Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 4 Apr 22
[2204.00002] Evan H. Anders, Evan B. Bauer, Adam S. Jermyn et al.: Moosinesq Convection in the Cores of Moosive Stars
[2204.00016] A. Griffiths, G. Meynet, P. Eggenberger et al.: The magneto-rotational instability in massive stars
[2204.00017] Dominik Dold, Katja Fahrion: Evaluating the feasibility of interpretable machine learning for globular cluster detection
[2204.00019] Isabel Angelo, Smadar Naoz, Erik Petigura et al.: Kepler-1656b's Extreme Eccentricity: Signature of a Gentle Giant
[2204.00020] A. Vietri, E. Järvelä, M. Berton et al.: Spectacular 240 kpc double-sided relativistic jets in a spiral-hosted narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy
[2204.00022] M. A. Pérez-GarcÃa, L. Izzo, D. Barba et al.: Hubble constant and nuclear equation of state from kilonova spectro-photometric light curves
[2204.00023] James Prideaux-Ghee, Florent Leclercq, Guilhem Lavaux et al.: Field-Based Physical Inference From Peculiar Velocity Tracers
[2204.00025] David R. Aguilera-Dena, Bernhard Müller, John Antoniadis et al.: Stripped-envelope stars in different metallicity environments. II. Type I supernovae and compact remnants
[2204.00027] John A. Tomsick, Alexander Lowell, Hadar Lazar et al.: Soft gamma-ray polarimetry with COSI using maximum likelihood analysis
[2204.00030] M. C. Baglio, P. Saikia, D. M. Russell et al.: A misfired outburst in the neutron star X-ray binary Centaurus X-4
[2204.00086] L. Vleeschower, B. W. Stappers, M. Bailes et al.: Discoveries and Timing of Pulsars in NGC 6440
[2204.00124] Raluca Rufu, Robin M. Canup: Co-accretion + giant impact origin of the Uranus system: Tilting Impact
[2204.00140] Denis González-Caniulef, Ilaria Caiazzo, Jeremy Heyl: Unbinned Likelihood Analysis for X-ray Polarization
[2204.00163] P. Chainakun, I. Fongkaew, S. Hancock et al.: Predicting the black hole mass and correlations in X-ray reverberating AGN using neural networks
[2204.00196] C. J. Hao, Y. Xu, Z. Y. Wu et al.: Newly detected open clusters in the Galactic disk using Gaia EDR3
[2204.00248] Madhu Kashyap Jagadeesh, Blesson Mathew, K. T. Paul et al.: Study of Classical Be stars in open clusters older than 100 Myr
[2204.00249] Pushpita Das, Oliver Porth, Anna Watts: GRMHD Simulations of Accreting Neutron Stars with Non-Dipole Fields
[2204.00250] Yifei Jin, Lisa Kewley, Ralph Sutherland: Messenger Monte-Carlo MAPPINGS V (M^3) -- A self-consistent three-dimensional photoionization code
[2204.00267] J. Coronado-Blazquez, M. Sanchez-Conde, J. Perez-Romero et al.: Spatial extension of dark subhalos as seen by Fermi-LAT and implications for WIMP constraints
[2204.00285] Kamilė Lukošiūtė, Geert Raaijmakers, Zoheyr Doctor et al.: KilonovaNet: Surrogate Models of Kilonova Spectra with Conditional Variational Autoencoders
[2204.00342] A. Reiners, D. Shulyak, P.J. Käpylä et al.: Magnetism, rotation, and nonthermal emission in cool stars -- Average magnetic field measurements in 292 M dwarfs
[2204.00346] Zoe L. de Beurs, N. Islam, G. Gopalan et al.: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for X-ray Binary Classification
[2204.00368] Evangelia Samara, Jasmina Magdalenic, Luciano Rodriguez et al.: Influence of coronal hole morphology on the solar wind speed at Earth
[2204.00370] Piljong Jung, Sang Hoon Oh, Young-Min Kim et al.: Identifying and diagnosing coherent associations and causalities between multi-channels of the gravitational wave detector
[2204.00372] E. S. G. de Almeida, Mathilde Hugbart, Armando Domiciano de Souza et al.: Combined spectroscopy and intensity interferometry to determine the distances of the blue supergiants P Cygni and Rigel
[2204.00380] Giacomo Fragione: Intermediate-mass black holes born via repeated mergers are unlikely thermodynamically stable
[2204.00395] Javier Hernando-Ayuso, Claudio Bombardelli, Giulio Baù et al.: Near-Linear Orbit Uncertainty Propagation in the Perturbed Two-Body Problem
[2204.00422] Ignacio Negueruela, Emilio J. Alfaro, Ricardo Dorda et al.: Westerlund 1 under the light of Gaia EDR3: Distance, isolation, extent, and a hidden population
[2204.00443] Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, Brittany Terese Fasy, Wojciech Hellwing et al.: Differentiating small-scale subhalo distributions in CDM and WDM models using persistent homology
[2204.00444] Beomdu Lim, Yael Naze, Jongsuk Hong et al.: A Gaia view on the star formation in the Monoceros OB1 and R1 associations
[2204.00446] Luc Dessart, D. John Hillier: Modeling the signatures of interaction in Type II supernovae: UV emission, high-velocity features, broad-boxy profiles
[2204.00461] Reed Essick, Will Farr: Precision Requirements for Monte Carlo Sums within Hierarchical Bayesian Inference
[2204.00475] Giulio Lucchetta, Markus Ackermann, David Berge et al.: Characterization of a CdZnTe detector for a low-power CubeSat application
[2204.00500] Jannis Necker, Thomas de Jaeger, Robert Stein et al.: ASAS-SN follow-up of IceCube high-energy neutrino alerts
[2204.00503] Aurore Betranhandy, Evan O'Connor: Neutrino Driven Explosions aided by Axion Cooling in Multidimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae
[2204.00510] A. Vasini, F. Matteucci, E. Spitoni: Chemical evolution of $^{26}$Al and $^{60}$Fe in the Milky Way
[2204.00522] Liang Zhang, Ruisheng Zheng, Huadong Chen et al.: Birth places of extreme ultraviolet waves driven by impingement of solar jets upon coronal loops
[2204.00528] Barbara BalmaverdeAlessandro CapettiR.D. BaldiS. BaumM. ChiabergeR. GilliAna Jimenez-GallardoAlessandro MarconiFrancesco MassaroE. MeyerC. O'DeaG. SperanzaE. TorresiGiacomo Venturi: The MURALES sur...
[2204.00535] Gordon I. Ogilvie: Hydrodynamics of warps in the local model of astrophysical discs
[2204.00546] Arno Vanthieghem, Martin Lemoine, Laurent Gremillet: Origin of intense electron heating in relativistic blast waves
[2204.00575] J. Fowler, R. Deno Stelter: Wavefront Sensing and Control with the Many Headed Hydra Modal Basis
[2204.00579] J. A. Rueda, Liang Li, R. Moradi et al.: On the X-ray, optical and radio afterglows of the BdHN I GRB 180720B generated by the synchrotron emission
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 4 Apr 22","img":""}
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