D. Dressing, Christina Hedges et al.: Validation of 13 Hot and Potentially Terrestrial TESS Planets
[2201.12665] Zhijie Xu: The mean flow, velocity dispersion, and evolution of rotating and growing dark matter halos and their effects on the energy transfer in self-gravitating collisionless flow
[2201.12687] Mariah G. MacDonald, Leonard Feil, Tyler Quinn et al.: Confirming the 3:2 Resonance Chain of K2-138
[2201.12698] Takashi Hamana, Chiaki Hikage, Masamune Oguri et al.: E/B mode decomposition of HSC-Y1 cosmic shear using COSEBIs: cosmological constraints and comparison with other two-point statistics
[2201.12708] Wei-Jian Li, Rui Xue, Guang-Bo Long et al.: Can one-zone hadronuclear model explain the hard-TeV spectrum of BL Lac objects?
[2201.12766] P. Klimov, M. Battisti, A. Belov et al.: Status of the K-EUSO Orbital Detector of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays
[2201.12774] Lei Fu, Shoichi Yamada: Gravitational wave signals in the deci-Hz range from neutrinos during the proto-neutron star cooling phase
[2201.12807] Hiroaki Yamamoto, Ryuji Okamoto, Yasuhiro Murata et al.: Physical properties of the molecular cloud, N4, in SS433; Evidence for an interaction of molecular cloud with the jet from SS433
[2201.12836] Jiayin Dong, Chelsea X. Huang, George Zhou et al.: NEID Rossiter-McLaughlin Measurement of TOI-1268b: A Young Warm Saturn Aligned with Its Cool Host Star
[2201.12837] Zhenxiang Hong, Ya Wang, Haisheng Ji: Quasi-periodic microjets driven by granular advection as observed with high-resolution imaging at He I 10830 Å
[2201.12852] Mahmood Roshan, Bahram Mashhoon: Characteristics of Effective Dark Matter in Nonlocal Gravity
[2201.12863] C. J. A. P. Martins, J. S. J. S. Oliveira, D. A. R. Pinheiro: Low redshift constraints on scale-covariant models
[2201.12920] Yufeng Li, Mark Vagins, Michael Wurm: Prospects for the detection of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background with the experiments SK-Gd and JUNO
[2201.12989] María J. Rioja, Richard Dodson: Sub-kilometre scale ionospheric studies at the SKA-Low site, using MWA extended baselines
[2201.13006] Yogesh Maan, Mayuresh P. Surnis, Bhal Chandra Joshi et al.: Magnetar XTE J1810-197: Spectro-temporal evolution of average radio emission
[2201.13023] Ehsan Kourkchi, R. Brent Tully, Helene M. Courtois et al.: Cosmicflows-4: The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation Providing ~10,000 Distances
[2201.13028] Ryota Goto, Katsuaki Asano: GRB Emission with Anisotropic Electron Distribution
[2201.13035] A. T. Sutinjo, D. C. X. Ung, M. Sokolowski et al.: System equivalent flux density of a low-frequency polarimetric phased array interferometer
[2201.13039] Yini Lu, Motohiko Kusakabe: Effect of Magnetic Field Dissipation on Primordial Li Abundance
[2201.13043] Ritesh Patel, Satabdwa Majumdar, Vaibhav Pant et al.: A Simple Radial Gradient Filter for Batch-Processing of Coronagraph Images
[2201.13067] Jayant Murthy, Amith S. Gowtham: Time variations in the UV background
[2201.13098] G. Franciolini, P. Pani: Searching for mass-spin correlations in the population of gravitational-wave events: the GWTC-3 case study
[2201.13120] Robert Barnes: The Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker Metric: a centennial review
[2201.13155] Jacques Kluska, Hans Van Winckel, Quentin Coppée et al.: A population of transition disks around evolved stars: Fingerprints of planets? Catalog of disks surrounding Galactic post-AGB binaries
[2201.13175] A. Lamberts, E. Puchwein, C. Pfrommer et al.: Constraining blazar heating with the 2
[2201.13186] Pol Heuschling, Christian Partmann, Christian Fidler: A Minimal Model for Massive Neutrinos in Newtonian N-body Simulations
[2201.13188] E. Lellouch, R. Moreno, D. Bockelée-Morvan et al.: Size and albedo of the largest detected Oort-cloud object: comet C/2014 UN 271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein)
[2201.13201] Joanna Mikolajewska, Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Janusz Ziolkowski et al.: The Donor of the Black-Hole X-Ray Binary MAXI J1820+070
[2201.13218] Allan Sacha Brun, Antoine Strugarek, Quentin Noraz et al.: Powering Stellar Magnetism: Energy Transfers in Cyclic Dynamos of Sun-like Stars
[2201.13219] K. France, B. Fleming, A. Youngblood et al.: The Extreme-ultraviolet Stellar Characterization for Atmospheric Physics and Evolution (ESCAPE) Mission: Motivation and Overview
[2201.13274] G. Morello, H. Parviainen, F. Murgas et al.: TOI-1442 b and TOI-2445 b: two ultra-short period super-Earths around M dwarfs
[2201.13275] P. Hadrava, M. Cabezas, G. Djurašević et al.: Spectroscopy of the massive interacting binary UU Cassiopeiae
[2201.13296] Kailash C. Sahu, Jay Anderson, Stefano Casertano et al.: An Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Hole Detected Through Astrometric Microlensing
[2201.13341] J. Šubjak, M. Endl, P. Chaturvedi et al.: TOI-1268b: the youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet
[2201.13342] Sarah E. Dodson-Robinson, Victor Ramirez Delgado, Justin Harrell et al.: Magnitude-squared coherence: A powerful tool for disentangling Doppler planet discoveries from stellar activity
[2201.13345] Sam Young: Peaks and primordial black holes: the effect of non-Gaussianity
[2201.13347] J. R. Eskilt: Frequency-Dependent Constraints on Cosmic Birefringence from the LFI and HFI Planck Data Release 4
[2201.13349] Adam F. Kowalski, Joel C. Allred, Mats Carlsson et al.: The Atmospheric Response to High Nonthermal Electron Beam Fluxes in Solar Flares. II. Hydrogen Broadening Predictions for Solar Flare Observa...
[2201.13379] B. Cseh, B. Világos, M. P. Roriz et al.: Barium stars as tracers of s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars I. 28 stars with independently derived AGB mass
[2201.13384] Chethan Krishnan, Ranjini Mondol: $H_0$ as a Universal FLRW Diagnostic
[2201.13414] Matteo Braglia, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Sachiko Kuroyanagi: Tracking the origin of black holes with the stochastic gravitational wave background popcorn signal
[2201.13434] Matthew D. A. Orkney, Justin I. Read, Oscar Agertz et al.: EDGE: the puzzling ellipticity of Eridanus II's star cluster and its implications for dark matter at the heart of an ultra-faint dwarf
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 1 Feb 22","img":""}
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